The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 468 The Union of Soul and Dao

The ‘divine crystal’ and the ‘divine crystal’ fragments can be regarded as Liang Ji’s biggest and most superficial gains in this natal star war.

In addition, there is a greater harvest, but it is unknown to the dependents on the star and cannot be counted.

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon 'Tyrant Dragon King' raised his head to the sky, his eyes seemed to be able to see beyond the stars, the dragon soul entwined on the stars.

At this time, there are still several fragments of the 'temple' in the belly of the dragon soul. These are the several 'meteors' swallowed by the dragon soul when the 'temple' was shattered in the starry sky and turned into a meteor shower and fell into the stars. .

These 'temple' fragments are more complete and powerful, far beyond the 'meteor fragments' that were shattered and fell into the stars.

Liang Ji's soul at this time connected with the dragon soul and saw those 'meteors' and 'temple' fragments. Among them, he could even see most of the intact internal halls, divine pillars, etc. of the 'temple', not to mention the high-level ones contained in them. The value of spiritual materials, among the fragments of these temples and divine pillars, there are even some divine crystals, as well as divine objects and inheritance specially prepared by the 'Pantheon', for the purpose of the 'Divine Star Territory', to twist and create more The evil god.

These divine crystals, divine objects, etc., after being devoured and refined by the dragon soul, whether Liang Ji later uses, studies, or sells them, it will be a big gain.

"And the Star Alliance..." Liang Ji couldn't help but turn his eyes to the 'star map' formed by the sun, moon and stars in the sky. The battle above the stars was over and the invading evil gods had been killed. The star map is now gradually disappearing, "Such a change occurred this time, allowing the temple to break into this low-level star master star field, I am afraid it caused a lot of losses!"

"I don't know if the Star Alliance will make any compensation afterwards?"

In this crisis caused by the intrusion of the 'temple', Liang Ji is confident that his strength and response should be among the best in this low-level star master star field.

Even so, his natal star was greatly damaged, damaged, and even almost destroyed on the spot.

Liang Ji believed that if there were other low-level star lords' natal stars in the star field where the meteor shower fell after the 'temple' was broken, I'm afraid not many people would be able to deal with it and the result would be better than his.

It is hard to say that some low-level star masters have had their natal stars destroyed in this accident, and their bodies and souls have disappeared.

"After you complete the practice of 'Soul and Dao Union' later, you can check the relevant information..."

Liang Ji is still an intern of the Star Alliance's "Security Department". Naturally, he also has some authority to view some internal information of the Star Alliance's "Security Department". As for the changes and disasters caused by the invasion of the "Temple", the Star Alliance's "Security Department" will definitely There will be investigations and records.

In the sky of natal stars, the 'star map' formed by the sun, moon and stars has completely disappeared. The results of the battle on Liang Ji's stars, the stored information of the stars, etc. have also been collected by the 'Celestial Star Array', and the Star Alliance Relying on the 'Zhoutian Star Array', one can quickly understand his situation and summarize losses, etc.

At this time, Liang Ji's reincarnated half-dragon, the Tyrant Dragon King, also lowered his head and withdrew his gaze.

The gains from the Dragon Soul and the matters in the Star Alliance can be left behind. Liang Ji is currently reincarnated to practice the 'unity of soul and Tao', so he doesn't have much room to interfere with these matters.

The most important thing for him now is to restore the damage caused by the battle to his natal star and rebuild it.

"The 'Tyrant Dragon King' I reincarnated in this life has less than three hundred years to live. If I want to repair the damage to the stars, reorganize the elemental spiritual veins on the stars, and arrange a large formation, I am afraid it will take a lot of manpower from the family members. With time!”

"It seems that my reputation as a tyrant will be fully confirmed, and I am afraid it will even get worse in the future..."

Liang Ji briefly calculated the time, lifespan, and the destruction, loss, recovery, and arrangement of the stars, and thought with some helplessness.

However, even though Liang Ji had made up his mind to live up to his reputation as a 'tyrant', he did not immediately order the dependent families in various places to invest in recovery and reconstruction. Instead, he ordered the dependent families in various places to reorganize order and recuperate.

This is not because of his kindness, but for the purpose of better mobilizing the power of the family members in the future; at the same time, Liang Ji is responsible for the repair and reconstruction of the stars, the sorting out of the elemental spiritual veins, and the rearrangement of formation restrictions, etc. I have some new ideas and plans in my mind, and I still need some time to explore and deduce them.

Although this battle of evil gods' invasion caused the collapse of many elemental spiritual veins on his natal star, the destruction of cities, and the outbreak of natural and earthly disasters, it also allowed Liang Ji to see many errors and omissions in the management and arrangement of the stars. A lot of experiences and lessons have been learned, which now need to be digested and utilized.

It can be said that this war against the invasion of foreign enemies is the best test of his previous star management and layout.

Now that the test results have been released, Liang Ji naturally needs to make some adjustments and optimizations accordingly.

Moreover, by condensing the 'Golden Body of the Heavenly Emperor' and holding the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' talisman to simulate the apotheosis of gods, Liang Ji gained a deeper understanding and mastery of the origins of stars and the laws and avenues. He understood the changes in the origins of stars and laws and orders after apotheosis. For what follows, Directions such as the development of stars and the cultivation of dependents are also becoming more and more innovative.

Therefore, correspondingly, some adjustments and changes need to be made to many arrangements and business plans above the stars.

These are what Liang Ji needs to study and deduce next. Naturally, it will take a lot of time, which can allow the family members to cultivate and return to normal, so as to wait for the more 'cruel' labor and actions later.

Time passed by, and Liang Ji spent twenty years redesigning the star arrangement plan based on his natal stars. After twenty years of cultivation, the family members have almost recovered.

As a result, Liang Ji's reincarnation of the 'Tyrant Dragon Emperor' began to issue ruthless and cruel labor orders, recruiting more family members to form labor teams and go to various places in the stars.

The Chao Feng Familia pulls, combs, and reconnects the wind element spiritual veins in the sky, the Chikiss Familia combs, resets, and resets the water element spiritual veins in the sea, land, rivers, and underground rivers, and the Ba Xia Familia, Yaju Familia, Qi Niu Familia, etc. are responsible for Reset and create new spiritual veins such as earth element, gold element, wood element, etc.

As the elemental spiritual veins were reorganized and arranged, the 'Elemental Wandering Dragon' array guarding the stars was reconnected and arranged. Compared with the pre-war war, there have been considerable changes. The power may not be improved, and may even be somewhat decline, but it is more suitable for the subsequent development and growth of Xingchen.

This is also the difference between Liang Ji's two transformations of the stars and the arrangement of the formation. The previous arrangement was based on the actual situation of the stars, in order to maximize the power of the stars and the formation.

But now this arrangement focuses more on the development and changes of the stars later, rather than just focusing on reality and the present. The stars and formations managed and arranged may not be as powerful and powerful as the previous arrangements, but they are It is more suitable and conducive to the subsequent development of Xingchen.

Similarly, the subsequent reconstruction, relocation, and layout of the clan's city, and the transformation, sorting, and layout of the Jiuquan Underworld were all changed accordingly. The power of the reconnected and arranged "Pagoda Town River and Mountain", "Yin and Yang Two Worlds Formation" may be There has been a decline, but the future is broader and higher.

After three hundred years of hard work, Liang Ji's reincarnation of the half-dragon "Dragon King Tyrant" lasted almost his whole life, until the half-dragon's body expired and his pure Yang soul transcended from his natal star and returned to reality. physical body.

The practice of uniting the soul with the Tao is successfully completed!

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