The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 483 The First Battle of the Flying Boat

In the Manggu Star Territory, in a void blocked by formations, the Starlight Gate opened, and mountain-like flying boats flew out from the Starlight Gate.

As if sensing the arrival of the flying boats, the void blocked by the formation suddenly filled with endless fog, filling the entire void blocked by the formation. These fogs swallowed and eroded away the mountain-like flying boats. Among them, various colors of psychedelic power erupted, trying to invade the flying boat and the existence in the psychedelic flying boat.

There is no doubt that this is the mist natural disaster released by the remaining three fourth-order void mirages that were suppressed in the formation. They discovered the enemy.

The power of the foggy natural disaster released by three fourth-level void mirages jointly was undoubtedly far greater than when the Liang Ji family members hunted a fourth-level void mirage.

However, the strength and means of Liang Ji's family members were far from what they could be compared to at that time.

Facing the misty natural disasters that eroded and enchanted all things, runes appeared on the mountains and flying boats, connecting them to form restrictions and formations.

The next moment, powerful winds, thunder, flames, heavy rain and other forces erupted from the mountain-like flying boats, sweeping away the misty natural disasters all around.

The strong wind blows away the fog, the thunder tears apart natural disasters, the fire burns and evaporates the fog, and the heavy rain washes away the void.

The 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat combines the inheritance of Kunlun Star Palace's 'Sacred Mountain' series flying boats templates and the inheritance of the 'Wanxiang' series flying boats templates of the Vientiane Star Palace. 'The flying boat has the effect of all kinds of magic.

Liang Ji chose this flying boat to inherit. At this time, the family members built it, and combined with the power of various elements mastered by the ten-lineage family members under his command, the power of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat was indeed brought into full play.

The misty natural disaster was blown away and washed away, and the lethality of the fourth-order void mirage was immediately weakened by nearly half.

Liang Ji's newly promoted fourth-order family members, under the leadership of the fourth-order Thunder Emperor, drove ten 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats all the way through the fog and rushed towards the fourth-order mirage in the center of the fog.

Compared to the last time I hunted the fourth-order Void Mirage, where more than half of the enemies were killed or injured without even seeing the enemy, I now undoubtedly have the upper hand!

hiss! Roar……

In the center of the misty natural disaster, three fourth-order void mirages roared angrily as they faced the flying boats that tore through the mist and rushed towards them.

The shells and conch shells opened one after another, and streaks of golden light shot out from them, slashing at the rushing flying boat.

Golden light is a major killing move of the mirage, and Liang Ji fully experienced it when he hunted the fourth-order void mirage for the first time. However, at this time, the family members were fighting in the fourth-level 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat. Facing this lethal golden light, they were able to handle it with ease and did not need Liang Ji to help.

But I saw patches of golden light emerging from the mountain-like flying boats, like 'golden lists' consisting of runes, restrictions, and formations posted on the flying boats, connected to the flying boats. Formations and restrictions everywhere.

"Emperor, Fengshen!"

"Edict, Thunder God!"

"Edict, Mountain God!"

"Edict, Vulcan!"

"Emperor, Water God!"

"Edict, Wood God!"


"Sacred Mountain Suppression!"

But I saw that the 'golden lists' were like lists of gods and divine decrees. They gathered the power of the elements that restricted the movement of formations in the flying boat. The decrees sealed each 'god' and merged with the flying boat like a mountain, cooperating with the flying boat to suppress the void and resist attacks. .

There is no doubt that this is the inheritance ability of the Kunlun Star Palace's Shenshan flying boat series among the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats. It has been retained by the seniors who have studied the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat series and has become an important part of the inheritance of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat series. One of the means.

With these 'gods' suppressing Feizhou, Feizhou's attack power and defense power are greatly increased, and it even has extremely strong suppression and banning powers.

The golden light that was chopped off first collided with the divine light and elemental power erupted by the "gods" on the "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boat. After some collision and wear and tear, the power was greatly reduced; then, the golden light broke through the divine light and the power of the elements. Blocked by the power of elements, it rushed into the vicinity of the flying boat, and was suppressed by the power of the void by the decreed gods on the flying boat. It was directly sealed and suppressed in the void in front of the flying boat.

When the golden light broke through the ban and suppression of the 'gods', its power had been weakened to less than half, and its speed had also dropped significantly. The 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat under attack had no power to avoid the attack of the golden light.

However, both Liang Ji and Lei Huang intended to test the defense of the newly built 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat, so they did not take advantage of the golden light being banned or suppressed, or the current speed drop to avoid it. , escaped, but used all his strength to operate the defensive formations and restrictions on the flying boat, enduring the greatly reduced power of the golden light slash.

Amidst the buzzing sound, one could clearly see the golden light striking the airship's defensive light shield, causing large ripples and vibrations. There were even cracks on the defense light shields of several airships with weaker defenses.

After all, the formations, restrictions, decreed gods, etc. on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat all control and operate different elemental powers based on the different bloodline powers of the dependent clans in it.

Among these elemental powers, some are good at defense and some are good at offense. The formations, restrictions, and divine defenses on the flying boat are naturally different.

This can also be regarded as a major feature of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat series. Depending on the different powers of the flying boats, some flying boats are good at offense, some are good at defense, some are good at speed, etc. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, with mutual cooperation, they can undoubtedly achieve better combat effects in various battlefields.

Liang Ji himself did not participate in this hunting battle, but he paid attention to the first battle effect of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat. He saw that the defensive masks on several flying boats were cut and cracked, but in the end they were not completely broken. The golden light was exhausted, and the cracks on the mask quickly recovered.

He also had a preliminary understanding and calculation of the defense capabilities of these 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats.

It can be said that with the cooperation of the two forces of the 'Holy Mountain' and the 'Wanxiang Mountain', the defense power of the 'Wanxiang Mountain' series of flying boats has been able to completely withstand the attacks of most of the fourth-order void monsters.

Liang Ji also learned a lot about the Void Monster Clan during his studies at Kunlun Star Palace. He knew clearly that the golden light attack power of the fourth-order Void Mirage Demon was considered to be the strongest among the various fourth-order Void Monster Clan. The attack power is quite superior.

After all, this is the mirage's lethality method in addition to the natural disasters of fog, and its attack power is naturally powerful.

And since the defense of the flying boat in the 'Wanxiang Mountain' is fine and can block the mirage's golden light attack, the family members in the flying boat naturally have no worries about this battle to hunt down the fourth-order void mirage.


From the thunder-light ‘Wanxiang Mountain’ flying boat suppressed by the headed Thunder God, the Thunder Emperor’s murderous and cold orders came out.

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