The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 461 The Power of Incense and the Four Symbols Evil Gods

At the Longshou Mountain Holy Land, on the square in front of the Holy Land Pagoda and Tiandi Temple, a sacrificial platform has been built.

Around the high platform, there were a large number of Celestial Emperor sect chiefs, priests, priests, etc., who were either reciting the Celestial Emperor's sacred scriptures or shouting the Celestial Emperor's name, performing a grand sacrificial ceremony.

On the periphery of the sacrificial ceremony, the skitarii formed a battle formation to guard the holy land and the sacrificial ceremony.

On the high platform in the center of the ceremony, Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon body, the Tyrant Dragon Emperor, sat cross-legged on it. He could sense that as the sacrificial ceremony progressed, there was a steady stream of incense belief and the power of the family's belief from all over the stars. Fang, came from various clan cities and places, gathered on him, and strengthened his strength.

Although it is said that under the successive attacks, destruction, and backlash, most of the protective formations connecting the various clan cities in the stars have been destroyed, and it is even more difficult to repair now.

However, the 'Belief in the Heavenly Emperor' that the Celestial Emperor Sect has always spread and promoted is still deeply rooted in the families of all parties. The vast majority of the family members above the stars still maintain their devout belief in the 'Celestial Emperor'.

Especially now that foreign enemies are invading, the earth is shattering, natural disasters, and wars are ongoing, the family members undoubtedly need the support of faith, and their belief and call for the Emperor of Heaven are undoubtedly more fanatical and pious.

Today, in the cities where the various clans have survived, in addition to the many third-level clans that were recruited by Liang Ji to fight, there are also a larger number of first- and second-level clans.

On the one hand, these dependents guard the city, and on the other hand, under the leadership and auspices of the priests and priests of the "Celestial Emperor Sect" in the city, they hold various grand and pious sacrificial ceremonies, praying to the "Celestial Emperor", and wishing the Emperor and the warriors of the dependents It can repel and kill invading enemies, ensuring that the stars, heaven and earth, and all the dependent families are safe.

Therefore, Liang Ji is now on the high platform of the Holy Land. Every day, he can feel the power of the incense faith and the faith of the family coming from all directions. It is becoming more and more powerful, more and more fanatical, and even invading. It dyed his soul and affected his emotions, making him unable to help but listen to the thoughts of all people, fight out of the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, and fight to the death with the invading evil gods above the stars.

Fortunately, before this time, the sound of dragon roars sounded in his soul, waking him up, and the projection of the 'Star Book' appeared on his soul, protecting his soul so that he did not really sink into it. Among these incense beliefs and family beliefs.

"The belief in incense and the power of conferring gods should be powers that only fourth-level star masters can truly come into contact with and use."

"Now I am only a third-level star master and a seventh-level soul refining realm. Especially when I am reincarnating among the star dependents, it is not a problem to have a brief exposure to the power of incense faith in a short period of time."

"But if I am exposed to too much, for too long, and if I come into contact with and integrate too deeply with the power of the incense and faith of the Familia, I am afraid it will be difficult for my soul to leave the natal star. I will be completely kidnapped by the incense and faith of the Familia and become the star. The god of incense is the ‘Emperor of Heaven’!”

Liang Ji felt the power of the incense surging around him, and when he recalled the feeling of almost sinking into it just now, he felt extremely thrilling.

His natal stars are only third-order stars, and the spiritual veins, origins, and laws of the stars are insufficient and incomplete. Even the sun, moon and stars in the sky are transformed by the "Celestial Star Array". If he said this Reincarnation really sinks into the stars and becomes the incense god 'Emperor' of the dependent clan, which means that his star master's cultivation has failed.

When the time comes, if his own cultivation is insufficient, he may be directly swallowed by the origin of the star, and the star will continue to decline and weaken with the fall of his star master, and finally become a Death Star again.

Just like the 'Giant Shark Star' he had seen before.

"The path of Star Master's cultivation, this reincarnation practice of 'unity of soul and Tao', is a critical moment with considerable danger, not to mention the 'one in ten thousand' foreign enemy invasion!"

"If I'm not careful this time, I'm afraid my body and soul will really disappear, and my practice will fail!"

Liang Ji had a thought in his heart, but he quickly suppressed it and looked up in all directions.

At this time, on the holy land of Longshou Mountain, strong winds gathered in the sky, turning into a large storm like clouds covering the sky. There was a powerful wind god entrenched in it, isolating the inside and outside.

There are powerful gods of earth, fire, and water all around. They control the earth, ocean, and flames, sealing off all directions, surrounding the holy land of Longshou Mountain, and are attacking the holy land's protective formation.

Earth, fire, water and wind, based on some knowledge that Liang Ji learned about the super-order civilization 'God Realm' in the Kunlun Star Palace, these four gods of elements have always had a foundation and roots in the 'God Realm'. They are said to be powerful gods in the 'God Realm', and together they are even more powerful.

At this time, among the many evil gods that invaded his natal star, they were undoubtedly headed by the four evil gods in front of him. They were all transformed by the evil gods' light distorting the "wind vein nodes", "earth vein nodes" and other key places in his star. , each of them is the existence of a complete 'divine crystal'.

Now, these four evil gods are using the other evil gods to drag more of the clan's fighting power around the stars, while they themselves are heading straight into the middle palace and reaching the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, hoping to break through the Holy Land, seize the spiritual veins of the stars, and infect, Twisted into divine veins!

Earth, fire, water, and wind, the four basic divine powers, are surrounding and killing the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, constantly impacting and attacking the Holy Land. Liang Ji can clearly see from it that the four divine powers fit, operate, and even merge with each other, making the attack The power continues to increase and become stronger, and it has completely overwhelmed the remaining protective formation of Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

In the sky and the four directions, the power of various elements and the protective light curtain formed by the great formation are already in danger under the consumption and attack of the four divine powers, and it seems that they may be shattered and collapse at any time.

"The power of the Four Symbols of the God Realm is as basic as the power of the Five Elements of the Star Realm, but it is very powerful. Now that the fighting power of the family members is involved, it is obvious that the remaining formation of the Longshou Mountain Holy Land cannot withstand these four elements. Looks like an evil god!"

"It seems that we still have to take risks and use the power of the incense faith and the family faith!"

Liang Ji looked at the situation around him and the trembling formation. Although he was still frightened by the power of incense faith, he had to make up his mind.

Without any further hesitation, Liang Ji stepped directly onto the sacrificial platform and held the divine seal with his hand. The majestic and rich power of incense faith surging around him gathered towards him.

And behind him, the golden soul of pure Yang emerged, surrounding the nine-color merit halo, gathering the majestic power of faith in his body, and quickly transformed into a golden body, wearing an emperor's robe and a crown, and with the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor The image of the 'Emperor of Heaven' is exactly the same!

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