The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 460 Gains from Crisis

After successfully killing the Wind God transformed by the Moofeng Familia and seizing the 'divine crystal' fragments, the remaining Thunder God and Poseidon were slightly more difficult to deal with.

However, the two great Dharma elephants, Chaofeng and Chiki, had the power of nine levels of merit and virtue blessed by Liang Ji, so that their fighting power never dropped. Instead, they became stronger and stronger as they fought. In less than an hour, they successively defeated the remaining Poseidon and Thundergods. Kill them all and seize two more 'divine crystal' fragments.

Especially after the Poseidon was killed, his figure re-dispersed into the water veins of the sea and merged into the sea, churning the sea with tsunamis and waves.

However, the two Dharma elephants, Chaofeng and Chiki, did not have the time or energy to gather and sort out the disintegrated and chaotic water veins in the sea. They allowed the chaotic and turbulent water veins to stir up the sea water, and the two Dharma elephants went directly to the bottom of the sea.

In the bottom of the sea, the evil god transformed from the sea eye has been mostly formed, and will rush out from the sea eye. If the two great elephants delay for a moment longer, the sea eye sea god will be completely born, control tens of thousands of miles of sea around it, and infect and form. In the divine realm, it would be difficult to fight.

"Fortunately it came in time!"

The two big Dharma elephants rushed into the seabed, and when they saw that the evil god among them had rushed out of the eye of the sea, and only the last water connection was left, the Chikiss Dharma Elephant could not help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, the Chi Kiss Dharma Elephant immediately took action, seizing control of the surrounding sea water and water veins, and came directly to suppress the eye of the sea, suppressing and binding the evil god born in the eye of the sea, making it difficult for him to complete the final twist. , transformation.

At the same time, the Chao Feng Dharma Elephant who cooperated tacitly on the side instantly took action and controlled a storm like a cone, which was filled with rich and powerful power of the law of wind. It pushed the power of the cone-like storm to its peak and blasted it directly from the air. Down, like a cone, it drilled into the top of the sea-eyed evil god, and immediately blasted away the evil god's voice.

Afterwards, a cone-like storm spread out, turning into countless wind blades and wind knives that rotated and killed. Each of these wind knives and wind blades was entangled and swept by the strong power of the law of wind, pushing the power of the wind blade storm. When it reached its limit, it immediately tore apart the Sea-Eyed Evil God and killed it on the spot.

The power of law is a power that even the third-level family members in Liang Ji's natal star are difficult to access and master. Only Liang Ji, as the star master, can control and activate the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the star. Master and activate the origins in the stars and the power of the laws of the great road.

Nowadays, the attacks of these ten-lineage family members' Dharma Elephants can contain and operate the power of the elemental laws of each lineage. It is also the power given and blessed by Liang Ji as the Star Lord, allowing these Dharma Elephants to kill the power of the twisted laws, The evil god that erodes the origin of the stars.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill the evil god involving the power of laws and origins with just the combat power of the highest third-level Familia among the stars.

At this time, as the evil god Haiyan was beheaded and the evil god's body was completely crushed, a 'divine crystal' flew out from it and was about to escape, but was directly stopped and taken down by the Chikiss Dharma Elephant who was suppressing Haiyan at the side. .

Looking at the Sea Eye ‘divine crystal’ again, it is not a fragment of ‘divine crystal’, but a complete and undamaged ‘divine crystal’!

Obviously, the evil god twisted and born in the eyes of the sea is far superior to other evil gods, and can be condensed into a complete 'divine crystal'.

The invasion of evil spirits caused by the collapse of the 'temple' is certainly a huge crisis for Liang Ji and his natal star layer, but obviously as long as they can get through it, the danger will turn into opportunities, providing Liang Ji with inexhaustible opportunities. Few opportunities.

Not to mention the 'divine crystal' fragments, although Liang Ji no longer needs them, but if they are sold in the Star Palace, they can be exchanged for a lot of meritorious deeds, spiritual stones, etc.

