The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 443 Reincarnated Half-Dragon

Liang Ji's natal star, the family clan has developed so far, and has experienced six dynasties, including the Jin Kingdom, the Wood Kingdom, the Water Dynasty, the Fire Dynasty, the Earth Dynasty, and the Wind Dynasty. Now it is the end of the Fen Dynasty, and the world has once again fallen into division and war.

The Ten Familia clans and many Familia clans are all looking forward to the arrival of a new generation of 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven'. Those in power also constantly sent out men and spies to inspect all parties, hoping to find the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

After all, the hundreds of thousands of years of epics of the Familia and the changing history of the six dynasties have shown a clear pattern to all the Familia and those in power.

Whenever the family members are divided and in great chaos, a "messenger from the Heavenly Emperor" will come to the world to bring order to the chaos, unify the family members, and establish a new dynasty.

The arrival of each generation of 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven' will surely lead the clan to prosperity and become a new royal family. Correspondingly, many people in power in troubled times will be suppressed and eliminated.

Therefore, taking history as a guide, in every troubled time, there will be many dependent families and forces trying to find the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' to come to the world, but they have never been successful.

This is Liang Ji's natal star, and both the stars and the dependents are under his control. As long as he doesn't want the dependents to discover the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' who has come to the world, it will naturally be difficult for those in power of the various dependent clans to use all their methods to discover it.

On this day, winds and clouds surged above the starry sky, and streams of thunder and fire circulated and galloped in the nine heavens. The pagoda standing in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain vibrated and buzzed, and a black and yellow light bloomed.

The leaders of the Shimai Familia clan were shocked when they saw this. According to historical records, such visions of heaven and earth often mean that a new generation of 'Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven' has arrived.

For a time, the powerful members of the various clans and the royal family sent a large number of people to search all over the world openly and secretly, trying to find the newly born 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

Dragon Soul City at the foot of Longshou Mountain is the oldest city of the Familia clan and the place where the main lineage of the Familia clan, the half-dragons, are entrenched.

Liang Ji's soul was born here and was reincarnated as a half-dragon. As soon as he was born, a nine-color auspicious light was about to burst out of his body, demonstrating the power of the 'Emissary of the Emperor of Heaven'.


At this time, the dragon soul wrapped around the stars raised its head and let out a dragon roar.

The dragon's roar seemed to resound in his soul, and it immediately suppressed the vision of the nine-color auspicious light, preventing it from blooming.

At the same time, the roar of the dragon was like a heavy hammer, instantly breaking through the fog wrapped around Liang Ji's soul. Pure Yang golden light bloomed from it, dispersing all the fog, revealing the true appearance of the Pure Yang soul.

In the city, Liang Ji's newly born half-dragon family members suddenly opened their eyes, with golden light flowing in their eyes. After a while, they gradually fell silent.

"That's right! As soon as I came into the world, I broke the mystery in the womb. I recalled all the memories, and the dragon soul suppressed all the visions for me."

"There is no need to use many of the back-up tools arranged."

"This is the best possible start."

"Dragon Soul has lived up to my expectations."

As Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind, the half-dragon stretched his body and devoured the spiritual liquid full of spiritual energy around him.

After hundreds of thousands of years of development, the family members' inheritance of various life types has become very mature. Nurturers who nurture babies born into the dependent clan and provide them with the best conditions for training are one of the earliest life-related inheritances that have been passed down and developed among the dependent clan.

He is now reincarnated as a half-dragon, and he obviously has a good background. Now he is enjoying a "nurturing pool" alone. The pool is filled with spiritual liquid that is beneficial to the growth of half-dragon babies. They are all nurtured by the family members. After hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance and development, the Yingshi has developed spiritual fluids and treasures that are most suitable for the blood of the half-dragon family.

At this time, Liang Ji could feel that in his half-dragon body, there was a force burning out from the blood all over his body, swallowing the spiritual liquid in the pool, powerfully transforming his newly born half-dragon body. .

"This is the spiritual pulse awakening, advanced to the first level!"

Liang Ji immediately understood his situation. As soon as he was born, he broke the mystery in the womb, awakened his memory and spiritual intelligence, and naturally led his half-dragon body and blood to awaken and advance to the first level.

At the same time, his pure Yang soul and the nine-layered merit and nine-ray light wheel that emerged after the soul also bloomed with spiritual light, infiltrating his half-dragon body, integrating into his bloodline, and growing with the power of the bloodline. Transforming his body.

"Golden body! Blessing! Unlimited mana! All bloodline magical powers..."

Liang Ji felt the power of the nine layers of merit adding to his body, gradually integrating into the power of his blood, and his heart became more and more stable.

With the help of these powerful bloodline forces, he believed that he would be able to take the initiative among the star dependents and complete the reincarnation practice in this life without the many back-ups he had prepared.

When all the spiritual fluid in the pool was consumed, Liang Ji's half-dragon body also completed this advancement and successfully advanced to the first-level half-dragon body.

"With a lifespan of two decades, he has awakened his hegemonic body and mastered the magical powers of Ruyi's bloodline..."

Liang Ji silently examined his half-dragon body and gained a deeper understanding of the situation of his reincarnated body.

Since he cut off the lifespan of the family members and merged into the reincarnation to complete the 'casting reincarnation', now the zero-level family members in the natal stars generally only have one year of life, and after awakening spiritual intelligence and bloodline to advance to the first level, they have two years of life. In terms of lifespan, those with advanced second-level bloodline have a lifespan of three hundred years, and those with a third-level bloodline have a lifespan of six hundred years.

Compared with before the creation of reincarnation, the lifespan of a family member could easily exceed a thousand years regardless of the level of bloodline. The lifespan of today's family members has undoubtedly been greatly reduced. Even the lifespan of the highest-level third-level family members has been reduced by more than half. .

It seems that it has weakened the family members, but in fact it has further improved the origin and law power of the natal stars.

Moreover, although the lifespan has been shortened a lot, it has accelerated the reproduction and growth of the Familia, and has also further increased the rate of Familia awakening their bloodline and advancing. The number of first-, second-, and third-level Familia has not only not decreased, but has actually increased. of more.

It is of great benefit to the growth and development of the entire family.

Just like Liang Ji, he awakened his bloodline at birth and advanced from the zero level to the first level. Although this situation existed among the family members before the 'Forging Reincarnation', it was very rare. Basically, it was the treatment that the 'Emissary of the Emperor of Heaven' had just received. .

But now, after the 'Reincarnation', the lifespan of the family members has been greatly reduced. The number of cases where he has advanced from level zero to level one has been increasing. It is no longer a magical phenomenon, and it is even harder to become a representative of the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' .

According to Liang Ji's estimation, if he continues to advance to the level of his natal star and cultivate his family members to continue to grow and advance to higher levels, one day all family members will be able to awaken their bloodline and advance to the first level right after they are born. There will no longer be a zero-level family, the first level is the lowest existence.

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