The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 476 Participating in the War

The Thunder Emperor was awakened by Liang Ji with his natal spiritual weapon pagoda, and he immediately realized the situation around him. He immediately roared with thunder to awaken the surrounding warriors who were trapped in illusions and killing each other, and ordered them to form formations.

These warriors of the clan have been trained for a long time. Although they have not yet understood the surrounding situation, they will form a formation as soon as they hear the Thunder Emperor's order and habitually, and support the Thunder Emperor in the center.

Under the operation of the battle formation, a steady stream of power blessed the Thunder Emperor, pushing his body to a higher and larger size. The strength, power, and surrounding thunder all became stronger.

"I respectfully ask the Emperor of Heaven to help me!"

At this time, a taller purple figure emerged behind the Thunder Emperor's swollen figure. It was his heroic soul that had been baptized by the 'Red Pond' and contained the power of Red.

As the Thunder Emperor let out a long roar, the purple figure raised his hand and sprinkled a large purple rain of light on the Thunder Emperor.

The next moment, Liang Ji, as the star master, could sense a star power coming from the stars, blessing the Thunder Emperor, and immediately pushed his swollen body to more than 500 feet, achieving the 'Dharma, Heaven, and Earth' 'Great magical power!

The power of red of nine colors of merit, the power of heaven and earth!

The Thunder Emperor's heroic soul has been baptized by the Red Pond and has mastered the power of Red. He can be blessed by Liang Ji's natal power of stars and heaven and earth, that is, the original power of the stars, making him stronger and far superior to other dependents.

On Liang Ji's natal star, the Thunder Emperor relied on the blessing of the origin of the stars and the power of heaven and earth to defeat all enemies and reunify the "Thunder Dynasty" established by the family members.

But now, in this void star sea, far away from Liang Ji's natal star, the Thunder Emperor inspires the power of Red and the power of heaven and earth, but he is still able to attract a star power blessing through the connection with the natal star, plus The power of the barely formed battle formation all around successfully condensed into a 'Dharma Image' of more than 500 feet.

As a result, at least in terms of size, the Thunder Emperor is not much worse than a fourth-order void mirage. It has also entered the fourth-order category and has some fourth-order power.

The fog that rolled and eroded around him was finally resisted by the Thunder Emperor with the help of the power of the 'Dharma Image'. Although there were still some blurry illusions, it was no longer able to pose much threat or influence to him and the warriors from the clan around him forming a battle formation. .

Only now did Thunder Emperor gain a foothold in this misty natural disaster.

Next, the Thunder Emperor controlled the more than 500-foot-long 'Dharma Elephant' and looked into the surrounding fog. With the power of the 'Dharma Elephant', he was finally able to see clearly the range of several thousand meters in the fog, and he could also see some positive things in the fog. Familia warriors trapped in illusions were killing each other, as well as a large number of Familia corpses and limbs floating in the void.

Those rolling, psychedelic fogs are eroding and devouring the vitality in these families and corpses.

The scope of the void shrouded by the mist and natural disaster is more than hundreds of thousands of miles. The Thunder Emperor has not yet found the fourth-order void mirage, but the team of warriors brought out have already suffered heavy casualties.

Roar! Rumble...

The Thunder Emperor roared again, his body was like a thunder roar, and he controlled the power of the 'Dharma Image', making his roar this time more powerful and spreading further, filling the surrounding area for thousands of miles, immediately covering this area. A large number of warriors from the clan who fell into hallucinations and killed each other woke up.

"Return to the team!"

"Array up!"

"Be careful..."

The Thunder Emperor led his men who had formed a team in the battle formation, and quickly rushed towards the battlefield where they were fighting each other. He gathered these Familia warriors who had awakened from the hallucination and returned to the team and joined the battle formation. This was to protect these Familia warriors. , so that they will no longer fall into the mist and illusion, and also increase the power of the battle formation, thereby continuing to enhance the power of the Thunder Emperor's 'law, sky, elephant and earth'.

Amidst the natural disasters of fog covering hundreds of thousands of miles of void, Thunder Emperor's thunderous roars rang out from all over the fog, and streaks of thunder light came and went in the fog. The Thunder Emperor led the battle formation composed of the members of the clan to move across the fog. Come and go, rescue groups of warriors from the family members, and bring them into the battle formation.

The condensed 'Dharma image' is also constantly increasing and strengthening, five hundred and fifty feet, six hundred feet, six hundred and fifty feet!


When the Thunder Emperor's condensed 'Dharma Image' reached a size of 650 feet and was about to rush to another area in the fog to find and save more warriors from the clan who were trapped in illusions and killing each other, a sound came from the fog ahead. With a roar, a void demon beast with a size of more than 600 feet and double shells appeared in the mist, blocking the way of the Thunder Emperor.

This is the only fourth-level void mirage that has not been suppressed or restrained in this foggy natural disaster, and it is also the target of Liang Ji's hunting.

This fourth-level void mirage also has a strong spiritual intelligence. Seeing that the Thunder Emperor has been able to withstand the erosion and psychedelic attacks of the mist natural disasters, and continues to save more dependents to continuously improve its combat power, this fourth-level void mirage naturally He would not allow them to be rescued and strengthened, but chose to show up, intercept and kill the invading enemies while they still had the upper hand.

hiss! call……

The fourth-level void mirage appeared, its shell-like figure opened, and the sound of hissing and exhaling came from it. The next moment, a golden light like a blade was spit out from the open mirage shell, as if cutting through the space. He slashed in front of the Thunder Emperor's 'Dharma Elephant' which was more than 600 feet tall, and slashed towards its head.

For void mirages, although mist natural disasters are their most powerful and commonly used method, it does not mean that they only have this method.

The Void Monster Clan that can grow to the intermediate level are all powerful beings that have been in the vast starry sky for a long time, and even swallowed many stars. They have encountered many powerful enemies and fought many times, so they naturally have no shortage of powerful killing methods.

boom! Click! Rumble...

The Thunder Emperor is also a battle-hardened being. Although he has never encountered an enemy in the mist and natural disasters, he has not relaxed his vigilance at all. Therefore, the moment the golden light strikes in front of him, his whole body also explodes with majestic, The violent thunder bombardment was like a large thundercloud surrounding the whole body, colliding with the golden light, roaring, exploding, and impacting.

As the trump card of the fourth-level void mirage demon, golden light is sharp, powerful, and unparalleled in power. Although the thunder clouds erupting around the Thunder King were blessed by the great magical power "Fa Tian Xiang Earth", they were also cut and torn apart by the golden light layer by layer.

Although there were layers of thunder blocking him, the Thunder Emperor had already felt the huge threat of death from the golden light.

"Thunder Escape!"

Without the slightest hesitation, the thunderclouds surrounding the Thunder Emperor exploded instantly, shrouding the surrounding legion formations and family warriors in the thunderclouds. The next moment, lightning and lightning swept them up and flew into the mist. Run away, avoid the slashes of the golden light, and at the same time find and save as many warriors as possible to continue to enhance your own combat power, so that you can better deal with the battle with the fourth-order void mirage.

when! Groan...

In the void, above the misty natural disaster, Liang Ji sacrificed his natal spiritual weapon pagoda and took action again.

After cultivating the 'Immortal Star' star technique, the Star Master has more security and gradually begins to let go of his restraints and participate in more battles.

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