The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 486 Chaos Void Star Magic Eyes

In the Manggu Star Territory, in the vast void.

A starship was sailing in the void. Liang Ji was standing on the starship, looking at the surrounding starry sea in the distance. Various gorgeous storms, elemental auras, etc. were shining from far and near from time to time.

This is a starship belonging to the Star Alliance's "Security Department". Liang Ji chose to continue his internship in the Star Alliance's "Security Department" before the incident in the Manggu Star Territory ended. Now he is following Yang Yun's team in Perform missions on this starship.

The chaos and turmoil in the Manggu Star Territory has lasted for more than ten years. The Star Alliance has already sent a large number of manpower and forces to deal with and suppress these turbulence and chaos.

These stationed manpower and forces have different tasks. Among them, the largest and most powerful ones are naturally the armies belonging to the Star Alliance. They are stationed to guard various life stars in and near the Manggu Star Territory. .

Not only to protect the safety of life stars everywhere, but also to keep an eye on the stars of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' that may become the biggest source of turmoil and the explosion point of chaos.

The main task of the Star Alliance's "Security Department" is to send out teams to patrol the Manggu Star Territory and eliminate chaos, attacks, and unrest everywhere.

After all, most of the Star Lords who join the Star Alliance's "Security Department" come from the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance, especially the Kunlun Star Palace. A few are not students from the Star Palace, but also come from various schools and colleges. The top student among them, the outstanding star master monk.

Their numbers may not be as large as those of the armies stationed everywhere, but their ability to fight on a small scale definitely far exceeds that of the armies stationed everywhere.

Therefore, it is most suitable to patrol various parts of the Manggu Star Territory and eliminate hidden dangers, attacks and other battles.

At this time, Liang Ji and Yang Yun's team were riding on this starship, carrying out the mission of patrolling the interior of the star field to detect and eliminate hidden dangers and attacks.

Standing on the starship, looking at the void star sea all around, it seems that it is all empty darkness. However, with Liang Ji's current cultivation level in the Golden Core stage, he has been able to contact and control the power of heaven and earth, but he can inhabit these empty spaces. Feel and see more rich and colorful content in the dark.

He could see that these seemingly empty darkness were filled with all kinds of chaotic elemental power, radiation power, light power, etc., like a chaotic ocean.

And the channel their starship sails is a channel opened up in this chaotic ocean of chaos.

The various chaotic elements, radiation, light and other forces that are filled in it have been sorted out, connected, and organized into a state of order, making the starship sail very quickly, smoothly, and safely.

There is no doubt that these orderly channels are dredged and constructed by the Star Alliance's "Transportation Bureau" in the Manggu Star Territory.

"Ding, all passengers, please note that the starship is about to leave the normal channel, and the starship will activate level three protection."

At this time, a prompt sounded from the starship.

And Liang Ji also saw that the starship under his feet began to rush out of the channel full of orderly power and sail into the chaotic and disorderly chaotic void beside it.

In the surrounding chaotic void, various chaotic and disordered elements, radiation, light and other forces rushed towards the starship. The pressure on the starship increased greatly, and a layer of starlight emerged from the starship, forming a magnetic field. , the star-like atmosphere protects the starship within it.

The starship has activated the third level of protection, which imitates the magnetic field protection of the living stars in the void star sea to withstand the impact of various chaotic and disorderly forces in the void chaos.

As members of the Star Alliance's "Security Department", Liang Ji and others patrol the Manggu Star Territory to detect and eliminate hidden dangers and attacks. Naturally, it is impossible to only travel on the orderly Star Territory channels everywhere. It is necessary to leave the waterway and enter the chaos everywhere in the star field to patrol and clean up.

After all, most of the evil cultivators, void monsters, enemies from outside, or other ambitious people who have sneaked into the Manggu Star Territory are hidden outside the order channels and in the chaotic void.

Only in this chaotic void do we need the elite teams of the Covenant's "security department" to clean up and fight.

For Liang Ji, whether he was looking at the new vision of the void star sea after advancing to the sixth-grade golden elixir stage, or whether he was sailing away from the orderly channel and seeing chaos and chaos, it was an unprecedented experience for him.

After all, Liang Ji used to take starships to sail in the void of the star field. He always moved forward in the internal channels of the star field, and he always pointed directly at the target. He did not have the experience of slowly patrolling and admiring the chaotic void scene around him now. .

Meteorites, Death Stars, streamer belts, energy storms, broken star belts...

Various scenes in the chaotic void flashed in front of Liang Ji one by one. Starlight appeared in Liang Ji's eyes. There was a star spinning slightly in his eyes, which was the appearance of his natal star.

Star magic, Star Spirit Eyes!

This was a congratulatory gift from Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to Liang Ji after he advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, a pupil and star technique.

Star Lord monks have been able to practice various star arts after advancing to the fourth level of Star Lord. This 'Star Spirit Pupil' star spell is powerful and plays a big role in Star Masters observing the void star sea and finding targets.

It is a star technique that is compulsory for many star masters who explore the outer realms in the star realm outside the Star Alliance.

However, Liang Ji is just getting started now, and his cultivation is still shallow. The rotating stars appearing in his eyes lasted for less than half an hour before he couldn't bear it anymore and had to cover up the stars and disperse the starlight, ending the 'Star Spirit Pupil' star technique. operation.

Even so, after finishing the star technique, Liang Ji's eyes felt sore and difficult to open for a while. The golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness moved like stars, blooming golden light and flowing into his eyes like starlight. The pain in his eyes gradually disappeared and recovered.

The Star Master's sixth-grade Golden elixir stage and the Qi Refiner Taoist system's Golden elixir stage seem to belong to the same Golden elixir, but there are huge differences. The Star Master's Golden elixir is connected to the natal stars, connected to the Tao fruit, and connected to the origin of the stars. , almost equivalent to a secondary star or a star of the natal star.

It is far from comparable to the golden elixir made by the Qi Refiner Taoism.

After using the power of the star golden elixir to restore his eyes, Liang Ji once again used the star technique of the 'Star Spirit Eyes' to observe the chaotic void around him.

This is not only for the purpose of practicing and exercising the star technique of the 'Eye of the Star Spirit', but also for the purpose of learning more about and adapting to the situation in the chaotic void.

After all, Liang Ji's goal is to go to the star field outside the Star Alliance, which is basically in a state of chaotic void, chaos and disorder. Star spells such as the 'Episode of the Star Spirit' and how to understand the situation of the chaotic void, This is all work that Liang Ji needs to prepare for in advance.

The more prepared you are now, the safer and more rewarding your next trip to the outer realm will be.

"Hmm? The Void Demon Clan..."

At this moment, Liang Ji's 'Eye of the Star Spirit' penetrated the chaos of the void and discovered a group of void monsters appearing in front.

At the same time, an alarm sounded on the starship he was riding on, reporting the discovery of the Void Monster Clan.

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