The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 482 Dragon Soul Transformation ‘Wanxiang Mountain’ Flying Boat

The dragon soul wrapped around Liang Ji's natal star has now lit up the dragon scales all over his body, and his head, body, and dragon tail are all shining with divine light. With the development of Liang Ji's natal star and the improvement of Liang Ji's personal practice, There are also treasures that are constantly being devoured and refined by the dragon soul and planted in the stars. This dragon soul is also becoming stronger and stronger, and its influence on the stars and the dependents within them is also growing.


At this time, the dragon soul raised its head and roared, swallowing the meteors falling in the starry sky, and after being refined, it was planted into the stars of its destiny.

These meteors are the inheritance that Liang Ji purchased from the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, as well as the fourth-level spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, mother minerals, etc., as well as the 'dojo' seeds purchased from the Star Network Market.

His natal star has advanced to the fourth level, and the various cultivation treasures opened in the stars can be upgraded to the fourth level training dojo, which can be used for family training and strengthening the power of his fourth level bloodline.

The inheritance seeds fall into the dependents, and the dependents still need time to learn, digest and practice. Various spiritual species, spiritual roots, mineral mother, etc. are planted into the natal stars. The stars also need time to digest and produce the corresponding Spiritual objects and resources.

Based on Liang Ji's current flow rate of less than a year in a fourth-order star, it would take at least four months in reality for the stars to produce the spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, and mineral resources he planted.

Afterwards, the family members digested the inheritance and improved their skills. If they want to build the first batch of 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, it will probably take at least about a month in reality.

In other words, Liang Ji had to wait at least five months before he could lead his family on an expedition again, but he hunted the remaining three fourth-order void mirages.

Liang Ji checked the situation of the stars and the dependents, and then his mind and consciousness turned to the dragon souls surrounding the stars.

He has also discovered the defense of the dragon soul. At this time, the consciousness of his mind was poured into it. Liang Ji suddenly merged with the dragon soul. The dragon soul was him, he was the dragon soul. He controlled the entire dragon soul to walk on the stars, and even more It can control the dragon soul to enter the stars, and can also swim away from the stars and explore the void of the surrounding star field.

This is the change that Liang Ji discovered after he advanced to the golden elixir stage. His energy and spirit were connected to the source of the stars and condensed into a golden elixir, allowing his control over the stars and dragon souls to instantly enter another level.

However, Liang Ji had previously tried to control the dragon soul to fly away from the stars to explore the surroundings, but found that the surroundings were blocked and blocked by the sky of the sun, moon and stars transformed into the "Zhoutian Star Array". Even if he controlled the dragon soul, he could not leave. .

The phantom blockade of the 'Sky Star Array' can be said to be both a protection and a constraint for the natal stars of middle and low-level star owners.

At this time, Liang Ji controlled the dragon soul and sent some treasures collected in the dragon soul's belly through the starlight teleportation array opened by the 'Star Book', and landed in the secret room where he was retreating.

What appeared in front of him were some beams, pillars, wall fragments, brick fragments, etc. These were the fragments of the 'temple' that originally appeared in the starry sky above Liang Ji's natal star. They turned into meteor showers and fell to his natal star. , was partially swallowed by the dragon soul entangled in the stars.

These fragments of the 'temple' contain a large amount of the evil power of the 'God Realm' and the power of twisted laws. Even if they are swallowed by Liang Ji's dragon soul, they have always been difficult to digest and cleanse.

Until now, Liang Ji has advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, and the dragon soul wrapped around the stars has become more and more powerful. Only then has he completely swallowed up the various evil powers of the 'god realm' and the power of twisted laws contained in these 'temple' fragments. , digest it cleanly, become part of the dragon soul, and promote the dragon soul's considerable improvement and change.

Liang Ji even clearly discovered that this dragon soul had mastered some of the power of the evil gods belonging to the 'God Realm'.

Fortunately, this dragon soul is a part of him, and he can fully control it. Otherwise, he would really worry that this dragon soul would also be infected and distorted by the power of the 'God Realm', and turn into an evil god.

At that time, not to mention the threat to the natal stars and himself, it is more likely to be directly bombarded by the sensed "Zhoutian Star Formation".

Not to mention the changes in the dragon soul, after these 'temple' fragments have been thoroughly refined by the dragon soul, they no longer contain the power of the evil god of the 'god realm', and what remains are various high-level spiritual materials and precious material resources.

After all, the 'Pantheon' was a Taoist artifact at the beginning. After being promoted by the pantheons of the 'God Realm', it was upgraded to acquired spiritual treasures. The materials of these 'temple' fragments are now at the lowest level of seventh-order immortal artifacts, and even some Some core materials can reach the eighth-level Taoist level.

Liang Ji has just been promoted to the fourth-level star master. He has purchased a large number of fourth-level inheritance, fourth-level spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, etc., almost consuming all the wealth in his hands. It is when he needs to replenish the spiritual stones, he is going to use these 'temples' The fragments are smelted and broken down, and some unnecessary high-level materials are taken out and sold.

After sorting out the harvest, Liang Ji finally ended the retreat. He came out of the retreat room in Manggu Academy. He first contacted the students from Lu Ding's Manggu Academy. These people were the ones he had hunted for the void monsters in the Manggu Black Cave. With the help of the cooperating students of Manggu Academy, Liang Ji was able to rent a secret room in Manggu Academy to retreat, break through to the fourth-level Star Lord, and condense the golden elixir.

Later, through the introduction of these "local snakes" in Manggu City, I found a refining company in the city, smelted and decomposed the "temple" fragments, and sold the unnecessary high-level spiritual materials and resources directly to this refining company. The company harvested tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones, which immediately re-inflated his shriveled wallet.

In the following months, Liang Ji still stayed in Manggu City, paying attention to the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory, while learning various courses through the official website of the Star Palace, especially the course of cultivating the ‘God List’.

After advancing to the fourth level Star Master, according to the tradition of Kunlun Star Palace, he has been able to preliminarily refine the 'God List' and canonize ghosts and gods in his natal star and underworld.

This ‘Fengshen List’ can be said to be the most important and critical core inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace. Liang Ji naturally needs to study, practice and master it carefully.

When he has time, he will also get together with some friends he knows.

The turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory can now be said to be the biggest event among the Thirty-three Star Alliance Star Territories, attracting many Star Lords from the Star Gate to come.

Needless to say, senior members of the Star Alliance's "Security Department" such as Senior Qi Changge and Captain Yang Yun all received missions and came here; at the same time, many of Liang Ji's old classmates such as Peng Yue, Yun Lai, and Zhang Liangpu were also attracted to come here. We have never met before, but now that we meet here in the Manggu Star Territory, we naturally want to get together.

Five months have passed in this way, and more than a hundred years have passed in Liang Ji's natal star. Although the time is not long, the fourth-level spiritual seeds and spiritual roots he planted have grown in the stars, which is enough to trigger Vicissitudes of change.

The mountains containing the fourth-level spiritual gold veins rise, the abyss containing the fourth-level spiritual water is formed, the forest growing the fourth-level spiritual trees grows, the fourth-level earth mineral veins are generated in the earth, and the fourth-level spiritual fire in the earth fire Born out of accumulation.

The fourth-level resources are generated, and the family members have also digested the fourth-level inheritance, mining various fourth-level spiritual materials in the stars, upgrading the "Heaven and Earth Furnace" in the Longshou Mountain Mountain Range, and the first batch of "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boats have been Successfully built.

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