The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 474 Return to the Manggu Star Territory

The Manggu star field can be said to be the most turbulent and chaotic star field among the thirty-three star fields of the Star Alliance in the past ten years.

Moreover, this trend of turbulence and chaos has not only not stopped over the years, but has become more and more intense.

The 'temples' scattered throughout the star field, the 'Pantheon' of the acquired spiritual treasures collapsed, and the many 'Blessed Land Immortals' who were on the verge of reaching the end of their lifespan and had no way forward. Affected by this, the undercurrent of cultivators from all walks of life took the opportunity to sneak in and fish in troubled waters. Evil cultivators, evil gods from outside the realm with unknown purposes, etc., have caused increasingly intense turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory.

This turmoil and chaos attracted a large number of void monsters to enter the Manggu Star Territory to seize the source of stars and resources, and at the same time became another source of turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory.

In order to suppress the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory, the Star Alliance sent a large number of manpower, including Star Master monks, garrison troops, Star Alliance 'security department' teams, etc., to inspect the 'temples' in the Manggu Star Territory and appease them. The 'Blessed Land Immortal' and the monks from various Taoist traditions suppressed the evil cultivators and evil gods, and also wiped out a large number of void monsters attracted by the chaos.

Liang Ji teleported to Manggu City through the 'Star Gate'. He has been here many times, and his stay here is even longer than that of Kunlun Star Palace, which is half of his home.

However, now that I have come to this ancient city again after a few years, I can clearly find that the atmosphere, flow of people, and garrison strength here are much greater than before.

With Liang Ji's powerful soul power and sensitivity that he has now cultivated into 'Soul and Dao Harmony', he can even feel that the protective formations and multiple protective forces in the city have been mobilized, not only to protect and suppress the people in Manggu City. , also suppressed towards the Manggu black hole below.

"The Manggu black hole has also shown signs of instability!"

In just an instant, Liang Ji had already reacted.

According to past rules, it has only been more than ten years since the black hole exploded in the Yinghai star field. There should not be another black hole explosion in the thirty-three star fields of the Star Alliance in a short period of time.

However, now the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory have obviously affected the black hole in the Manggu Star Territory. Many middle- and high-level void monsters in the black hole also have spiritual intelligence. After discovering the turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory, Naturally, I don't mind leading a large number of void monsters in the black hole to have a 'big explosion'.

"There is really more and more chaos."

Liang Ji couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't stay in Manggu City for long. As a member of the Star Alliance's "Security Department", he directly called a starship and rushed to the galaxy coordinates sent to him by Senior Sister Tang.

Of course, as he is just an intern in the 'Security Department', being able to mobilize starships is also due to Senior Sister Tang's early arrangements. After all, he joined the Star Alliance's 'Security Department' after graduating from Kunlun Star Palace, and now he has already Among them, senior officials still have considerable power.

As for the chaos in the Manggu Star Territory, Liang Ji is not too worried. Both he and those who fish in troubled waters are actually very clear that the Star Alliance controls thirty-three star fields and is powerful. The Manggu Star Territory However, one of them, and it is under the control of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation", will definitely not be able to turn the sky upside down.

The reason for the current turmoil and chaos is that the Star Alliance is worried that too violent and direct suppression will cause too much damage and losses in the Manggu Star Territory.

After all, this is within the Star Alliance. If there is too much movement and too much damage, the only ones who suffer damage are the Star Alliance themselves.

And with the Star Alliance and the "Zhoutian Star Formation" as the backing, the chaos and turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory will definitely not last forever and will eventually be suppressed.

What Liang Ji needs to do now is to advance to the fourth level of Star Master as soon as possible and master higher strength, so that he can obtain more resources and benefits while suppressing the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory.

Therefore, Liang Ji took the starship directly to the galaxy where the Void Mirage was located without any further delay.

This is the galaxy where an 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' star is located in the Manggu Star Territory. This 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' star has chosen to 'seclusion and star locking' a few years ago, cutting off contact with and entry from the outside world. , even the Star Alliance has limited understanding of the situation in the stars of this 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

And this is also a microcosm of the many 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals' under the current turbulent and chaotic situation in the Manggu Star Territory. On the Mangyu Star, Venerable Mangyuan failed to open up the road to the Earth Immortals and attack the Celestial Immortals, and the Houtian Lingbao 'Pantheon' collapsed. After the Four Directions, quite a few 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' in the Manggu Star Territory chose to 'seclusion and lock the stars'.

Therefore, the Star Alliance dispatched many forces to observe and monitor the situation of these "Earth Immortal Blessed Lands" to prevent sudden changes.

The same is true for this 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' galaxy, and the person responsible for observing and monitoring here is a team from the Star Alliance's 'Security Department', which belongs directly to Senior Sister Tang.

It is also because of this that after discovering the Void Mirage that invaded this galaxy, we were able to seal it off immediately, pass the news to Liang Ji, and even wait for him to hunt it down.

In the void, four starships are located in all directions. Formations and forbidden auras are emitted from these starships, intertwined in the void star sea, covering all directions, forming a closed area.

And in the area surrounded by these four starships and blocked by formations, there is a large area of ​​fog filling it, constantly rolling, shrinking, and expanding, impacting the starship formations blocking the surrounding areas.

In the mist, it was the Void Mirage that Liang Ji had been searching for for more than half a year.

Although it was obscured by the fog, Liang Ji could still see the situation very clearly through the formations and restrictions on the starship. There were five mirages in total, either in the shape of a snail or a shell, constantly spitting out the fog.

There are five void mirages, one of which is over a thousand feet tall and is a fifth-level void mirage; the other four are above five hundred feet and below one thousand feet, which is exactly the fourth-level void mirage Liang Ji needs.

This is also a big difference from hunting the Void Monsters in the Star Territory Black Hole. In the Star Territory Black Hole, the Void Monsters are basically divided into different areas according to their levels. Liang Ji used to hunt the second-order whale monsters and third-order whale monsters. The camel demons are all in the demon realm of the corresponding level, and usually will not encounter void demons that are higher than him.

But the Void Demon Clan wandering outside these black holes and in the Void Star Domain are different. There is no strict division of demon clan level areas. The level of the Void Demon Clan wandering outside is difficult to determine. There are often different levels of existence in the void demon group, and there may even be situations where different types of void demons gather together.

Compared with hunting in the black hole of the star field, the situation is undoubtedly much more complicated, more troublesome, and much more difficult.

At this time, Liang Ji, as a third-level star master, and his family members were all third-level, wanted to hunt down a fourth-level void mirage. Although it was difficult, it was within his acceptable range.

But now, with a fifth-level void mirage monster and four fourth-level void mirage monsters, Liang Ji couldn't defeat them even with all his strength.

He could only ask for help from the starship formation that blocked all directions.

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