The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 442 Nine levels of merit added to the body

Liang Ji stayed in Master Chiyu's dojo for three days. Master Chiyu taught him in detail the knowledge and experience of various 'soul and Tao combination' reincarnation practices.

Although he had seen and learned most of this knowledge in courses related to the Star Palace, he would gain more new insights after being explained by Instructor Akadama.

Moreover, regarding the reincarnation practice of "unity of soul and Tao", their "Yu Zi Lineage" inheritance also has some unique methods and secret techniques that are beneficial to the practice of reincarnation. This time, they were all given to him by Master Akadema.

In three days, Liang Ji gained a lot and gained more confidence in the reincarnation practice of 'unity of soul and Tao'.

After finishing the teaching, Liang Ji thanked the Chiyu instructor again, and then came down the mountain. He first received the resources and treasures he applied for from the Star Palace, and then took out the various preparation materials and treasures he had purchased on the Star Network.

Taking these materials and treasures with him, Liang Ji came to the main peak of Kunlun Mountain, where there is a treasure land specially built by Kunlun Star Palace, which can be used by students in the Star Palace to practice in seclusion, but it only requires meritorious service.

In the past, Liang Ji practiced in seclusion, only by activating formations and prohibiting guards at his residence.

But this time, the reincarnation practice of 'union of soul and Tao' will take at least several years. It is extremely critical and cannot be disturbed. Liang Ji is naturally willing to spend his meritorious deeds to practice in this retreat place specially built by the Star Palace.

This place is not only safe, but also has specially arranged formations in the Star Palace, modified laws and avenues, etc., which are helpful for monks to practice in seclusion there, and can even increase the success rate of monks' soul and Tao reincarnation practice.

Liang Ji had previously applied to Xinggong for help, and this special retreat room was one of them.

After verifying his identity at the main peak, Liang Ji successfully entered the secret room of the retreat. He first arranged the various spiritual weapons, formations, talismans, treasures, etc. that he had prepared. At the same time, he placed the specially customized formations, the power of the Great Law, etc. in the retreat room. Start it and match it with the resources, treasures, etc. he prepared.

After arranging the outside environment, Liang Ji did not stop and took out several more elixirs, talismans, spiritual weapons, array diagrams and other treasures. However, this time he did not arrange them outside. Instead, he used the 'Star Book' and activated the starlight transmission to transfer these treasures. The treasure is sent to the natal star.


The dragon soul entangled in the natal star raised its head and roared, swallowing and refining the treasures sent.

But this time, the dragon soul did not immediately send these treasures to the natal stars, but temporarily stayed in the dragon's belly.

These things are the second guarantee Liang Ji has prepared for himself. After he is reincarnated in the stars of his birth, the dragon soul will send these treasures into the stars and deliver them to him.

Among these treasures, some will help him break through the "mystery in the womb" and successfully complete reincarnation, and some will also enhance his combat power and means, allowing his reincarnated body to have more life-saving means in the natal stars, and more. Strong combat power.

That is to say, there is a dragon soul on Liang Ji's natal star. Every time he sends something into the natal star, the dragon soul will first swallow it, refine it, and then send it into the natal star.

That's why you can do this to give yourself an extra layer of protection.

Therefore, Liang Ji is absolutely 99% sure about the reincarnation practice of 'the union of soul and Tao', far surpassing other Star Lord students. After all, even if he cannot break through the 'mystery in the womb' and complete reincarnation with his own strength, he can still successfully complete reincarnation practice with the help of these treasures prepared in advance.

At this point, everything was ready, and Liang Ji didn't delay any longer. Zhang took a few pills orally, some to help with cultivation, some to protect the body, some to enhance spirituality, etc. He had prepared resources and treasures in advance.

Among the natal stars, a thirty-three-story pagoda stood on the holy land of Longshou Mountain. Liang Ji's soul climbed to the top of the pagoda and leapt out, swimming out of the body very skillfully.

He is not in a hurry to enter reincarnation, but is now wandering around on the stars. In order to have a smooth reincarnation practice of 'soul and Tao', Liang Ji has not only made sufficient preparations outside, but also on this natal star. There is also a lot of backup and preparation left behind.

Among the stars, among the dependents, and in the Jiuquan underworld, there are backup tools and treasures he has prepared, just to help him successfully complete the reincarnation practice.

But now, before finally entering reincarnation, he checked all these preparations and backup plans again to confirm that they were correct.

After the soul travels through the world of stars and stars, it then enters the underworld of Jiuquan under the Nine Lands, checking the backup plans and preparations left at each level to confirm that they are correct.

Afterwards, Liang Ji's soul returned to the first level of the underworld, Fengquan Underworld, flew directly to the island in the center of Fengquan, and came to the 'Jinde Pond' behind the 'Fengquan Hall'.

Liang Ji's practice of "union of soul and Tao" requires the soul to undergo a reincarnation practice in the natal star. Naturally, he will not let the soul directly enter the reincarnation in a "white body", but will use all the benefits and benefits. With blessings in his body, he can be reincarnated into his family as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven', so that his subsequent practice in the natal stars will be more convenient and successful.

The soul jumped into the "Jin De Pond", and the golden water in the pool immersed into his soul. Liang Ji's soul picked up the soul mark in his hand, and immediately gathered the immersed golden water into a pool of golden light behind him. wheel.

This set of soul seal inheritance is not the inheritance method of Kunlun Star Palace, but the inheritance method of 'Wanxiang Star Palace'. Wanxiang Star Palace is known as Wanfa. It is best at controlling and practicing various elemental powers. Therefore, the students of Wanxiang Star Palace are in When opening up the underworld, various 'elemental underworlds' are often opened. When practicing the practice of reincarnation, soul seals are used to gather the power of elements to infuse the body to help oneself.

Liang Ji also gained this 'soul seal' inheritance from the Vientiane Star Palace through his junior disciple Liu Xu and spent a lot of merit.

Now use it to maximize the power of the 'Jin De Pond' and use it to its limit.

When the soul reached out and reached the golden halo, Liang Ji's soul continued to enter the Yaquan underworld on the next level, directly entering the "Mu De Pond" on the central island, and continued to infiltrate and gather the "Power of Mu De".

Similarly, when his soul turned into a soul seal again, the power of wood gathered behind his soul, forming a cyan wood halo outside the golden halo.

In this way, Liang Ji's soul passed through the Jiuquan underworld in turn and entered the 'merit pool' of each level of the underworld. The power of the nine elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poison, and ice, was in his When the soul seals gathered together, nine elemental merit haloes formed behind his soul, reflecting Liang Ji's soul like a god or a saint.

And under the blessing of these nine light wheels, Liang Ji also felt that the power of his soul had greatly increased, and he had all kinds of mysterious powers, and he could do whatever he wanted and control everything.

That is to say, he is the Star Lord and the Emperor of Heaven. He is meant to control everything in the star. Otherwise, he will be addicted to it and unable to extricate himself.

With the ninth level of merit added to him, Liang Ji's soul passed through the Nine Springs Underworld without much delay and jumped directly into the 'Yin and Yang Reincarnation', reincarnation.

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