The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 490 World Tree and Timing

In the battlefield, the Meteorite Evil God consumed the 'divine crystal' original spirit stone to enlighten a group of meteorite-turned-god servants, and launched continuous suicide attacks on the 'giant wood' flying boats that were attacking him from all sides.

However, the foundation of the newly born Meteorite Evil God is naturally far from being comparable to the foundation accumulated in Captain Yang Yun's "Bird Star".

The number of spaceships shattered by the suicide attacks of those meteorite gods could not even keep up with the number of 'giant wood' spaceships that continued to fly out of the starlight portal opened by Yang Yun.

Therefore, the purpose of the meteorite evil god to catalyze these giant stone god servants is also very clear. He does not intend to win this battle, but uses those situational servants to open the way. The meteorite evil god follows closely behind the giant stone god servants, trying to get through. The flying boat rushed out from the encirclement of this 'giant tree'.

But at this time, Captain Yang Yun launched a decisive attack.

On the surrounding 'giant wooden' flying boats, streaks of green light emerged like formations shooting into the air, intersecting, connecting, and merging in the void, and finally connected to form a formation with the 'giant wooden' flying boats as the eyes. The void formation at the node enveloped the entire battlefield, sealing the meteorite evil god within it.


The meteorite evil god obviously realized that something was wrong. He roared angrily and gave up his plan to rush out. The huge stone head was raised, and the complete 'divine crystal' flew out from between his eyebrows. A bright divine light burst out from it and turned into a beam. The divine light rays shot directly into the void, bombarding the void array intertwined in the sky.

The divine light exploded, eroded, and distorted, and suddenly blasted away large areas of the connected and intertwined formations in the void. Among the 'giant wood' flying boats that were surrounded and connected in the formation, dozens of them suddenly suffered backlash, heavy damage, and exploded on the spot. .

The Blue Bird family members of Yang Yun who were driving these 'giant wood' flying boats all died on the spot as the flying boats exploded. A large number of limbs and broken arms were scattered in all directions along with the fragments of the flying boats.

However, Yang Yun did not care about the casualties of his family members and the flying boats at this time. He still directed the remaining flying boats to reconnect and quickly repair the void formation.

The Meteorite Evil God continued to activate the 'divine crystal' regardless of its origin, launching divine light bombardments again and again, hoping to completely smash the void formation and impact out.

During these bombardments and confrontations, the 'giant wood' flying boats sent by Yang Yun collapsed one after another, causing a large number of casualties among the family members. However, the divine light emitted by the evil god Yunsheng who activated the 'divine crystal' became weaker and weaker. It gradually becomes difficult to stop the connection and arrangement of the void formation.

Finally, the formation finally took shape under such a confrontation, and an illusory and real 'giant tree' formed in the void and suppressed it directly, suppressing the fifth-level meteorite evil god on the spot.

"world Tree!"

Liang Ji looked at the illusory and real 'giant tree' formed by the large formation in the void, but he instantly recognized that this was exactly the world he had seen in the Star Palace when he visited the Creation Star Palace. Tree' look.

The World Tree is also the main inheritance method of the Creation Star Palace, just like the Kunlun Star Palace’s ‘Apotheosis of the Gods’, the Vientiane Star Palace’s ‘Ten Thousand Methods Melting Pot’, etc.

At this time, Captain Yang Yun used the 'Giant Wood' flying boat to form the 'World Tree Formation', which also meant that his inheritance method of creating the Star Palace was completely formed, which represented the end of this war.

Under the suppression of the 'World Tree', the more powerful green light of creation hung down from the 'World Tree', completely submerging the meteorite evil god. The power of creation eroded and distorted, directly decomposing and melting its meteorite body, and finally the remaining A complete fifth-level 'divine crystal' erupted in the green light of creation hanging down from the 'World Tree'. It tried to escape, but was suppressed in an instant.

Even the consciousness of the evil god contained in the complete 'divine crystal' was completely cleared by the blue light of creation hanging down from the 'World Tree'.

Captain Yang Yun reached out and made a move, and the complete fifth-level 'divine crystal' flew into her hand. Looking at the 'divine crystal', Yang Yun showed a smile and said: "Finally, I didn't lose money in this battle, with this one" The divine crystal is enough for me to exchange for some fifth-level resources for future development after advancement."

Liang Ji looked at the 'divine crystal' in Yang Yun's hand with a look of envy on his face. There is no doubt that this 'divine crystal' is far more useful to him, a student of Kunlun Star Palace, than Yang Yun, a good fortune star. Gong Xuezi’s.

As if feeling Liang Ji's gaze, Yang Yun turned to him and asked with a smile: "Do you want this 'divine crystal'? You can exchange it with me for contribution points or spiritual stones."

Liang Ji's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "Senior, I don't have merit points or spiritual stones, but I have some high-level spiritual materials. I wonder if I would like to change them?"

Yang Yun nodded when she heard this and said, "I'll take a look later."

While speaking, Yang Yun's family members had already ended the 'World Tree Formation', turned to clean up the battlefield, and returned to their natal stars through the Starlight Portal.

Liang Ji also reopened the Starlight Portal and asked his family members to drive the flying boat back to their natal stars.

Shortly afterwards, the starship continued its return journey and inspected the surrounding star field and void.

Liang Ji showed Senior Yang Yun the high-level spiritual materials in his hand, which he had left behind after breaking down the fragments of the 'temple'.

Unfortunately, after seeing it, Senior Sister Yang Yun shook her head and said directly: "These spiritual materials are all from the fragments of the 'temple'. Unfortunately, they are not what I need."

Liang Ji also reacted after hearing this. When the 'Pantheon' collapsed, a large number of temples and temple fragments were scattered in the Manggu Star Territory.

In the past ten years or so, one of the main tasks of the various departments of the Star Alliance in the Manggu Star Territory has been to find and clean up these temples and temple fragments. Senior Sister Yang Yun has long led the team to participate in these tasks. What has been harvested in these years There are probably far more materials such as 'temple' fragments than he has.

In this case, it is natural to look down on the fragmentary materials of the 'temple' in his hand, even if they are high-end materials.

In the end, the deal was not reached. Although Liang Ji was a little regretful, he didn't care too much. After all, he had just advanced to the fourth-level star master. What he needed more was the fourth-level 'divine crystal'. The fifth-level 'divine crystal' was not useful to him. It's useful, but it doesn't have much impact.

Moreover, with the current situation in the Manggu Star Territory, he may not have the opportunity to obtain a fifth-level or even higher-level ‘divine crystal’ in the future.

Later, the starship returned all the way, and except for encountering a few more void demon clans, there were no other incidents.

But even so, Liang Ji also heard from members of the team that the enemies encountered during this inspection were more frequent, more numerous, and more powerful than before.

Obviously, although the Star Alliance has been investigating and suppressing the Manggu Star Territory for more than ten years, the number of enemies sneaking into it and the chaos they create are still increasing.

But although more and more enemies are infiltrating and causing chaos, there is no unified action. They seem to be waiting for an opportunity.

Liang Ji made an inference in his mind based on the information he only knew from the Star Alliance's 'security department'.

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