The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 491 The Millstone of Heaven and Earth Chishan Star Asks for Help

In the Manggu Star Territory, in the void and chaos.

The starship Liang Ji was riding stopped in front of a Death Star. The Death Star in front was filled with a lot of demonic energy, and a huge demonic soul was born in it. At this time, it even directly carried the entire Death Star and collided with the starship. Come, the void wherever it passes will be torn and shattered.

"Beep! Beep! The starship is under attack threat, and the enemy's attack power has been detected to reach level three! It is recommended to activate the starship attack formation immediately!"

At this time, the weapon spirits in the starship issued bursts of urgent warning sounds and suggestions.

"Permission is given to activate the attack formation and destroy the invading enemy!"

On the starship, Captain Yang Yun quickly gave the order.

Subsequently, the formations and restrictions on the entire starship were activated, and the star force field quickly spread around the starship. At the same time, bright starlight condensed and exploded on the top of the starship, turning into a divine light and directly blasting towards the incoming demon. Soul Death Star.

Amidst the roar and explosion, the divine light transformed from the starlight hit the Demon Soul Death Star, immediately bombarding it into pieces. The Demon Soul contained in it let out a shrill scream, and then turned into countless demonic fires, enveloping the broken Death Star fragments directly. It hit the star force field surrounding the starship.

However, even though the demonic soul of the shattered Death Star finally erupted and burned with demonic fire, turning the broken star into a demonic fire meteor, it could not pose much of a threat to the starship's star force field protection.

After all, the star force field protection of the starship is fully activated at this time, and this starship is a seventh-level starship specially configured by the Star Alliance's "security department", and its protective power reaches the seventh level and third level when fully activated. hierarchical.

Those magic fire broken stars bombarded the star force field, which only caused a large turmoil and tore apart part of the force field, but they were still blocked from the starship.

Then, the formations and restrictions on the starship were rotated again, and the star force field surrounding the starship suddenly began to rotate, as if the heaven and earth were grinding together. Under the powerful force field, the demonic fire broken stars blasted into it one after another. ground into powder.

Liang Ji stood on the starship, observing the rotation and grinding process of the star force field around the starship, trying to gain some insights and understanding from it.

To a certain extent, the star force field surrounding the starship at this time is very similar to the zhenqi force field of the star technique "Star Guardian" he cultivated. They are both technologies developed with reference to the real star magnetic field.

Therefore, as long as he is strong enough and practiced enough, he may not be able to make the star technique 'Star Guardian' be like the force field around the starship at this time, turning it from a purely defensive star technique into an offensive and defensive star technique.

This will undoubtedly greatly improve Liang Ji's own combat power and safety.

In fact, this is not what Liang Ji takes for granted. As far as he knows, there has long been this advanced version of star magic on top of the star magic 'Guardian of the Stars', which is called the 'Heaven and Earth Millstone' star magic.

However, compared to the 'Guardian of the Stars' star technique, which he could obtain for free directly from the Akadera instructor, this advanced star technique required him to spend a lot of spiritual stones to purchase it from the Star Palace.

Moreover, this kind of self-understanding and research on advanced astrology is also a research and practice that many star masters will try. After all, if one can develop advanced astrological techniques on their own, the benefits gained by a Star Master cultivator will undoubtedly be far greater than those gained by practicing the astrological techniques step by step.

This not only saves a large amount of spiritual stones, but more importantly, in the process of studying astrology on one's own, it can greatly enhance the star master monk's understanding and research on the natal stars and star master practice, which is very beneficial to the star master's own practice.

Unfortunately, the star force field around the starship soon completely ground up the attacking demonic fire meteors, and then stopped rotating and grinding. After all, such operation requires more spiritual stones and energy.

When the starship is safe, it still focuses on saving spiritual stones and energy.

Even after there were no other threats around the starship formation and restricted detection, the star force field surrounding the starship was weakened a bit to save spiritual stones and energy.

Seeing this, Liang Ji could only retract his gaze and return to the starship.

Today, Liang Ji has been participating in Yang Yun's team's inspection mission in the Manggu Star Territory for a year. During this inspection, he accidentally encountered this Death Star that was completely infected by demonic energy and demonic soul, even reaching the seventh and third level.

It can be said that this is the highest level that demon cultivators can reach today.

After all, although the demon cultivator is also trying to break through the third-level limit through various methods, there is no successful example so far. The third-level demon immortal is already at the limit.

Facing this third-grade demon soul, both Liang Ji and Yang Yun were unable to deal with it and had to activate the starship's attack formation.

Fortunately, the seventh-level starship they were traveling on did not let them down.

"Something is wrong." Although he had successfully destroyed the Death Star controlled by the third-grade demon soul, Yang Yun did not have much joy on his face at this time. Instead, he frowned and said: "These places are all populated by Star Alliance. How come a third-grade demon fairy appears in a place that has been inspected and cleaned for the first time?"

"There must be something happening around here. I need to report this matter as soon as possible."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard Yang Yun's words. Although he had only participated in the mission in the Manggu Star Territory for more than a year, he also knew very well that the Star Alliance patrolled and cleaned up all parts of the Manggu Star Territory very intensively. .

It seems that this time the third-grade demon fairy controls the entire Death Star, it should be the target that the Star Alliance has focused on clearing out.

Only in this way can fourth-level star masters such as Liang Ji and Yang Yun lead various action teams to patrol throughout the Manggu Star Territory without worrying about encountering too many and too strong enemies to deal with.

"Beep! Received a call for help from nearby!"

"Beep! Received order from headquarters!"

At this time, before Yang Yun could report the accident, the alarm sounded again in the starship, but this time it was a request for help and an order.

Yang Yun immediately ordered the starship weapon spirit to open the rescue message and command, but found that they were all the same thing.

Nearby, there is an 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', Chishan Star, something has happened, and it is now sending help messages to the surroundings. The Star Alliance's 'security department' also has the means to locate the starship on which Liang Ji and others are riding, knowing that they are on Chishan Star. They were near the galaxy, so they were ordered to drive starships to support them.

"Chishan Star!"

After receiving the news from Yang Yun, Liang Ji couldn't help but look surprised.

"What?" Yang Yun ordered the starship to turn and headed towards Chishan Star. Seeing Liang Ji's face, she asked doubtfully: "Do you know about Chishan Star's 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals'?"

Liang Ji nodded. Not only did he know about Chishan Star, he also entered Chishan Star in order to obtain the seeds of the bloodline magical power of 'Tu Yan', and helped the 'Earth Immortal' Chiyan Shenjun clear out the indigenous resistance in Chishan Star.

He thought there was something wrong with Chishan Star at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to explode now.

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