The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 444 Revealing Vision

On the natal star, in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, in front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda.

Liang Ji has been reincarnated for twenty years and has reached adulthood. Before the "Forging Reincarnation", the family members generally had a life span of more than a thousand years, and they often did not reach adulthood until they were 200 years old. Now that lifespan has been reduced by more than half, the time for the family members to reach adulthood is also greatly shortened, and they become adults at the age of twenty.

It was shortened by ten times, which also greatly accelerated the growth rate of the family members.

Moreover, based on the current situation in the Familia, even if you are born at the zero level, you can usually successfully awaken your spiritual wisdom and bloodline and advance to the first level by reaching adulthood at the age of twenty.

The rate of advancement is not only 100%, but also 80% to 90%.

It is much higher than the 50% to 60% advancement rate before ‘Forging Reincarnation’. This is also the effect and benefit of reducing the lifespan and "casting reincarnation" to perfect the origin and laws of the stars and promote the accelerated growth of the family members.

Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon body at this time is naturally far superior to that of ordinary family members. When he was just born, he awakened his bloodline and advanced to the first level. Now twenty years later, he has grown even more rapidly and has already reached the second level of bloodline. Perfect, you can advance to the third level at any time.

At this time, Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon body was sitting cross-legged in front of the natal spiritual weapon pagoda, looking like he was worshiping the sacred weapon pagoda. This situation is very common in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. Every year and every day, many families come from all over the stars to worship the Emperor of Heaven and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, praising their belief in the Emperor of Heaven.

Liang Ji's reincarnation as a half-dragon is not a royal family among half-dragons, nor is he a person in power. He has not shown his identity as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' for more than 20 years, except for the occasional display of cultivation and bloodline advancement speed. Other than that, there is no special performance.

In the past twenty years, the leaders of various clans and the Heavenly Emperor Sect have been searching for the born ‘Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor’, but they have found nothing.

After Liang Ji broke through the mystery in the womb and awakened the reincarnated Pure Yang Soul, he had restored part of his control over his natal stars. In these years, he protected himself and made it difficult for the leaders of the various clans and the Celestial Emperor Sect. There was no problem finding him.

He did not join the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' like the previous 'Celestial Emperor Envoys', and even used means to block the 'Celestial Emperor Sect''s exploration and search, because Liang Ji had already noticed some of the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' before he was reincarnated. misfortune.

The rights in the ‘Celestial Emperor Sect’ show signs of being eroded and controlled by those in power from the Ten Meridians Familia clan.

After tens of thousands of years of development, generations of 'Essentials of the Heavenly Emperor' relied on the power of the Heavenly Emperor Sect to calm down the troubled times, unify the dependents and establish a new dynasty. Although it made the unification of the dependents easier, it also made the conflicts between the 'Emperor of Heaven's Religion' and the dependents of various lines more difficult. The connection grows deeper.

What's more, the pope, patriarch, priests, priests, etc. of the Tiandi Sect are also trained from various families.

From the top-down connection, it is now difficult for the ‘Celestial Emperor Sect’ to remain independent from the various clans.

Liang Ji discovered this before reincarnation, but did not take action to rectify it, just to leave him with his current reincarnation.

His achievements in the natal stars and the dependent clan will begin with this heavy hand and the rectification of the Heavenly Emperor Sect.

And this first step is to advance to the third level of bloodline, manifesting the vision and identity of the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

In front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, Liang Ji's soul was closely connected with the pagoda, stimulating the power of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda.

The next moment, the Sacred Artifact Pagoda vibrated and buzzed, the sound of bells and chimes came from it, and a large piece of black and yellow light bloomed from it and fell down, all covering his half-dragon body.

The black and yellow light entered the body, and the bloodline power of Liang Ji's half-dragon body, which had reached the second level of perfection, exploded and advanced again. The vision of a soul cauldron appeared around it, with the black and yellow light and the light of yin and yang flowing on it. Represents his advanced third-level bloodline family.

At the same time, the light of nine colors of gold, green, black, red, and yellow bloomed behind it and shot straight into the sky. Suddenly, winds and clouds surged in the sky, thunder and fire flashed, and all kinds of strange phenomena appeared.

It is even worse than the visions of the ‘Messengers of the Emperor of Heaven’ coming to the world recorded in the history books of the family members.

This vision immediately alarmed the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, the Dragon Soul City, and the entire family clan.

In the Holy Land Square, there were many family members who came to worship and make pilgrimages. When they saw the vision shrouded around Liang Ji, they all exclaimed 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' and shouted the name of the Emperor of Heaven. Many people even bowed directly to Liang Ji. , enthusiastic and pious as if worshiping the Emperor of Heaven.

The wind dynasty is in turmoil, and the lifespans of various clans are greatly reduced. Although the current clans are divided and wars may not seem to last long, the chaos, casualties, and misery caused by them are far greater than those of previous dynasties. The war of the last days.

Therefore, today's dependents of all races, whose life spans are shorter, are becoming more devout in their belief in the Emperor of Heaven, and are increasingly looking forward to the arrival of the new 'Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor' to end this troubled world and bring new unity and peace to the dependents.

Now, the vision appears, and the ‘Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven’ is right in front of us, which naturally makes many believers and worshipers of the Emperor of Heaven excited and enthusiastic.

In the Temple of Heavenly Emperor in the Holy Land, the contemporary Pope was instantly alarmed. He led the patriarchs and priests who had stayed in the Holy Land to line up and came to the Sacred Artifact Pagoda. When he saw the vision manifested around Liang Ji, his expression suddenly changed, becoming gloomy and clear. indefinite.

The Pope naturally recognized that these visions were only possessed by the 'Messengers of the Heavenly Emperor'. The half-dragon family members in front of him were the 'Messengers of the Heavenly Emperor' that the various clans and the Heavenly Emperor Sect had been looking for for more than twenty years.

But they didn't expect that the other party was in Dragon Soul City, hiding under their noses.

But the question now is, should he recognize the other party's identity as the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'?

As the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor Sect and representing the Heavenly Emperor, he might be able to deny the identity of this ‘Messenger of the Heavenly Emperor’?

Moreover, this generation of 'Messengers of the Heavenly Emperor' is different from the past. They did not grow up in the Heavenly Emperor Sect and did not receive education from him and the Heavenly Emperor Sect. Is this an accident or intentional?

Now, what is the purpose of the other party displaying the vision in front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda with such great fanfare and showing the identity of the 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'?

These issues did not allow the Pope to think much more, and he found it difficult to make a decision.

At this time, around this holy land, wind, thunder, water and fire also gathered on the surrounding peaks of the Ten Meridians. The figures of the Ten Meridians Familia such as Chaofeng, Prisoner Niu, Yasui, and Suanni appeared on the surrounding peaks, and they all appeared on the surrounding peaks. Watch the changes in the Holy Land.

When the Pope saw this, he knew that this was the royal family and the powerful people in the Ten Meridians Families. They had also noticed the situation here and were checking the Holy Land and the manifestations through the formations and bloodline visions on the surrounding Ten Meridians peaks. Xiang's 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven'.

Originally, according to the laws and rules of the Heavenly Emperor's religion, the Shimai peaks around the holy land were controlled by the patriarchs and devout believers of the Shimai family members, who gathered the power of the Shimai family members to guard the holy land.

But now, these Shimai Mountain Peaks have fallen into the control of the Shimai Family Royal Family and those in power. This further illustrates the erosion and control of the Heavenly Emperor Sect by the Tenmai Family Leaders.

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