The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 470 Moonlight Rain Golden Elixir Seed

In the Kunlun Star Palace, in the closed secret room, on the mountain where the formation evolved, Liang Ji carefully studied the astrology of "Immortality of the Stars", and then sunk his mind and consciousness into his natal stars and tried to practice "Immortality of the Stars" of astrology.

Among the origins of the natal stars, Liang Ji could clearly sense the imprints of the physical body, the true energy, and the soul left by the three 'Dao He's'. The star technique of 'The Immortal Stars' was an attempt to connect these three imprints and condense them into one. The 'seed' contains all the information and genes of Liang Ji's body, Qi, and soul.

When his true body is severely damaged outside, or even after his life and death, his soul is destroyed, this 'seed' containing all the information and genes of his physical body, Qi and soul can pass through the reincarnation avenue of the natal stars, be reborn in the natal stars, and condense into His new body.

Because the seed contains all the information and genes of his body, energy and soul, the body after rebirth will not be much worse than the original body.

With this star technique to protect their lives, the star master monks truly have the capital to venture into the outer lands and fight outside the Star Alliance.

"No wonder, the Star Alliance generally requires Star Masters to advance to the fourth level of Star Master before they can leave the protection of the Star Alliance and go to explore and fight in outer lands."

After a while, Liang Ji recovered his mind, opened his eyes, and sighed in his heart.

The three stages of cultivation for low-level star masters are undoubtedly the basic stages. Only by advancing to the fourth-level star master, becoming an intermediate star master, and cultivating the "star immortality" star technique, can one become a true warrior in the outer realm.

"Furthermore, it is really difficult to condense the 'Star Immortality' astrology seeds that contain energy and spirit!"

"However, this 'seed' of the unity of spirit, energy and spirit is not only related to the star technique of 'immortal stars', but also helps to advance to the sixth-level golden elixir realm. It is best to be able to advance to the fourth-level star master." Mastered before..."

Liang Ji reviewed some of the information in the inheritance left by Master Chiyu.

Star Lord Cultivation and the Path of Celestial Immortality are two-legged walking that complement each other. The first three levels of Star Lord Cultivation are the basic stages for cultivating the essence, energy and spirit, and the subsequent advancement to the fourth level Star Lord is not only the advancement to the Intermediate Star Lord , is also an important node on the road to immortality. It is necessary to condense the energy and spirit that have been cultivated before to condense the golden elixir and advance to the sixth level!

According to the inheritance information left by Master Akadema in the 'Immortal Stars' astrology, the seeds of the 'Immortal Stars' astrology are also the seeds of the unity of spirit, energy and spirit, and they contain the original power and law of the star owner's native star. If a Star Lord cultivator can first condense the seeds of the 'Immortal Stars' and practice Star Technique before advancing to the fourth level of Star Lord and condensing the golden elixir, then he can later use the power of the seeds of the 'Immortal Stars' to condense the golden elixir and be able to condense it into the highest form. The golden elixir is of the highest quality, most powerful, and has the greatest future.

This is also one of the differences between the inheritance of the Star Palace and the inheritance of those palaces and schools.

The disciples of the academy can basically graduate by cultivating the third-level star master, which does not involve the teachings of the fourth-level star master and the condensation of golden elixirs. Naturally, not many people know the differences between the levels of golden elixirs, and the star technique of "immortal stars" can be condensed first. Information about the finest golden elixirs.

The academy disciples can train up to the fourth-level star masters, but the academy does not have any requirements for the level of the golden elixir that the fourth-level star masters must condense. The requirements for the 'Immortal Star' star technique and the level of the golden elixir are basically only for those in the academy. Open to the best Star Master students.

However, students from the Star Palace like Liang Ji directly received the inheritance of the Star Technique of 'Immortal Stars'. Not only did they know the differences between the levels of golden elixirs, etc., but they were also directly required by their instructors to practice the 'Immortal Stars' Star Technique before advancing to the fourth level Star Lord. Condensation of the finest golden elixir.

Just like after Liang Ji took the college entrance examination, although he was admitted to Kunlun Star Palace, Master Chiyu still required him to complete the practice of 'harmony between body and Tao' before he could enter.

Moreover, during the first-level and second-level star master stages, Master Akadera also required him and his seniors to master the star arts "Broken Star Strike" and "Star Guardian".

These are never required in the academy, and they will only be recommended to outstanding students, rather than mandatory.

However, Xing Gong’s tutors have many mandatory requirements for their students.

It is this step-by-step gap that enables Star Palace students to go higher, further, and better in their subsequent practice and growth, and their prospects are far superior to those of Star Master monks who came from the Academy and the Academy.

Naturally, Liang Ji also had to condense the essence and spirit brand seeds before advancing to the fourth-level star master, and master the star technique "Star Immortality".

This is not only the request of Master Akadema, but also for him to go further and better on the road to Star Master in the future.

"There's no rush, there's still time, take your time..."

After another practice, Liang Ji's mind and consciousness separated from his natal stars, but he still could not find the direction to condense the seeds of the essence and spirit imprint. He silently recited the 'Calming Mantra' to calm his mind.

The practice of the star technique ‘Star Immortality’ is not simple, and it will even take far longer than the previous practice of ‘Soul and Dao Harmony’. What is most needed is the patience of the Star Master.

Liang Ji recalled that it had taken several years for Senior Qi Changge to practice the 'union of soul and Tao', and it seemed that most of that time was also spent on the practice of the star technique 'Star Immortality'.

Liang Ji estimated his time. Before his previous reincarnation, he spent more than half a year practicing various inheritances, secret techniques, and making various preparations in a closed room. It took him more than half a year to reincarnate in his natal star. Altogether, it only takes more than a year.

But now, it has taken nearly a year just to study and practice the astrological technique of 'The Immortal Stars', but I still can't figure it out. You can imagine how much time will be spent later.

With some emotion in his heart, Liang Ji temporarily ended his practice and checked the information in the 'Star Book'.

Different from the time of reincarnation, although Liang Ji is now studying and cultivating planetary techniques in seclusion, he is no longer completely closed and isolated from external information, and can check the external intelligence through the 'Star Book'.

Liang Ji was particularly concerned about the information in the Manggu Star Territory. As he had expected, the chaos and turmoil caused by the incident in the 'Temple' had become increasingly serious in the Manggu Star Territory. Through the information from the Star Gate's "Security Department", Liang Ji knew that in the Manggu Star Territory, not only had the stars of many low-level star masters been destroyed by the "Temple", but there had even been some "Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands" that had gone to the evil gods. Road, launched a rebellion.

Ding dong!

While Liang Ji continued to check the latest information from the Manggu Star Territory, a soft sound came from the 'Star Directory', which was a new piece of information.

After he clicked to check, his face suddenly showed joy: "The compensation has finally arrived!"

Just as Liang Ji had thought about his natal star before, due to the unexpected introduction of the 'Temple', his natal star was severely damaged and almost destroyed. Now after he initiated the application, the Star Alliance indeed provided a compensation plan.

"A baptism of 'moonlight rain'!"

Liang Ji's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he immediately accepted the arrival.

Among the natal stars, the family members held a great ceremony to thank the Emperor of Heaven. The bright moon shone brightly in the starry sky, and shed a large rain of moonlight, soaking into the natal stars.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness merged into the stars, and he felt the growth and changes of the stars under the 'moonlight rain'. His mind was clear and bright, and his inspiration was active and explosive. He suddenly found the way to condense the spiritual mark and cultivate the 'Immortal Stars' 'Orientation of seeds.

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