The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 463 Fourth level treasure

Liang Ji had made adequate preparations before embarking on the reincarnation practice of 'Soul and Tao Harmony'. From all kinds of soul secrets and Shinto secrets that could be practiced, to various resources and treasures, he was in order to deal with various crises that might break out.

Even if there is a one-in-a-million possibility of encountering an external invasion, preparations have been made.

The soul entwined on the star opened its mouth and spat out the supplies it had prepared. The first was a 'Thunder Bead', which was a secret treasure that Liang Ji spent a lot of spiritual stones to purchase. It was collected by a sixth-grade golden elixir refiner on the ninth-order main star. It is made from the Thunder Gangsha sacrifice and has the power of the fourth level.

If such a 'Thunder Bead' were to directly hit Liang Ji's third-order natal star, it would even cause considerable threat and damage to his natal star.

Now this 'Thunder Bead' bombards the sky-shrouding storm formed by the original wind god corroded and twisted by the evil god's light. Countless thunders and destructive power immediately blast and tear the sky-shrouding storm into pieces.

Even the 'Wind God' who was in the storm was severely injured in an instant and let out a shrill roar, like the roar of countless strong winds.

But the next moment, the 'Earth Evil God', 'Water Evil God', and 'Fire Evil God' surrounding the Longshou Mountain Holy Land came to help the 'Wind Evil God' in the air one after another, and the power of the four elements of the 'God Realm' of earth, fire, water, and wind also In an instant, they formed a mutually reinforcing force, quickly helping 'Wind Evil God' to stabilize his divine body, divine power and divine crystals, without being killed on the spot by these fourth-order thunder beads.

This was a bit of a pity for Liang Ji, but he took this opportunity to break the storm that shrouded the sky of the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. Liang Ji's condensed 'Golden Body of Heavenly Emperor' immediately stretched out a golden hand, and took away the remaining treasures sent down by the dragon soul. Take it into your hands and take it.

After acquiring the treasures, one of them seemed to be inspired by the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' and flew up and unfolded first. It was an illusory and real 'picture scroll', which was very similar to the 'God List' that was unfolded when the Mangyuan Star was anointed as a god.

This is exactly the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' talisman, which Liang Ji bought in the Kunlun Star Palace. It allows the star palace monks to temporarily and simulate the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in the natal stars, and try to operate the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'. 'And the power of the gods.

This is for the purpose of doing more simulations and understanding before officially becoming a god.

The main purpose of Liang Ji's purchase of this talisman before his reincarnation was to perform some simulated 'conferring gods' during the reincarnation period, so that he could more successfully and easily confer ghosts and gods after he advanced to the fourth-level star master.

But now, this 'Feng Shen Bang' talisman that simulates the conferment of gods has undoubtedly become an important treasure for Liang Ji to protect himself and control the 'Golden Body of the Emperor of Heaven'.

The illusory and real 'Feng Shen Bang' flew directly into the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' and landed in the hands of Liang Ji's Chunyang Soul. An illusory and real 'Golden Edict' flew out of it and flew into the center of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor'. among.

Immediately, the chaos, disorder, and the power of the incense belief and the belief of the family members that were eroding the soul in the "Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor" that Liang Ji had barely condensed were sorted out, standardized, and became orderly.

The 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' shrouded outside Liang Ji's soul shrank by several points in an instant. This was not because the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' had become weaker, but that the power of the incense in it had been completely controlled and sorted out, becoming more refined and powerful. .

At the same time, with the protection of the illusory 'Feng Shen Bang' talisman, Liang Ji's soul was temporarily isolated from the erosion of the 'Golden Body of Heaven' incense, which made him completely relieved.

"However, we still have to fight quickly, otherwise it will be my stars that suffer damage and loss."

"Furthermore, the talisman of this 'Bang of Gods' is not the real 'Bang of Gods' after all. It can be used for a limited time. I still have to leave some time to try to simulate the division of ghosts and gods in the underworld and try to simulate the operation of the Gods."

"Otherwise, the original purpose of spending a lot of money to purchase this 'Fengshen Bang' talisman will be completely wasted."

Liang Ji changed his mind and looked at several other treasures in his hand: a formation diagram, a bottle of elixir, and a treasured flag and banner depicting the appearance of a thunder pool.

At this time, Liang Ji controlled the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' to directly sacrifice the formation, turning it into a five-element lotus formation with five-color flowing light, directly covering the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and its surroundings, and even shrouding the surrounding four-symbol evil gods. go.

This formation diagram of the 'Five Elements Lotus Formation' was a treasure that Liang Ji picked out after waking up from the official website of the Star Alliance Formation Masters Association. It reached the level of the fourth-level treasure formation, and was actually above his third-level natal star. It is difficult to exert the full function and effect.

However, for Liang Ji, using this fourth-level formation is a critical moment of life and death. Naturally, the stronger the better, even if it cannot exert its full power, it must be enough to make the final decision.

Similarly, the elixir in his hand is also a fourth-level elixir, which is far beyond his current third-level cultivation. If he uses it, most of its effectiveness will be wasted. But the elixir in this bottle is used to save lives, so naturally the stronger the better.

However, at this time, Liang Ji was in good condition and did not need the elixir to save his life, so he put away the bottle of elixir directly.

In his other hand, he held up the fourth-level treasure weapon ‘Thunder Pond Flag Flag’. This was also a treasure that was difficult to exert its full power in the hands of his third-level stars and third-level cultivation, but it was powerful enough!

boom! boom! Rumble...

The Wind Evil God who had recovered in the sky took action angrily, and countless wind disasters swept and bombarded him like thunder.

The surrounding Earth Evil God, Water Evil God, and Fire Evil God all took action at this time, erupting their own Evil God's power, distorted origins and laws to the extreme. Not only did they discover that something was not right and intensified their attack on the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, they were also bombarding, resisting the shroud, and The 'Five Elements Lotus Formation' came from suppression.

At this time, Liang Ji controlled the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' to operate the power of the Five Elements Laws in the origin of the stars, pouring it into the 'Five Elements Lotus Formation', and used the power of the fourth-level formation to explode and operate as much as possible. The power far exceeds the power of the Five Elements Law that he operates on his own.

The Five Elements Lotus expanded powerfully and irresistibly, suppressing wind disasters, earth disasters, floods, and fires, and suppressed the four evil gods among them.

The only flaw is that operating this fourth-level formation consumes too much divine power of the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor', as well as the power of the source of stars and the power of the Five Elements Law. It only takes a short moment for Liang Ji to feel that it is too much.

He can even sense that the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the origin of the stars has been weakened and dropped in level.

This is a battle that consumes his own origin and Dao fruit, and must be resolved quickly.


"Back off first!"

The four evil gods surrounding them have divine inheritance and wisdom. They have a clear understanding of the current situation and naturally know Liang Ji's situation, so they directly choose to retreat, avoid the strong attack of the fourth-order formation, and wait for the consumption of Liang Ji and the source of the stars. Can't hold on.

boom! Click! Rumble...

At this time, Liang Ji naturally couldn't let them retreat or delay, so he directly sacrificed another fourth-level treasure weapon, the 'Lei Pond Banner', without sacrificing his source. Countless thunderbolts blasted out from it like snakes, blasting towards the Four Symbol Evil Gods.

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