The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 469 Star Magic ‘The Stars Are Immortal’

In Kunlun Star Palace, in the secret room of the main peak, Liang Ji opened his eyes, and there were stars blooming in his eyes, as if there were stars rotating in them, and they gradually disappeared after a long time.

Without much understanding of the state of 'the union of soul and Tao', Liang Ji saw a piece of dried blood on the ground in front of him, and immediately took out a bottle of elixir and swallowed it, feeling the power of the medicine running through his body.

There is no doubt that the dried blood on the ground is the blood that his natal star suffered a heavy blow before, which backfired on his body and spurted out. His physical body is still damaged and needs pills and the power of the stars to repair and recover.

The body and the Tao, the Qi and the Tao, the soul and the Tao, Liang Ji's physical body, true energy, and soul are all consistent and closely connected with the natal stars. If the natal stars suffer heavy damage, they will naturally be implicated and backfire on his physical body and true soul. Air and soul.

After a while, he felt that his body had recovered and the turbulent Qi in his Dantian had calmed down. Only then did Liang Ji have time to carefully appreciate the gains from this practice.

First of all, the physical body and the true energy have become stronger. The various transformations and arrangements made by Liang Ji's reincarnated body on the natal stars have the effect of improving and optimizing the stars. Because the 'body and Tao are in harmony' and 'Qi and Tao' Because of the combination, it is now naturally involved that his body and Qi have been improved and optimized.

Liang Ji could even feel that his physical body's magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and his true energy's 'Guardian of the Stars' astrology had greatly improved.


In the secret room of seclusion, Liang Ji directly activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', and his figure immediately expanded and grew, one hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet, four hundred feet.

His figure has grown to more than 400 feet in size, and he is not far behind the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'!

"Perhaps, if you advance to the fourth-level Star Master later, your physical body will be able to directly master the great magical power of 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth'!"

Liang Ji's face became more and more happy.

Then, he activated the formation in the secret room, and the surrounding space immediately changed, and the secret room turned into an image of mountains and rivers. This was not an illusion, but a real evolution of space.

With the strength and means of the Kunlun Star Palace, and the formations arranged in this closed chamber, it is very easy to directly move stars and change battles, and evolve a real space.

The next moment, as the formation moved, thunderbolts struck from the sky, mountains collapsed and the ground cracked beneath their feet, fire erupted from the ground to attack, and golden light struck like swords, and ice struck like tides.

Liang Ji's whole body's true energy circulates like a star force field, and the star technique "Star Guardian" has spontaneously operated to the extreme, withstanding and resisting various attacks from all directions in the world.

The formation is constantly operating, and the intensity of various attacks such as thunder and earth fire, storms and cold waves, golden light boulders, etc. is gradually increasing, seventh grade, sixth grade, fifth grade!

Attacks spanning two levels were all resisted by the 'Qi force field' running around Liang Ji at the moment. When the attack power reached the fifth-level limit, the 'Zhen Qi Force Field' around him was constantly trembling from the bombardment, but Liang Ji could feel that this was far from reaching the limit of the 'Zhen Qi Force Field'.

"It can be stronger!"

Liang Ji's eyes brightened slightly, he raised his hand and cast a spell, and continued to activate the surrounding formations.

Immediately, all the attacking phenomena such as thunder, earth fire, golden wind and frenzy disappeared. Only the wind and clouds continued to gather, roll, and condense in the sky. With the last thunderbolt, a purple thunder struck from the sky and directly bombarded his true energy. On top of the force field'.

In the roaring and shattering sound, Liang Ji's 'Qi Force Field' was instantly blasted, but the purple thunder was also consumed in an instant, leaving no more attack power left.

"Fourth grade!"

The light in Liang Ji's eyes shone brighter and brighter. Although the previous attack on his natal star had caused considerable damage to him, now that he has cultivated and recovered and completed the transformation and adjustment of the stars, the gains have also been considerable.

He finally used his seventh-grade cultivation to cross the third level and resist the attack of the fourth-grade level!

This is definitely an existence that is far ahead among the monks of the same level in the Star Palace. After all, based on his understanding, seventh-level monks and third-level star masters in the Star Palace, after they have mastered the "star guardian" star technique, can generally resist beings across two levels at most.

Those who can resist attacks across the third level are rare in the history of each star palace school.

The natal stars are rotating, the true energy in the Dantian is restored, and the 'true energy field' surrounding the body is also restored in an instant. The test has been completed. Liang Ji has withdrawn the magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', returned to his normal body shape and sat cross-legged on the mountain. above.

And his mind is gradually sinking into his soul and his natal stars, realizing the changes of cultivating the 'unity of soul and Tao'.

The first-level star master has perfected and cultivated the 'body and Tao combination', allowing Liang Ji to obtain the physical magical power 'Big and Small Ruyi', as well as the bloodline magical power of each lineage family; the second-level star master has completed the 'qi and Tao combination', allowing Liang Ji to gain Liang Ji obtained infinite Qi, as well as the 'Star Guardian' star technique that created the 'Zhen Qi Force Field'.

But now, the third-level star master has reached perfection and has achieved the 'Soul and Dao Harmony', which means that his soul is in harmony with the 'Dao Fruit' and the origin of the stars, leaving a soul imprint in the origin of the stars, and a steady stream of star power is flowing. Come here, let his soul continue to be nourished by star power, and his soul power will be endless.

However, this is only the most basic benefit after the ‘unity of soul and Tao’.

After he reached the level of third-level star master perfection and completed the basic practices of 'body and path together', 'qi and path together', and 'soul and path together', he was finally able to practice a key life-saving star technique!

In the space where the formation evolved, on top of the mountain, Liang Ji took out the 'Star Book', logged into it, downloaded and opened an inheritance message, and a starlight shot out from it, sinking into the center of his eyebrows, and the inheritance of the life-saving star technique suddenly came into view. In his sea of ​​consciousness.

Star magic, the stars are immortal!

This is the star technique inheritance passed down to Liang Ji by Master Chiyu before he started practicing the reincarnation practice of "Soul and Dao Harmony", but it has been sealed in the "Star Book" until he completes the "Soul and Dao Harmony" practice. Only now can I download and receive the inheritance.

The so-called stars are immortal, which means that the star owner’s natal star is still there, which means the star owner is immortal!

The star master has cultivated to the third level of perfection and completed the 'body and Dao union', 'Qi and Dao union', and 'soul and Dao union'. The physical body, true energy and soul are in harmony and closely connected with the natal stars. Not only the Star Lord himself is affected by his natal The influence of the stars greatly enhances and nourishes the physical body, Qi and soul.

Similarly, the natal star is also affected by the physical body, true energy and soul of the star master. After completing three 'Dao conjunctions', the star master has condensed and left the imprint of the physical body, true energy and soul in the origin of the natal star.

As long as the Star Technique of 'Immortal Stars' is cultivated, even if the star owner suffers heavy injuries and his body and soul are destroyed, he can still use this Star Technique to use the power of the star's source to gather the imprint of the body, true energy, and soul in the natal star, so as to achieve reincarnation and realize The wonder of 'the stars are immortal and the star master is immortal'.

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