The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 488 Seeing Temple Fragments Again

Liang Ji sent out ten flying boats this time, and each of the Ten Meridians had one flying boat. As a result, only three flying boats completely wiped out the void black snake group.

This also made Liang Ji more aware of the gap between the fourth level and the third level, and he also had a deeper understanding of the combat power of his family members and Feizhou.

Similarly, Yang Yun and others also had a preliminary understanding of the combat power of Liang Ji's family members and Feizhou.

After the battle, the Familia quickly cleaned up the battlefield and harvested the materials and demon elixirs from the Void Black Snake. Although they were only third-level demon materials and demon elixirs, the spiritual stones obtained from selling them could only be considered as valuable to Liang Ji, who is now the fourth-level star master. I'm afraid I can't buy two or three fourth-level spiritual seeds with just a drop of money.

However, little things add up, and Liang Ji will not be dissatisfied with little gains.

After cleaning up the group of void monsters that they suddenly encountered, the starship that Liang Ji and others boarded did not delay and continued to move forward, patrolling the void in the star field according to the established route.

Three days later, the starship sounded the alarm again and found a demonic reaction on a nearby Death Star.

Liang Ji and Yang Yun each opened the starlight portal and sent flying boats to attack the Death Star.

The flying boats of Yang Yun's family members are the 'Giant Tree' series flying boats commonly used in Good Fortune Star Palace. There are giant trees taking root on each flying boat, just like the 'World Tree' exclusive to Good Fortune Star Palace, full of the mystery of good fortune.

However, Yang Yun's Gu Feizhou has obviously been transformed to be more in line with the Blue Bird Familia under her. Roads of blue light shot out from those 'giant wood' flying boats and shot into the Death Star that contained the devilish energy, as if they were given a temporary gift. The power of creation and vitality of the Death Star.

All kinds of illusory and real vegetation and life were born in the Death Star, invading everywhere on the Death Star, and distorting the entire Death Star.

The power of creation and vitality is so powerful that it distorts reality, matter, and origin, and it also has huge destructive power.

It can be clearly seen that the combat power of Yang Yun's flying boats and the intensity of the power of creation they control are far higher than those in the previous battles.

Obviously, Liang Ji has successfully advanced from the third-level star master to the fourth-level star master in these years, and Yang Yun and others are also making progress.

Judging from the combat power of these Familia and Feizhou, Liang Ji even estimated that Captain Yang Yun was not far away from advancing to the fifth level Star Master.

The Death Star was eroded and distorted by the terrifying power of creation. A large number of demonic souls and demonic energy were immediately forced out. They rushed out of the Death Star, gathered into a large piece of demonic fire in the void, and burned towards the attacking spaceship. .

At this time, the Familia flying boats sent by Liang Ji also began to attack, with thunder, fierce flames, strong winds, waves, mountains, and ice. Each of the ten flying boats had a Familia clan stationed there, operating the flying boat formations, restrictions, and integrating the power of the Familia blood. , launching various elemental attacks to engulf, blast and tear into pieces the incoming demonic fire.

"It's okay. The combat power of these demonic energies and demonic souls is basically only around the fourth level."

Liang Ji looked at the situation on the battlefield and quickly made an inference.

Moreover, these demonic energies and demonic souls had no roots. Liang Ji and Yang Yun joined forces and dispatched a family flying boat to quickly wipe them out.

"It seems that more and more demonic cultivators are entering the Manggu Star Territory, and there are more and more Death Stars infected by demonic energy and demonic souls!"

"This is not good for the situation in the Manggu Star Territory."

Yang Yun didn't pay much attention to cleaning up the demonic energy and demonic souls. Instead, she became worried about the situation.

Liang Ji asked a little strangely at this time: "Sister Yang, what are those demon cultivators doing with demonic energy and demonic souls staining the Death Star?"

"It's nothing more than creating stronger monsters or magic tools, and launching attacks when necessary to stir up more chaos in this star field."

As Yang Yun spoke, she reached out and touched the void in front of her. Formations and restrictions immediately appeared on the starship. A spiritual light hung down and turned into a curtain of light in front of them, within which a starry sky appeared.

Yang Yun stretched out her hand and clicked on the light screen a few times. The starlight quickly magnified, manifesting a void, a picture of stars, and a starship.

"This is where we are currently in the star field."

Yang Yun pointed at the void and stars that appeared in the light screen. Then she stretched out her hand and gently slid on the light screen. The screen moved towards the void on the left, and within a moment, a green star full of life appeared in the screen.

"This is one of the 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals' in the Manggu Star Territory, the original Jupiter."

"The demonic cultivator cultivates the demon soul in this Death Star and infects the Death Star. If necessary, he can directly control the Death Star to bombard the original Jupiter."

"Or, even if you don't attack the original Jupiter, you can still control the Death Star to attack the star field channel not far away, causing destruction and chaos."

Liang Ji looked at the starry sky manifested in the light curtain and the surrounding environment, nodded with some understanding, and said: "So, our mission is mainly to clean up the hidden dangers left by these enemies?"

Yang Yun nodded and said: "Mostly these."

Cleaning up the Death Star infected by demonic energy and demonic souls did not bring much loot. On the contrary, their flying boats consumed a lot of spiritual stones and energy. If each mission did not have a large merit reward, otherwise it would be a complete loss. Buy and sell.

The team continued to set off, and four days later, they discovered another Death Star, with many void monsters squatting on it, including third-level and a large number of second-level void monsters, devouring the starlight and origin of the Death Star.

The entire Death Star has been shattered by the attacks of these void monsters, and is on the verge of destruction.

This time, neither Liang Ji nor Yang Yun took action. Instead, several third-level star masters in the team took action, directly opening the starlight portal and summoning the third-level family generals on the Death Star. Each battle formation quickly killed the people entrenched on it. Void monster.

For Liang Ji and the two of them, using a fourth-level flying boat to kill these third-level and second-level monsters, the low-level demon materials, demon pills and other resources harvested may not be worth the spiritual stones and energy consumed by the flying boat. .

What's more, the third-level star masters under Yang Yun also need to train and earn merits. It is impossible for Liang Ji and the two of them to do all these tasks.

Time passed day by day, and the starship Liang Ji and others were on had flown nearly half of the entire Manggu Star Territory, during which time dozens of monsters, void monsters, evil gods, and even Star Territory pirate monks were cleared away.

Now, nearly half of the spiritual stones and energy contained in the starship have been consumed. According to the plan of Yang Yun and others, they are preparing to change the course and return to Manggu City. They will return to Manggu City to replenish energy, resources, etc., and also bring their Dispose of the resources, demon materials and other trophies harvested along the way.

On this day, when passing through a broken star belt, the 'starship' sounded the alarm again, discovering the evil god's power induction.

Yang Yun ordered the starship to move closer, and immediately found a wall fragment on top of a huge meteorite, which seemed to be carved from jade.

"Temple fragments!"

When Liang Ji saw the fragments of the wall, he immediately recognized that these were definitely fragments of the temple created after the acquired spiritual treasure 'Pantheon' collapsed.

His natal star was almost destroyed by these temple fragments, and Liang Ji was too familiar with them.

Yang Yun obviously recognized this thing, but her expression changed slightly and she directly ordered: "Starship, activate all formations and restricted protections immediately!"

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