The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 475 Fog Natural Disaster

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's reincarnation of the 'Tyrant Dragon King' has expired and passed away for hundreds of years. As he expected, he reincarnated for six hundred years and ruled the family members for five hundred years. Most of the time, he was either engaged in wars or forcefully recruiting family members from all branches to work in various places in the stars, and carried out in-depth and detailed transformations everywhere in the stars. The arrangement, such a 'tyrant''s trip, has already caused a lot of resentment among the family members.

Moreover, Liang Ji's reincarnation of the 'Tyrant Dragon Emperor' did not leave any heirs to take over his 'Dragon Emperor' dynasty and ruling power.

Therefore, after Liang Ji's reincarnation of the 'Dragon Emperor' passed away at the end of his life, the 'Dragon Emperor' dynasty he established completely collapsed within a few years, and the various families fell into division and fighting again.

The 'Dragon King' dynasty has become the shortest-lived dynasty among the several dynasties of the family, lasting only one generation, less than six hundred years.

However, since Liang Ji had expected this, he had naturally made preparations for it.

After he finished the reincarnation practice of "Soul and Dao Unity", he immediately sent a heroic soul from the seventh layer of the underworld to the underworld of Xiaquan, who swam through the spring and was trained by the "Red Pond", into reincarnation. A new 'Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven' was born among the dependents.

Now, hundreds of years have passed in the natal stars, and the new generation of the 'Emissary of the Heavenly Emperor' who was born in the Bianyuan clan has already reunified the divided clan and established another new dynasty of the clan, the 'Thunder Dynasty'.

At this time, among Liang Ji's natal stars, it was the first-generation 'Thunder Emperor' who led the Familia clan. Although he had entered old age, his combat prowess and that of the Familia clan legions under his command remained undiminished. Still in his prime.

This is also an important reason why Liang Ji has been anxiously searching for and hunting the fourth-order void mirage for more than half a year. If it takes another one or two months, the first generation of 'Thunder Emperor' will die at the end of his life, and the rulers of the family clan will pass on to the second level. On behalf of the 'Thunder Emperor', his combat power and the combat power of the commanding legion have been greatly weakened.

This was undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous for Liang Ji, who wanted to hunt the fourth-level void mirage across levels.

Fortunately, Liang Ji finally seized the last opportunity to find this fourth-order void mirage.

At this time, above the natal star, the first-generation ‘Thunder Emperor’ led the ten legions of the family members, plus the Tiandi Sect’s protective legion, a total of eleven legions, and was holding a grand expedition ceremony.

The Emperor of Heaven has issued an ‘oracle’, ordering the army of family members to go out to hunt and kill the enemy!

Since Liang Ji completed the practice of 'Soul and Dao Union', his control over the original power of stars and Dao Fruit has become more and more in-depth, and it has become easier and more detailed to issue 'oracles'.

When the sacrificial expedition reached its climax, a 'Starlight Portal' opened above the natal star, and the Thunder Emperor led eleven legions across the portal and headed towards the battlefield.

Each of the eleven legion teams has been greatly expanded, and the number of people far exceeds the ordinary configuration. Almost all the third-level family members who can fight in Liang Ji's natal star have been recruited into the legion.

In order to hunt down the fourth-level void mirage across levels this time, Liang Ji's family members can be said to have tried their best.


The Thunder Emperor led the legion into the battlefield. He saw no enemy, but what he saw was an endless thick fog covering the world, constantly rolling, changing, and full of blurred illusions. Even with the Thunder Emperor's development and cultivation to the extreme, Even with third-level bloodline power and soul power, it is difficult to see clearly what is happening in the mist several meters away.




boom! Rumble...

In the mist that shrouded all directions, no enemy could be seen, but countless roars and fighting sounds could be heard. The Thunder Emperor immediately recognized that the sounds were the fighting and fighting sounds of the clan warriors in each legion team.

At the same time, the Thunder Emperor discovered that the rolling fog around him seemed to contain violent corrosive power. When it came into contact with his body, it was slowly eroding and damaging the spiritual weapon shirt on his body.

As the fog rolled and blurred, the Thunder Emperor's eyes gradually began to become confused. Countless enemies seemed to be rushing out of the fog in front of him, heading towards him and his legions.

boom! Click! Rumble...

Violent thunder roars instantly erupted all over the Thunder Emperor, and his body swelled and became larger. Stirred by the enemies that were transformed into the mist, the Thunder Emperor used all his fighting power.

The biggest and best ability of the fourth-level void mirage is to release the 'fog natural disaster' that shrouds all directions. These fogs contain the power of natural disasters. Not only do they have huge corrosive and destructive power, but what is even more powerful is the powerful psychedelic effect contained in them. At this time, they have begun to corrode and psychedelic the Thunder Emperor and all the family members who entered them. warrior.

Although these third-level family members have condensed their souls, with the power of their third-level bloodline souls, even if they have the soul cauldron inheritance of Kunlun's "Golden Cauldron Lineage", it is difficult to resist the natural disaster mist erosion and hallucination released by the fourth-level mirage. Power.

The fourth level, whether it is for the dependents, practitioners, or the Void Monster Clan, has already entered the intermediate level from the elementary level. It is a huge leap and progress, and the strength and destructive power are far from those of the first level.

For the Void Demon Clan, after entering the middle level of the fourth level and above, the power of various elements and destructive power they mastered rapidly increased and strengthened, and they have transformed into the power of various natural disasters.

The power of natural disasters is the iconic power of various mid-level void demon clans.

The fourth-level void mirage masters this kind of foggy natural disaster.

when! Groan...

At this time, in the void enveloped by the foggy natural disaster, a thirty-three-story pagoda emerged. Black-yellow light erupted, vibrating and buzzing like a dragon's roar, and spread into the foggy natural disaster below.

This is Liang Ji's natal spiritual weapon, the Thirty-Three-Level Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth. It has long been refined to the level of the best spiritual weapon. The cracks and heavy damage caused by intercepting the meteor shower have long since changed with the origin of the natal stars and the dependent clan. Restore and repair.

Seeing his army of Familia entering into the natural disaster of fog, without even seeing the enemy, they were all confused by the surrounding fog, fell into illusions, and even started killing each other. As the Star Master, Liang Ji had to take action. Awaken these Familia.

The roaring sound of the pagoda was like the roar of a dragon, which was transmitted into the natural disaster of fog, causing a large piece of fog to roll, block, and dissolve the roaring sound. There was even a large piece of fog rolling and agitating towards the top of the void, trying to swallow Liang Ji. The pagoda of natal spiritual weapons that was sacrificed.

Fortunately, Liang Ji was on a starship of the Star Alliance's "Security Department". Under the protection of a large array of starships, he recovered his natal spiritual weapon in time and did not fall into the fog.

Although the roaring sound of the pagoda was weakened by the fog, some lingering sounds finally reached the family members below, awakening the Thunder Emperor who fell into trance.

Roar! Rumble...

As soon as the Thunder Emperor woke up with a start, he immediately knew what had happened. He roared like a thunderous explosion, awakening some of the surrounding warriors who were also trapped in illusions and killing each other.

"Form up a formation!"

Emperor Lei gave an order.

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