The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 487 A little test of one’s skills

"Beep! A third-order void monster and a group of void black snakes are found ahead! Do you want to activate the starship attack system?"

A warning sound sounded on the starship, indicating that a group of void demonic beasts had been spotted ahead.

However, it is only a group of third-order void monsters, so there is obviously no need to use the attack power of this starship. After all, the energy of the spirit stones in the starship is also limited. Liang Ji and the others also use the starship to patrol all over the Manggu Star Territory, so they also need to save money. With starship energy.

Otherwise, if they encounter high-level void monsters or enemies later, and the starship does not have enough energy, they will be doomed.

"No need to activate the attack system!"

In the starship, it was Captain Yang Yun who was in charge of this operation, and he directly rejected the application of the starship weapon spirit.

Immediately, a spiritual light emerged and condensed in front of Liang Ji, turning into the light and shadow of Yang Yun. She looked at him and said: "Liang Ji, I will leave these third-order void monsters to you to deal with. Let us take a look at your methods and get familiar with them." Only with your strength can you arrange your work better."

"Captain, no problem."

Liang Ji naturally has no objection to Yang Yun's request. Although they have cooperated many times before, now that he has advanced to the fourth level, and the combat power and fighting methods of his family members have been updated, he naturally needs to let Yang Yun Wait for someone to learn about it again.

At the moment, Liang Ji kneaded the secrets on his hand, held up the 'Star Mirror', and at the same time moved the golden elixir in the sea of ​​consciousness to connect with the natal stars.

Bright starlight burst out from the 'Star Mirror' and shot into the chaos of the void ahead. These starlights connected and formed a 'starlight portal', leading directly to Liang Ji's natal star.

Opening the 'Starlight Portal' this time is different from Liang Ji's previous actions. In the past, he used the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' to open the Starlight Portal, allowing the family members to leave their natal stars and fight in the void; but this time, Liang Ji did it Instead of relying on the power of the 'Zhoutian Star Array', the starlight portal was opened with the power of the golden elixir and the 'Star Book'.

This is also one of the abilities of a Star Master after he has advanced to the fourth-level Star Master and condensed the golden elixir. He can further unlock the power of the 'Star Book' and open the Starlight Portal on his own.

After all, for intermediate star masters of the fourth level and above, they often leave the scope of the Star Alliance and enter the outer starry sky to explore and develop. However, the star areas outside the Star Alliance are not in the innate spiritual treasure. Under the shroud of the Zhoutian Star Array.

Therefore, it is no longer possible for an intermediate star master to borrow the power of the "Zhoutian Star Array" in the outer realm to open the starlight portal and summon his dependents to fight. He can only rely on his own strength and equipment to open the starlight portal.

Although Liang Ji is still in the Manggu Star Territory at this time and is still within the scope of the 'Celestial Star Formation', he now also needs to be familiar with this method of self-control without relying on the power of the 'Celestial Star Formation'. The means and ability to open the Starlight Portal to summon the Familia.

Just like his previous familiarity with the Chaos Void and his diligent practice of the astrological methods of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit', he was all preparing to leave the Covenant area and enter the outer space to explore the stars.

Using his own power to open the starlight portal for the first time, Liang Ji could feel the rapid rotation of the golden elixir in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and the rapid consumption of energy. Although he had the continuous support of the star power and origin of his natal star, he also felt that Feeling tremendous pressure.

Liang Ji immediately understood that he could not continue to open the Starlight Portal by his own power for too long, so he had to be quick every time he opened the Starlight Portal to summon his family members.

Fortunately, he had already passed down the oracle in the natal stars, and the family members riding on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat had already made preparations in the natal star. Here he opened the starlight portal, and several 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats were ready. He has quickly passed through the portal and arrived at this chaotic void from the natal stars.

The leading flying boat, with the God of Thunder sitting on it and surrounded by thunder clouds, is the Thunder King's ship.

However, the one sitting in the Thunder Emperor's ship at this time is no longer the first generation Thunder Emperor, but the second generation Thunder Emperor.

Although the first-generation Thunder Emperor successfully advanced to the fourth-level family and extended his lifespan to eight hundred years, he was already six hundred years old, which was only extended by two hundred years. Now he has expired and has to pass the throne to the second-generation Thunder Emperor. Emperor.

However, more of the fourth-level Familia's combat power is displayed on the flying boats. During this period of time, the Familia above Liang Ji's natal stars have built more 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, and have awakened and advanced to the fourth level. The number of dependents is also increasing, so the overall combat strength has not weakened, but has become stronger.

What's more, now they are just dealing with a group of third-order void black snakes, and Liang Ji's third-order family members are enough to deal with them, not to mention that this is a flying boat driven by a fourth-order family member.

Amidst the roaring thunder, the leading Thunder Emperor's ship launched the attack first. Countless thunderbolts blasted out from the thunder clouds and blasted into the group of black snakes in the void ahead, immediately smashing and tearing the group of void monsters into pieces. A large number of three The Void Black Snake was killed on the spot, its limbs and demon pills flying around.

hiss! Hiss...

After a sudden attack, continuous screams resounded from the collapsed group of void black snakes. Black light was emitted from the surviving void black snakes, converging into a black river in the chaotic void, and huge waves of courage rushed towards the airship team.

At the same time, the neighing sounds of these black snakes in the void also contain the power of soul attack, eroding the souls of the dependents like poison.

However, these elemental power and soul power are considered powerful methods in the third level, but they are completely useless against the current fourth level Familia with flying boats.

Immediately after the flying boat of the Thunder Emperor's ship, two more flying boats rushed out, one with the Wind God Suppression and the other with the Water God Suppression, and they were piloted by the Feng Chao Familia and the Chi Kiss Familia respectively.

It can be seen that the wind gods and water gods manifested on the two flying boats have manifested into the shapes of mocking the wind and chi kissing respectively.

This is also slightly different from the manifestation of the first batch of 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats before. Liang Ji's fourth-level family members have stronger soul power and more creativity, and have begun to target the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats. The template series has undergone certain transformation and improvement.

However, now that it is limited by materials and strength, this kind of transformation is more of a transformation and improvement that is consistent with the blood power of each lineage family.

Groan! Roar……

On the Wind-Mocking Flying Boat and the Chi-Kiss Flying Boat, the sound of dragon roars rang out, formations and restrictions were activated, and the divine power and bloodline magical power were integrated into them, setting off violent winds and waves, directly rushing the huge waves of the Heihe River. It shattered, swallowed, and rolled back, blasting into the surviving black snakes of the void, and immediately completely engulfed the group of black snakes in the void that had been torn apart.

Gangfeng killing, terrifying waves rolling, wind blades, water blades, all kinds of attack power swept through the strong winds and waves, killing the void black snake swallowed up in it.

These third-level void monsters simply cannot resist the power of formations and restrictions on the fourth-level flying boats, especially since they are also blessed with the power of the bloodline of the fourth-level dependents.

In less than half an hour, they only sent out three flying boats, the Thunder Emperor's Ship, the Wind-Shaking Flying Boat, and the Chi-Kiss Flying Boat, and successfully wiped out the group of third-order void black snakes.

For the family members under Liang Ji now, this is just a small test of their skills.

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