The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 493 The Confrontation between Divine Order and Divine Crystal

It has been five days since Liang Ji and others arrived in the void near Chishan Star. During these five days, starships continued to come from all directions to support and join the void formation that blocked Chishan Star.

In the first few days, from time to time in Chishan Star, alien natives who were twisted into servants of gods would rush out of Chishan Star on various evil gods' weapons, trying to attack the starships blocking the surrounding areas.

But later on, as more and more starships arrived for reinforcements, the blockade became stronger and stronger, and the Void Formation gradually became more complete, the attack effects of the servants of God in Chishan Star became worse and worse, so they gradually gave up on the futile sacrifice.

However, Liang Ji knew that this did not mean that the 'Red Flame God Lord' who had embarked on the path of the evil god in Chishan Star had given up. Standing on the starship, he could clearly see the shining golden evil spirit that filled the air on Chishan Star. The light becomes more and more intense and powerful these days!

Obviously, the Red Flame God Lord is still preparing some back-ups in Chishan Star, which has been twisted into a divine realm, in order to confront the Star Alliance.

In another three days, the main support arranged by the Star Alliance, another Star Alliance army, and a total of thirty-six starships arrived to join the siege of Chishan Star. Not only did they completely complete the Void Formation, they even strengthened it several times. times.

After the support personnel arrived, a general, the chief officer of the Covenant army who came to help, took over the unified command here. Yang Yun also received the news and logged into the Star Network to participate in a pre-war meeting.

After the meeting, Yang Yun convened the team members in the starship and explained the next combat arrangements:

"The Star Alliance intends to preserve the Chishan Star as much as possible and only eliminate the Red Flame God Lord who distorts the origin of the star and takes the path of the evil god."

"Therefore, we need to send manpower into the Chishan Star first, clean out the divine slaves in it, and occupy the spiritual veins of the Chishan Stars. Only then can we cooperate with the Void Formation and activate the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' to completely cleanse the Chishan God Lord!"

Yang Yun said, looking at a few people and saying: "I think you have all seen the information about Chishan Star. It was originally a fourth-order star. It suffered heavy losses during the Star Alliance's expansion of the Manggu Star Territory and was downgraded to a third-order star. It was later refined into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' by the Red Flame Lord."

"Logically speaking, the upper limit of the strength of the indigenous alien races in Chishan Star is level three."

"However, you have also seen the combat power of those divine slaves when they attacked a few days ago. Although they are mainly third-level ones, there are many fourth-level and even fifth-level ones among them."

"Even with the help of some evil gods' weapons, they can reach the third level of high-level combat power."

"Although, the Star Alliance will also have high-level Star Lords send their families into Chishan Star to deal with those high-level combat forces."

"But because the Red Flame God Lord has taken the path of the evil god, Chishan Star has been completely distorted. It is difficult to say what the situation is now."

"This operation may gain a lot of merit and resources, but it may also destroy the entire army."

"So, whether you want to enter Chishan Star to participate in the mission or not is entirely up to your own volition."

Liang Ji naturally didn't hesitate at all when he heard this and said directly: "I am willing to participate in the mission."

Not to mention the rewards such as meritorious service and resources, it is said that he has now advanced to the fourth level of Star Master. Next, he is going to explore and develop in the outer realms outside the Star Alliance. He may encounter various situations in the outer realms. Nowadays, it is possible to encounter the situation where the evil god of the 'God Realm' twists and controls a star. Liang Ji is naturally not willing to let go of any opportunity to accumulate experience.

Half an hour later, the void formation that blocked the surrounding Chishan Star began to move, and the surrounding galaxies shone brightly with starlight. A 'star map' appeared in the void, and the stars hung down to connect with the void formation.

There is no doubt that the Star Alliance activated the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation" and cooperated with the Void Formation to launch an attack on Chishan Star.

Although it is said that the Star Alliance cannot use the "Zhoutian Star Formation" to launch a too strong attack if it wants to keep the Chishan Star, it does not mean that the "Star Map" cannot be used.

As an innate spiritual treasure, the Zhoutian Star Array has been researched and developed by the Star Alliance for so many years, and its functions are still very many.

At this time, as the star map and the formation were rotating, Liang Ji saw the light of the hanging stars gathering in the void formation and turning into a golden scroll that gradually unfolded. The golden divine light condensed in it and turned into a phantom. The seemingly real golden divine edict fell from it and sank directly into the Chishan Star.

The list of gods! Golden edict!

Liang Ji recognized at a glance that this was the method of their Kunlun Star Palace. He didn't know whether it was a method inherent in the 'Zhoutian Star Array' itself, or a method used by the monks of the Kunlun Star Palace to control the star map at this time.

However, as the illusory and real golden imperial edict fell into the Chishan Star, another golden divine light suddenly burst out in the Chishan Star, confronting, confronting, and blending with the evil god's light that originally filled it.

Liang Ji could clearly see that the concentration and power of the evil god's light in Chishan Star were rapidly decreasing.

"The blasphemous false gods deserve to die!"

A roaring roar came from the Chishan Star, and a huge figure that seemed to be condensed with red-gold flames emerged from the Chishan Star, covering the entire Chishan Star.

Red Flame Divine Lord, Chishan Divine Lord!

There is no doubt that this is the Red Flame God Lord who has embarked on the path of the evil god and become the Lord of Chishan God.

For the evil gods of the 'God Realm', Kunlun Star Palace's method of gathering the gods of the gods through the 'God List' is undoubtedly an act of blasphemy, and the gods named by the gods are all false gods.

A divine crystal appeared between the eyebrows of the Chishan God Lord, shrouded in divine light. Liang Ji could not see its specific shape for a while. He only felt that it seemed different from the divine crystals he had harvested in the past, whether they were complete or broken. .

The dazzling divine light shot out from the divine crystal and shot directly at the 'Golden Edict' that fell into the Chishan Star.

Jin Chi also erupted with powerful divine light, colliding with and resisting the divine light erupted by the divine crystal.

It can be clearly seen that the divine crystal in the eyebrows of Lord Chishan is stronger than the golden imperial edict, and the divine light that bursts out is more brilliant and powerful. However, behind the golden edict there is the continuous support of the ‘God List’ spread out in the void, and even the power of the entire star chart.

Therefore, although Jin Chi is weaker, with the support of a steady stream of power, he is still constantly colliding and fighting with the divine crystal, and it is difficult to determine the outcome for a while.

"Right now, God Lord Chishan has been contained, and it is the best time to attack Chishan Star."

At this time, Yang Yun on the starship said loudly, and at the same time, he had taken the lead in opening the starlight portal, and the 'giant wood' flying boats carried a large number of Bluebird Familia and rushed towards Chishan Star.

Seeing this, Liang Ji didn't hesitate anymore and directly used the power of the golden elixir and the natal star to open the starlight portal.

Above the natal star, the already prepared Familia legions immediately flew out in the ‘Wanxiang Mountain’ flying boats and rushed directly to the Chishan star where the two divine lights were shrouded and clashing.

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