The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 481 Fourth level inheritance

Above Liang Ji's natal stars, the rain of moonlight fell, and the origin of the stars boiled and grew. The star spiritual veins advanced from the third level to the fourth level, and the upper limit of levels above the stars was broken.

In the Biyan Imperial City, the Thunder Emperor of the first generation is already very old, his hair is pale, and he is on the verge of the end of his life.

But the great opportunity to catch up with Xingchen's advancement gave him a chance to be reborn.

The moment Xingchen advanced to the fourth level, the purple heroic soul in the Thunder Emperor's body felt the growth and stimulation of the star's aura, and suddenly became excited. The purple soul shadow appeared behind him, and the thunder light shone, and a piece of purple light fell into the thunder. Within the royal body.

The next moment, lightning exploded all over the body of the Thunder Emperor, and his bloodline burned and exploded in his body. He advanced from the third-level bloodline to the fourth-level bloodline and became a fourth-level dependent. At the same time, he also broke the limit of six hundred years of life for a third-level dependent. Increased to the eight hundred life span of the fourth-level dependents!

The breakthrough of the bloodline, the increase in strength, and the increase in lifespan gave a generation of Thunder Emperors a new lease of life. Their pale hair turned black again, their stooped and atrophied bodies became strong again, and their aging and wrinkled skin became shiny again.

boom! Click...

In Bi'an Imperial City, in the sky above the palace, there was a thunderclap, and large thunderclouds gathered together, with countless thunders roaring in and out of them.

The fourth-level Familia, compared to the Star Lord's sixth-grade golden elixir stage, and the fourth-level Void Monster Clan, have been able to not only master the power of their own essence and soul, but also be able to influence and control the power of the outside world.

Just like the fourth-level Void Monster Clan can master the power of natural disasters.

The power of blood of fourth-level dependents can also influence and control the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, after the Thunder Emperor broke through to the fourth level, the power of the bloodline immediately interacted and influenced the power of the stars, heaven and earth, forming thunder clouds and thunder in the sky above the palace, which took a long time to disperse. This meant that the Thunder Emperor had mastered The strength of his new breakthrough.

Not long after the Thunder Emperor's breakthrough, Liang Ji's natal star and many family members ushered in the climax of a breakthrough.

Various phenomena of heaven and earth appear from time to time around the clan cities. There are clouds of fire filling the sky, strong winds rising, heavy rain pouring, the earth shaking and mountains shaking, golden energy permeating the air, thousands of trees growing, etc., all of which are three everywhere. The first-level family members break through the limit and awaken the fourth-level bloodline, thus interacting and influencing the power of heaven and earth, resulting in strange phenomena.

These Familia who broke through to the fourth level are basically Familia warriors who had previously participated in the hunt for the fourth level mirage and survived. A battle to the death can increase the chance of the Familia's bloodline awakening and advancing. This is what Liang Ji had already done before as a first-level star master. The experience and knowledge I already gained from my mentor.

In the end, less than a million third-level dependents survived the war, and nearly one-third of them successfully advanced to the fourth-level dependents within a few months of Xingchen advancing to the fourth level.

The Thunder Emperor recruited these fourth-level warriors from the clan to replace his clan legions and form a dedicated legion of fourth-level clan warriors.

If the current legion team is allowed to hunt down the fourth-order void mirage, it will undoubtedly be much easier, and the casualties will be reduced many times.

However, Liang Ji did not immediately set out to hunt the remaining three suppressed fourth-order void mirages. Instead, he continued to develop stars and cultivate his dependents.

The Familia who have just advanced to the fourth level stars and awakened the fourth level bloodline, although they have mastered the power of the fourth level, are undoubtedly still at the third level stage in terms of inheritance, elixirs, weapons, combat skills, etc.

Therefore, Liang Ji needs to upgrade the combat power of the stars and the family members, and it will be much easier and safer to hunt the remaining fourth-level void mirages.

At the moment, Liang Ji opened the star directory, logged into the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, and purchased from it the fourth generation inheritance of the 'Jade Character Lineage' nine-turn Xuan Yu, and the fourth generation inheritance of the 'Golden Cauldron Lineage' Nine-Tripod Building Strength.

These permissions have already been opened for him by the red jade instructor. After Liang Ji advances to the fourth-level star master, he can purchase them from the star palace by spending some merit points.

Afterwards, he quickly purchased a set of 'Flying Boats' to build a legacy in the Star Palace official website trading forum.

First-order talisman, second-order weapon, third-order formation, fourth-order strong ship and cannon!

When a Star Master cultivates a Familia, the first three stages are the foundation stages, which are not only the foundation for the Familia's essence and soul, but also the foundation for the inheritance of the Familia's methods. In the first three stages, enough runes, weapon refining, and formations have been accumulated. After inheritance and knowledge, after advancing to the fourth level of the Familia, you can integrate the inheritance and knowledge of these talismans, weapons, and arrays to build a unified body of talisman arrays and a more powerful 'strong ship and cannon'.

However, the resources that the fourth-level stars can generate and the strength of the fourth-level dependents allow them to build only the lowest level 'flying boat', and it requires the inheritance of the original 'flying boat' template.

This kind of 'Flying Boat' template inheritance is considered a semi-regulated inheritance in the Star Alliance. The buyer needs sufficient qualifications and status. Moreover, this kind of inheritance is not available in the general market. You can only buy the 'Flying Boat' template. 'Finished product.

Of course, as a fourth-level star master monk, Liang Ji naturally has the qualifications to purchase inheritance, and there are various "flying boat" template inheritances in Kunlun Star Palace.

In the transaction module of Star Palace's official website, seniors and seniors often sell various 'flying boat' template inheritances. These 'flying boat' templates are usually developed and modified by the family members of these seniors and seniors.

Compared with the 'Feizhou' template inheritance provided by the Star Palace, it is often less universal in terms of universality, but it often has more advantages in some aspects.

The 'Feizhou' template inheritance that Liang Ji purchased in the transaction module of Xing Palace's official website was the one he carefully selected after browsing the transaction module for a long time. It is called the 'Wanxiang Mountain Feizhou' template inheritance.

As the name suggests, this 'Wanxiang Mountain Flying Boat' template is designed and modified by the senior family members by integrating the inheritance of the Kunlun Star Palace 'Sacred Mountain' series flying boat templates and the Wanxiang Star Palace 'Wanxiang' series flying boat templates.

It is definitely not as universal as the 'Sacred Mountain' series and the 'Wanxiang' series, but it is undoubtedly more suitable for Liang Ji's family situation and can better utilize his family's combat power.

Moreover, his family members will be able to more easily develop and research their own series of flying boats based on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat template.

After purchasing the required inheritance, Liang Ji continued to purchase various fourth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots in the transaction module of the Star Palace official website. These fourth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots are already difficult to buy on the market, and you often need to log in to a special trading network to purchase them.

The trading module on the official website of Kunlun Star Palace is undoubtedly one of the most top-notch and comprehensive trading networks in the Star Alliance. It can purchase many resources and treasures that cannot be found outside or are banned for sale.

Of course, these fourth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots are difficult to find, and the prices are extremely high. Only mid-level spiritual stones are traded. After just one round of purchasing, Liang Ji spent most of the trophies he gained from hunting down several immortals on the Wild Planet and the spiritual stones he gained from selling high-level treasures.

In addition to the consumption of opening and cultivating the Jiuquan Underworld in the previous third-level star master stage, the original income has been almost consumed.

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