The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 485 Party and Plans

Mang Ancient City, Shande Building.

Liang Jizheng gathered with Qi Changge, Yang Yun, Peng Yue, Lu Ding and others to celebrate his advancement to the fourth level Star Master.

Advancing from the third-level star master to the fourth-level star master is a big progress for every star master monk, and it is worth inviting relatives and friends to celebrate.

That is to say, Liang Ji is now in Manggu City, and the situation in the Manggu Star Territory is quite turbulent and tense. His friends and seniors here often have various tasks scattered throughout the Manggu Star Territory, and few of them can communicate with them. He once gathered in Manggu City.

Moreover, Liang Ji had previously spent more of his thoughts on the development of his natal stars after their advancement and the cultivation of his family members, and he also had no intention of celebrating.

So this celebration banquet has just been delayed for nearly half a year.

But now, he has initially completed the arrangement of the fourth-level stars, and the family has also developed a suitable fourth-level flying boat. Liang Ji has now taken a preliminary step towards the fourth-level star master, and naturally has more mood and time to do it. Gathered and celebrated with relatives, friends and seniors.

At this time, the celebration was coming to an end, and some of the friends who came to attend the banquet had already left one after another. After all, the turmoil and chaos in the Manggu Star Territory were becoming more and more serious. Most of these people had their own tasks or purposes, and they could spare the time. It was already very difficult to attend Liang Ji's advancement celebration banquet in a short time.

"Liang Ji, this time you are the first to advance to the fourth-level star master, but I am also fast."

At the gate of Shande Building, Liang Ji was seeing off Peng Yue. The two had not seen each other for several years, and this time they were reunited in the Manggu Star Territory.

Peng Yue is still a third-level star master now, and has not even reached the third-level perfection in cultivation. She is already one step behind Liang Ji. However, there is no worry on her face at this time. Instead, she is full of confidence and says with a smile:

"With this turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory, the merit points I earned should be enough for me to exchange for enough elemental spirit crystals."

"At that time, I will be able to complete the reincarnation practice of 'Soul and Dao Union', and build my own 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' in the natal star, and I will not be far away from advancing to the fourth-level Star Master."

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words, smiled and nodded, and said: "After you advance to the fourth level Star Master, we may be able to join hands to go to the outer realm and explore the vast starry sky!"

Peng Yue nodded and said, "This is a good idea."

As she said that, she seemed to sense something and took out the 'Star Book'. There was news coming from it. Peng Yue checked it and said:

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. The Transportation Bureau has sent a new task. I have to go to carry out the task. See you later."

Seeing this, Liang Ji nodded and said, "Be careful, see you later."

As she spoke, Peng Yue left and took a speed car straight to the Manggu City Airport, where she would board the starship of the Covenant's "Transportation Bureau" and enter the void to perform her mission.

The nine star palaces of the Star Alliance are all at the top of the Star Alliance. However, due to different cultivation inheritance and different abilities, the nine star palaces basically have their own 'headquarters' among the senior leaders of the Star Alliance.

The headquarters of the Kunlun Star Palace is the Star Alliance's 'Security Department'. Just like Liang Ji's Senior Sister Tang, who was born in the Kunlun Star Palace and serves as a senior executive in the Star Alliance's 'Security Department', there are even high-level Star Lords who control the entire Star Alliance's 'Security Department'. There are quite a few.

The original meaning of Taihao Star Palace is the administrative department of the Star Alliance. Most of the high-level Star Lords who were born in the Taihao Star Palace serve as senior officials in the Star Alliance administrative department; there are also high-level Star Lords who were born in the Taiyi Star Palace, and most of them are in the Star Alliance army. hold high-ranking positions in the government, etc.

The Vientiane Star Palace where Peng Yue is located is in charge of the 'Transportation Bureau' in the Star Alliance. Relying on the power of controlling various elements and the laws of elements, they are responsible for the management, dredging, and construction of the star sea within the Star Alliance. Various star sea lanes in .

It can be said that long-distance travel within the Star Alliance relies on the 'Star Gate' opened by the 'Celestial Star Array', while the various channels used by starships for close-range navigation within the Star Territory rely on the 'All-Seeing Star Palace' Developed and maintained by high-level star masters.

Nowadays, turbulence and chaos are occurring within the Manggu Star Territory, and various navigation channels within the Star Territory are often affected by chaos and turmoil, resulting in the destruction of channels and problems.

Therefore, the Star Alliance's "Transportation Bureau" has also sent a lot of personnel into the Manggu Star Territory to maintain and organize the navigation channels of these stars to ensure that the Star Alliance's military and security teams can operate within the Manggu Star Territory. Smooth sailing, patrolling the safety and stability of all parts of the star field.

As a student of the Vientiane Star Palace, Peng Yue also chose to intern in the Star Alliance's "Transportation Bureau" after he advanced to the third level of Star Master.

After seeing off Peng Yue, Liang Ji returned to the box in Shande Building. Now only Yang Yun, Qi Changge and others were left in the box.

Speaking of which, Qi Changge has advanced to the fourth level of Star Master a long time ago and has passed the assessment of the Star Alliance's "Security Department". Now he has officially joined the Star Alliance's "Security Department". He is no longer an intern but a full member, just like Yang Like Yun, he formed an intern team under the Star Alliance's "Security Department".

This time the Manggu Star Territory was in turmoil, and the Star Alliance's "Security Department" issued a lot of tasks. Yang Yun and Qi Changge each led their teams to take over the tasks.

And Liang Ji is still a member of Senior Yang Yun's team.

"Liang Ji, now that you have advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, what are your plans next?"

Senior Sister Yang Yun looked at Liang Ji and asked:

"If you also intend to join the Star Alliance's 'Security Department' and become a formal member, I can help you submit the application. I believe there will be no problem in passing the assessment based on your ability."

Liang Ji shook his head slightly when he heard this, looked at Yang Yun and Qi Changge, and said, "I'm sorry, senior, senior, I have no intention of developing in the Star Alliance's 'security department'."

"My goal is beyond the Star Alliance, the vast starry sky."

"When this incident in the Manggu Star Territory is over, I should choose to go outside the Star Alliance, join the pioneering legion and serve, explore and open up the outer star sea."

As Liang Ji spoke, he couldn't help but look at the vast starry sky above his head, with light flowing in his eyes.

Seeing Liang Ji's appearance, Yang Yun and Qi Changge looked at each other, nodded and shook their heads.

They had no intention of persuading Liang Ji. There were many monks like Liang Ji in the Star Alliance who yearned for the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance. Not only the Star Lord monks, but also many high-level monks and immortals from other sects. After reaching the third level of cultivation and having no way out, they often choose to go to the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance to find a way forward.

The boundless sea of ​​stars and the vast void are always full of unknowns and possibilities, attracting the attention and desire of exploration of countless people.

Yang Yun just changed the subject at this time and said: "Since you chose to go to the outer domain after the Manggu Star Territory incident is over, you are still a member of my team now!"

"Of course." Liang Ji nodded and said, "I also want to earn some merit through the tasks of the Star Gate's 'Security Department'."

"This time, in order to advance to the fourth level of Star Master and exchange for inheritance, I have almost spent all the achievements I accumulated in the past ten years."

Yang Yun smiled and said, "That's great. With the addition of a fourth-level star master to my team, we can also carry out more dangerous missions and earn more merits and resources."

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