The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 492 Chishan God Lord

Chishan Star was the first 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' star that Liang Ji came into contact with. He still clearly remembers that he was hired by the descendants of the Chishan Star Earth Immortal 'Red Flame God Lord' to enter Chishan Star to eliminate a group of indigenous rebels. .

But this time, when Liang Ji came to the Chishan star system again in a starship, he was so surprised when he saw the Chishan star in front of him that he almost didn't recognize it.

Chishan Star is named after Chishan because it has many mountains and fires. In the past, Chishan Star was mainly red when viewed from the void, but now when Liang Ji looked at Chishan Star in the void, he found this The stars were shrouded in golden light, filled with divine radiance.

"Evil God!"

Yang Yun also saw the situation of Chishan Star, but recognized the situation at a glance and said in a deep voice.

And Liang Ji could see clearly at this time that the golden light and sacred radiance shrouding Chishan Star at this time was the evil light of the evil god of the ‘God Realm’!

"Is Chishan Star occupied by evil cultivators from the Pantheon? Or is it occupied by evil gods from the 'God Realm'?"

Liang Ji also asked in surprise. He looked around Chishan Star again. At this time, he could even see the wreckage of airships, spaceships, starships, as well as a large number of family members and even the remains of monks floating in the void around the star. .

Among the wreckage, Liang Ji also saw the remains of many indigenous alien races such as tauren. He clearly remembered that the indigenous rebels he cleared out in Chishan Star were mainly tauren. These tauren remains should be from Chishan Star. of indigenous alien races.

However, at this time, the remains of these indigenous alien races are entangled and corroded by the strong power of the evil god. They have all been transformed into servants and slaves of the gods by the power of the evil god.

Obviously, there was a big battle in the void around Chishan Star not long ago.

And from the large number of spaceships, starship wreckage, family members' bodies, etc. suspended in the surrounding void, it can be clearly seen that the Covenant army stationed nearby and monitoring Chishan Star suffered a lot during this battle.

At this time, Yang Yun also contacted the surrounding Covenant troops stationed through the starship and learned more information.

"The Red Flame God Lord has taken refuge in the Pantheon and embarked on the path of the evil god!"

When Liang Ji learned this information from Yang Yun, he was surprised, but he didn't seem too surprised.

He has known for a long time that there are problems in Chishan Star, and he is also very clear that these practitioners who try to follow the path of 'Earth Immortal' have always been an unstable factor in the Star Alliance.

Especially after the failure of Venerable Mangyuan of Mangyuan Star to open up the path of 'Earth Immortal', these Earth Immortal monks who have approached the limit of their life span are undoubtedly desperate and can do anything.

The Star Alliance mobilized a large number of troops into the Manggu Star Territory and specially stationed around the stars in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. It seemed to protect them, but was it not a kind of surveillance and defense?

But now it seems that this kind of surveillance and precaution is very correct. These "Earth Immortals" who are desperate and whose life span is at the end of their lives have indeed become the source of turmoil.

It doesn’t seem strange that Chishan Xingdi Immortal Red Flame God Lord, under the crisis of life and death, directly took refuge in the Pantheon and embarked on the path of the evil god of the ‘God Realm’.

At this time, Liang Ji also saw more relevant information.

According to information from the subsequent investigation by the Star Alliance's "Security Department", some of the Houtian Lingbao'Pantheon' that exploded in the Mang Yuan Star broke through the blockade and interception of the star map and rushed into various parts of the Mang Gu Star Territory. One of them It fell into the vicinity of Chishan Star, and was later captured by the Red Flame God Lord in Chishan Star, and was taken into Chishan Star.

Then, the Red Flame God Lord probably used that temple to get in touch with the cult organization 'Pantheon' and even the super-order civilization 'God Realm' in the outside world, and then obtained the method of condensation and cultivation of the evil god's 'divine crystal', and then went on to On the path of the evil god.

However, the Red Flame Lord concealed this very well, and the Star Alliance had always respected these 'Earth Immortals' and did not thoroughly investigate these 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' stars.

Therefore, it was not until the Red Flame God Lord made full preparations to directly condense the divine crystals to twist and refine the entire Chishan Star into the Evil God Realm, and completely become the 'God Lord', that the Star Alliance troops stationed outside realized something was wrong.

At this time, before the Star Alliance army could take action, the 'Red Flame God Lord', who had already cultivated into an evil god and became the Lord of God, took the lead in launching an attack on the surrounding Star Alliance army that was monitoring Chishan Star.

In Chishan Star, which was twisted into a divine realm, a large number of divine slaves transformed from indigenous alien races rushed out and launched a suicidal attack on the battleships of the Covenant army. The sudden attack and killing caused considerable losses to the Covenant garrison troops.

Because of this, the Covenant troops stationed here had to ask for help.

"Sure enough, we know that the 'God Realm' had a purpose in directly shattering the acquired spiritual treasure 'Pantheon'."

"Now it seems that their target is probably these desperate 'Earth Immortals'!"

Liang Ji's heart changed and he suddenly understood.

And since there are scattered ‘temples’ here on Chishan Star, are there also ‘temples’ that have fallen near other ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Lands’?

The 'Divinity Realm' has supported cult organizations like the 'Pantheon' in the Star Alliance. Naturally, it is very familiar with the situation in the Star Alliance. It is also very aware of the situation of these desperate 'Earth Immortals' in the Manggu Star Territory. It has been able to cause so much turmoil in the Star Alliance.

When the 'Pantheon' collapsed, the 'temples' scattered in the Manggu Star Territory were probably originally targeted at the 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals' everywhere.

As for the 'temple' that broke into the low-level star lord area where Liang Ji's natal star is, I don't know if it was an accident, or if it was originally aimed at the low-level star lord's natal star.

"After this time, the Star Alliance may take some coercive measures against those 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands' that are sealed inside and outside!"

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, and at this time Yang Yun had also completed the handover with the Star Alliance troops stationed here and received her own mission.

At this time, under the command of Yang Yun, the starship sailed to a void position designated by the Star Alliance army next to Chishan Star.

At the same time, the formations and restrictions on the starships were already activated and operating, and starlight even shot out and merged into the large formation composed of the starships of the surrounding Covenant forces themselves, encircling the Chishan Star Evil God Domain.

"This battle is not easy to fight." The starship returned to its position, and Yang Yun also took some time off. She came to the deck of the starship and looked with Liang Ji at the Chishan star shrouded in the golden evil god's light, and said in a deep voice: " The Star Alliance is unwilling to destroy the Chishan Star, so the best way is to eliminate the Red Flame Lord and eliminate the power of the evil god within it."

"This way, we can no longer use the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' to attack!"

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