What's more, there is a sea-eyed evil god who can produce a complete 'divine crystal', which is the necessary resource and treasure for Liang Ji to develop stars and entrust ghosts and gods after he is promoted to the fourth-level star master.

In the East China Sea, the two great elephants of Chaofeng and Chiki have flown away from the sea-eye area and are heading towards the place where the other evil gods are entrenched in the East China Sea. Behind them, there are large groups of Chaofeng Familia and Chiki. The legion battle formation composed of the Familia rushed to the Sea Eye area, wiping out the remaining sea beasts and divine servants transformed by the Familia in this sea area. At the same time, they sorted out the chaotic and chaotic water veins, re-stabilized the Sea Eye, and repaired the city that suppressed the Sea Eye. , guard the formation.

At the same time, battles were raging in all directions above the stars.

To the north of the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain is the stretch of high school and plateau. At this time, there are mountains, boulders, earth veins, Baxia Familia and other spiritual objects and spiritual places. They are distorted and infected by the evil god's light, turning into evil gods, infecting the earth veins, Twisting the earth into a divine realm, it attacks the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

In this direction, Qiu Niu Faxiang and Baxia Faxiang led a large number of legion battle formations composed of Qiu Niu and Baxia's family members. They were fighting with these mountain evil gods and earth vein evil gods. Every blow and every battle was a mountain. The earth shook, the earth was overturned, and cracked.

And in the south, there are all kinds of fire evil gods transformed by earth fire, fire veins, volcanoes, Suan Ni family members, etc., setting off seas of fire, trying to engulf the stars and turn them into the sea of ​​​​fire god realm. Xiang led the army of the family members to stop him. The sea of ​​fire stirred up in the fighting and killing, and the underground sea of ​​​​fire continued to break out of the earth and erupted.

In the land and ocean to the west, there are also the Dharma Elephants of Yaju and Bian, who control golden light like knives and thunder like abyss to fight and fight with the evil gods born in them.

Even under the Nine Earths and the Nine Springs Underworld, the Lords of the Underworlds and Hells of all levels also joined forces to use all the power of the Underworlds and Hells to encircle, suppress and kill the underworld ghosts and evil gods that were infected and born in them. .

Although Liang Ji's natal star was constantly ravaged in this series of battles, the earth shook and mountains shook, rivers collapsed, fires and tsunamis, storms and thunder disasters, and even yin and yang turmoil, all kinds of natural disasters became more and more serious, making him The stars seem to have entered the end of the world.

However, with Liang Ji sitting in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and protecting the spiritual veins of the stars, he also protected the foundation of the stars. No matter how much turbulence the rest of the place suffered, they could still be suppressed and repaired. On the contrary, during the battle, there were constant The harvest of divine crystal fragments or even complete divine crystals can barely offset the losses caused by battles above the stars, natural disasters, etc.

The war lasted for several months, with Liang Ji sitting in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain to activate the power of the 'Tao Fruit' law, and the continuous support of the power of the Nine Levels of Merit. On the battlefields in all directions, the armies of various clans led by the Dharma Elephants of the Ten Meridians gradually Begin to gain the upper hand, wipe out and kill more and more evil gods, take back more and more territories that have been eroded by evil gods and twisted into divine realms, re-suppress, organize, restore, and even rearrange formations and restrictions, and cooperate with dragons. The remaining core of the protective formation in Shoushan Holy Land was reconnected.

However, the twisted and transformed evil gods above the stars also have part of the inheritance of the 'God Realm', have very high wisdom and intelligence, and can arrange battle situations and execute tactics.

Just as the various clans led by the Ten Meridian Dharma Elephants sent by Liang Ji gradually gained the upper hand in the stars, the invading evil gods also used the evil gods transformed from the four directions to destroy the Ten Meridian Families Dharma Elephants, as well as a large number of The power of the clan's battle formation was delayed and restricted in all directions.

At the same time, several powerful evil gods took this opportunity to rush through the fighting and killing places from all directions, stormed into the middle palace, and reached the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain where Liang Ji was located.

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