The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 437 Casting Reincarnation

The cultivation of third-level stars by star masters mainly focuses on two aspects, one is the improvement of the stars' spiritual veins, and the other is the opening up of the underworld.

As for the creation of the underworld, the most critical thing is the creation of reincarnation!

It can be said that reincarnation is the center of the underworld, and it is also the most critical step related to the cultivation of the "soul and Tao union" between the star owner and the natal star.

From the time he advanced to the third-level star master, Liang Ji had a lot of knowledge and information about 'casting reincarnation' in the many courses he studied and the various materials he viewed in the Kunlun Star Palace.

A few years ago, after his senior Qi Changge successfully emerged from seclusion as a third-level star master, he told him about his experience in reincarnation and the cultivation of soul and Tao.

In the past few years, Liang Ji has been making various preparations for ‘casting reincarnation’. Including observing and understanding the reincarnation path of heaven and earth in the wild star underworld.

In addition, the trophies and spiritual stones that Liang Ji harvested during the Battle of the Wild Star to Confer Gods were enough for him to prepare the most suitable spiritual materials and treasures for his reincarnation.

Up to now, the third-level spiritual veins of the natal star have been raised to the limit, the Jiuquan underworld has been opened, and even the family members have experienced several battles of division and reunification, so Liang Ji has already collected all the soul auras of the family members needed to cast reincarnation.

It can be said that everything is ready, enough for Liang Ji to ‘cast reincarnation’.

And Liang Ji didn't waste much time. After studying the star palace courses and inheritance, making sure that the resources and materials prepared were sufficient, and the natal stars were also prepared, he directly opened the formations and restrictions in his residence, and entered the practice room for retreat. The most critical step of 'casting reincarnation' begins.

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's soul jumped skillfully from the natal spiritual weapon pagoda. He did not rush to enter the underworld under the Nine Earths, but first wandered around the cities and strongholds of the family on the stars. .

The Familia above the stars have developed through several generations of dynasties. In addition, the growth of the spiritual veins of the stars has brought about a great increase in the number of the Familia. Today, the expansion and development of the Familia have spread over most of the land above the stars, from land to sea, with construction There are nearly a thousand cities.

In the centers of these cities, temples of the Heavenly Emperor were built according to laws and traditions, hosted by the Heavenly Emperor Sect and dedicated to the Heavenly Emperor.

The Celestial Emperor Sect is under the control of the Celestial Emperor Sect and is guided by the Celestial Emperor’s envoys. Although the family members have experienced several dynasty changes and several divisions and wars over the past tens of thousands of years, their belief in the Celestial Emperor and the worship of the Celestial Emperor’s temple have never been the same. Decline, decline.

On the contrary, with the battles of separation and reunification, the family members' belief in the incense and belief in the Emperor of Heaven became more and more intense and pious.

After all, in times of war, the family members need more faith in the Emperor of Heaven; and in times of peace, those who forge peace and unity are the 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven', which can further promote the growth and fanaticism of faith in the Emperor of Heaven.

This is the means and strength of the star master to cultivate the natal stars and control the family members. There are special courses in the Kunlun Star Palace. Liang Ji's results in this course can be regarded as excellent.

Liang Ji's soul wandered among these clan cities. Everywhere he went, the statue of the Emperor of Heaven enshrined in the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven in the city would bloom with a black and yellow light, manifesting miracles.

After all, 'casting reincarnation' is about casting reincarnations for the natal stars. The main subjects of reincarnation are the dependents and all living beings in the natal stars. Therefore, this is not only Liang Ji's own business, but also the dependents in the stars and even all living beings. Involved and closely related.

Although Liang Ji had already issued an 'oracle' before, allowing the Celestial Emperor Sect to organize various clans and local families to hold various 'reincarnation sacrifices' ceremonies, but now that the soul is wandering around the city to manifest miracles, it can undoubtedly Make the ongoing 'Reincarnation Sacrifice' ceremony even more pious and fanatical.

This is conducive to his next action of entering reincarnation in the underworld.

Liang Ji was quite satisfied as he watched the 'Reincarnation Sacrifice' ceremonies hosted by the priests of the Heavenly Emperor Sect everywhere in the city.

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is also preparing for the grand ceremony of the 'Reincarnation Sacrifice'. However, this is the core of the ceremony. It is still in the preparation stage. It is necessary to wait for Liang Ji to truly 'forge the reincarnation'. When the ceremony is going on.

However, the power of belief and faith generated from the ‘Reincarnation Sacrifice’ ceremony in various places across the stars, cities and cities of the dependent clans has already gathered and brewed here.

After Liang Ji's soul traveled to all the clan cities and manifested miracles, it did not stay in the upper world, but went straight under the Nine Earths and into the Nine Springs Underworld.

Similarly, his soul traveled through the Nine Springs and the Underworld again and manifested miracles.

In the Jiuquan Underworld, the Lords of the Underworld, Lords of Hell, Family Souls, Ghost Soldiers, etc. are also holding the "Reincarnation Sacrifice" ceremony in accordance with the "oracle".

Reincarnation connects the two worlds of Yin and Yang. The Yang world and the ghosts in the underworld hold the 'Reincarnation Sacrifice' at the same time. It is the connection and gathering of the power, incense, faith, and even the power of the stars and the avenue between the Yin and Yang worlds to meet Liang Ji's need to 'cast reincarnation' .

After traveling through the Nine Springs Underworld, Liang Ji's soul went straight into the Nine Springs Underworld, where he 'cast reincarnation'.

Not in a hurry to 'cast reincarnation', Liang Ji's soul looked back on the 'casting reincarnation' courses he had learned in the Star Palace, as well as the 'casting reincarnation' materials, experiences and information viewed through various parties, while waiting for the stars to turn and the family members to be reunited. And the ghost festival, to the best time.

The weather, the right place, and the right people, all of them will have a big or small impact on his 'casting reincarnation'. In order to ensure the safety and success of the subsequent 'soul and road', Liang Ji must create the most perfect reincarnation, so Even the slightest influence cannot be ignored and must be done to perfection.

When above the stars, the sun and the moon alternate, and the yin and yang meet, Liang Ji knows that the time has come. With the soul mark on his hand, and the power of the 'Tao Fruit' running in his mind, he activates the source of the stars, under the Jiuquan underworld. In front of his soul, a chaotic and hazy vortex that seemed both illusion and reality gradually emerged from nothingness.

The soul of the Liang family stared at this vortex carefully and intently. He knew that this was the prototype of 'reincarnation' naturally born in the origin of the stars and the great road. The souls of the family members in the stars were reincarnated in the past through this prototype of 'reincarnation'. , but the rules are not perfect, and there are many imperfections in the operation of the Star Avenue, the reincarnation of the family members, and the life span.

However, the prototype of 'reincarnation' naturally born from the stars is the most important and critical foundation and subject of Liang Ji's 'casting of reincarnation'. After all, for a low-level monk like him, a third-level star master and a seventh-level soul refiner, it is impossible to create 'reincarnation' from scratch.

As for other preparations, they are just the means and resources to cast and transform the prototype of 'reincarnation'.

If a Star Lord is really extremely poor, even if there is no other preparation, it is not impossible to just use the prototype of 'Reincarnation' without any modification.

At most, when the soul and the Tao merge later, the danger will be much more.

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