The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 462 The Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor

For Liang Ji, who is now in the third level, although it is quite dangerous to use the power of incense, he can no longer care about the invasion of foreign enemies. He only hopes that the dragon soul and the preparations he made before his reincarnation will be effective and protect him. Live your soul.

At this time, he used the power of his soul to gather the power of incense belief and family belief in his body, and condensed the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' on the reincarnated 'Tyrant Dragon King'.

This is an inheritance of immortal secrets that Liang Ji purchased from the official website of the Immortal Taoist ‘Tianting’ before reincarnation, just in case, and was specially used to condense the ‘incense and golden body’.

This was supposed to be a precaution, but he didn't expect that he would actually use it in the reincarnation of this natal star.

At this time, in and around the Holy Land, many Celestial Emperor priests, priests, guardian regiments, and dependents from all walks of life who participated in the sacrificial ceremony saw the "Golden Body of Celestial Emperor" condensed on the Dragon Emperor's body, and they immediately rang out. "Emperor of Heaven", and "Emperor of Heaven comes to the world" and other cheers.

The power of faith and belief among the priests, priests, family members, etc. suddenly became stronger and surged, converging towards the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' condensed on Liang Ji's body.

The 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' grew rapidly under the gathering and blessing of the incense faith and the faith of the dependents, reaching more than 900 feet in an instant, condensing the power of the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'.

"Oracle, wind disaster!"

"Oracle, earth disaster!"

"Oracle, flood!"

"Oracle, fire!"

Around the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the Four Symbols Evil Gods besieging the Holy Land also saw the condensed 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' in the Holy Land. Their attacks suddenly became more ferocious and exploded with light. Under the command of the oracle, the power of the Four Symbols Evil Gods they controlled transformed into various forms. The power of disaster can cause destruction and destruction wantonly.

Click, click...

The protective formation surrounding the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain seems to have reached its limit. Under the impact and destruction of the power of the four divine disasters, cracks appeared, and the sound of shattering was heard, and it was about to collapse immediately. , shattered.

"The Emperor of Heaven decrees, suppress!"

At this time, the "Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor" condensed on Liang Ji's body immediately took action, condensing a golden light divine seal, blessing it on the "Jade Seal", and directly suppressed the "Jade Seal" into the Longshou Mountain Holy Land Guardian Formation. The power of the formation was immediately increased several times and became stronger and more powerful. The cracks on the surrounding formation screen were instantly repaired and restored.

After stabilizing the foundation of the formation, Liang Ji's condensed 'Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor' turned to the Four Symbols Evil God outside the Holy Land and began to launch a counterattack.

"The Emperor of Heaven decrees that gold will solidify its nature!"

"Water is good at its ways!"

"Beautiful things come from nothing!"

"Fire is changing!"

“The earth contains its contents!”

The 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' raised his voice and issued a series of oracles, and formed a series of divine seals on his hands. As these oracles were sent to the four directions of the world, they immediately started to move the five elements in the star world.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing each other, and creation is endless.

The power of fire, water and wind controlled by the Four Symbol Evil Gods is the foundation and origin of the 'God Realm'. At this time, Liang Ji uses the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' to control the origin of the stars and activate the power of the 'Tao Fruit', and he can only move the stars. The power of the five elements, the foundation and origin, is used to resist.

Use the power of creation of the five elements to fight against the power of disaster and destruction caused by the four evil gods.

On the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, the four-color evil god's light and the five-color light of creation are constantly colliding, tearing, annihilating, exploding, and impacting all directions.

The struggle between the two basic and original powers, destruction and creation, is like a microcosm of the struggle and confrontation between the star realm and the divine realm in the starry sky. They are evenly matched for a while.

This is Liang Ji's natal star. Although it is now invaded by evil gods and some of the power of laws and even the original power are distorted by the light of evil gods and turned into evil gods, overall, Liang Ji undoubtedly still has a geographical advantage.

The power of the Five Elements Law and Origin that the condensed ‘Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor’ can mobilize and operate is still greater than the power of the Four Symbols that the Four Symbols Evil God can use.

Therefore, as long as they persist and take a little longer, Liang Ji's side will definitely have the upper hand in the confrontation between the two parties.

But for Liang Ji, the biggest test is the issue of persistence and time.

He condensed the 'Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor' with the power of incense belief and the belief of the family members. His soul was being eroded and devoured by the power of the family members' incense belief at all times. He wanted to completely transform his soul into the incense god 'Celestial Emperor' and integrate into this world. The origin of the stars and the laws of the great road.

At this time, in this golden body of incense, golden runes have appeared and shone on Liang Ji's pure Yang soul, as well as the restrictions and formations formed by the runes, all of which are trying to resist and resist with all their strength. With the erosion and devouring of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor'.

These golden runes, prohibitions, and formations are all secret techniques and methods that Liang Ji purchased from the 'Underworld', 'Heaven' and the Star Palace official website before he was reincarnated. They have all kinds of wonderful ways to protect the soul. , after he first cultivated the 'Pure Yang Soul', he practiced very seriously for several years in order to protect his soul during reincarnation.

However, at this time, the golden runes, restrictions, formations, etc. that protected his soul were all dimmed, shattered, and collapsed under the erosion of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor'.

Moreover, as Liang Ji used the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' to move the origin of the stars and the power of the Five Elements Law and the Four Symbols Evil God, the battle became more and more intense. The erosion of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' became more and more severe. Runes and so on are also collapsing faster and faster.

Liang Ji had even felt that the power of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' had penetrated and contacted his soul, corroding his soul and affecting his emotions and will.

He seemed to hear the prayers and wishes of countless dependents resounding in his consciousness, making him unable to help but sink into it, and his soul was completely integrated with the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor'.

Seeing this, Liang Ji looked at the four evil gods attacking him. Although he had been overwhelmed by his 'Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor', it would still take a long time to completely eliminate them. With his current soul, he was guarding them. It is extremely difficult to hold on.

"It seems that we still need to use external help!"

After a thought, Liang Ji continued to control the battle of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' while raising his hand to make a move towards the sky.


Suddenly there was a roar of dragons, and there seemed to be a huge dragon shadow wandering in the sky. The dragon shadow opened its huge mouth, sprayed out several streams of light, and fell like meteors, impacting towards the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain above the stars.

These are the few treasures that Liang Ji sent into his natal star before his reincarnation. They were swallowed by the dragon soul in the belly of the dragon and have not been used. Now that the situation is critical, Liang Ji can only use these treasures. , backhand.

boom! Rumble...

First, a meteor fell into the wind disaster created by the evil god Wind God that enveloped the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. It roared and exploded, and countless thunderous lights broke through and shattered the power of the evil god Wind God that enveloped the holy land in all directions.

This is exactly the fourth-level thunder bead that Liang Ji bought, and its lethality is terrifying!

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