The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 495 Seize step by step


The cry of killing rang out, this time it was the attack order issued by the star masters who had invaded Chishan Star.

The next moment, a group of airships, spaceships, starships, etc. that smashed the fire clouds and tore apart the sea of ​​​​fire, each lined up and formed a formation to kill the indigenous aliens and human monks in the sky and underground who had been twisted by the evil gods and transformed into slaves of the gods.

The power of various elements such as water, fire, wind and thunder, the power of magic weapons of various swords and mountains, the killing light that comes and goes, the giant trees that cover the sky, the poisonous mist that permeates the earth... and so on.

At this time, the star masters from all sides who entered Chishan Star were all fourth-level star masters at the lowest, and their dependents were all fourth-level dependents and above. They drove airships, spaceships, etc., and mastered various powers of heaven and earth. As long as they are needed, they can operate various Formations and restrictions can transform the power of heaven and earth into the power of various natural disasters.

The Star Lords and Familia who grew up by killing the Void Monster Beasts and refining the Void Monster Demonic Pills are themselves more powerful and terrifying existences than the Void Monster Beasts.

Liang Ji's 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat is also awakening the spirit at this time, running formations and restrictions, and launching various attacks of thunder, fire and golden light, just like natural disasters. It also has formation patterns running and auras connecting to form a large flying boat formation. Gather the power of the Ten Meridians and the Ten Meridians elements to form an alternative 'Ten Directions Extermination Battle Formation', blasting down rays of destruction.

Under such a natural disaster-like attack and bombardment, even the twisted and crazy divine slaves in Chishan Star could not resist. Large areas were killed and emptied. Countless limbs and blood rained down on Chishan Star. The world is stained with blood.

These god slaves who were twisted and deified by the evil god, although they have lost themselves and are crazy and pious, are not afraid of pain and death, and are more powerful under the distortion and blessing of the evil god, and they continue to launch suicide attacks.

However, after all, the Chishan Star is only a one-star power, and before that it was only a third-level star. The number of indigenous alien races and human monks that can sustain and survive on it is also limited, and their cultivation and combat power are mainly low-level. .

But at this time, what they need to fight is the entire Star Alliance, the powerful star masters trained in thirty-three regions, hundreds of galaxies, and thousands of main stars, even if the Star Alliance only sends less than one thousandth of the force in this battle , is enough to crush the power of one star of Chishan Star.

So soon, those divine slaves who were madly and suicidally attacking on the battlefield began to retreat, evacuating the battlefield and returning to various cities, checkpoints, and defensive places in Chishan Star.

This is not because these god slaves are afraid of death. Having lost themselves, they are no different from death now.

The choice to retreat was instead an oracle issued by the Chishan God Lord. Although he was restrained by the star map, the God List, and the Void Formation, he was unable to launch too many attacks on the star masters who invaded the Chishan Star. However, under his own distortion, There is no problem in issuing some oracles in the deified divine realm.

The oracle that issued the retreat was also because his divine slaves suffered too many casualties on the battlefield, and he had to choose to retreat to the defensive forces such as cities and checkpoints built throughout the Chishan Star to fight again.

Although these divine slaves have been distorted, deified, and lost themselves by him, these fanatical and devout divine slaves are providing a lot of faith power to the Chishan God Lord every moment.

For the evil god Chishan Lord, the Chishan Star twisted into the divine domain is the foundation of his evil god's power, representing his position as the divine master and the bottom line of his combat power; then these devout divine slaves in the divine domain, and others The fanatical belief undoubtedly determines the combat power of the Chishan God Lord.

Just a few hours after the battle, when all the airships, spaceships, and starships that broke into the Chishan Star killed and wiped out a large number of divine slaves, the Chishan God Lord had already sensed that his own strength had begun to fall from its peak and weaken.

Even the power of its divine crystals to suppress Jin Chi began to decrease. Jin Chi, Star Network, Void Formation, etc. also immediately seized the opportunity to launch a counterattack, trying to suppress the divine crystals of Lord Chishan.

Under such a situation, the Chishan God Lord naturally could not continue to let his slaves make unnecessary sacrifices, and issued an oracle to let them return to the ground of Chishan Star and rely on various cities, checkpoints, and defensive places to fight.

This can greatly reduce the number of deaths of his divine slaves and delay more time.

What the Lord Chishan lacks now is time.

"Continue the attack and capture the star spiritual veins!"

The general in charge of the battle issued another order. Liang Ji ordered his family members to take flying boats to attack the ground to capture the city and capture the territory, while he checked the map of Chishan Star that was manifested in front of him.

The Star Alliance naturally has a map of the Chishan Star. Whether it was the initial exploration of the Manggu Star Territory, the investigation after the capture of the Chishan Star, or the subsequent regular infiltration inspections by the Star Alliance's "security department", there is a complete map of the Chishan Star. It even marked the sub-regions and winding directions of Chishan’s star spiritual veins.

However, this can only be used as a reference now. When the Chishan God Lord twists the Chishan Star into a divine domain, he will definitely transform, relocate, and even hide the star spiritual veins.

But the general area and direction are similar. Liang Ji can use this map of Chishan Starfield to instruct his family members to go to the corresponding area to explore and find the star spiritual veins.

After all, it was also a battle to invade the Chishan Star. The merits gained from exploring and occupying the spiritual veins were naturally far greater than the ordinary siege of cities and territories and the killing of divine slaves.

In fact, not only him, but the fourth-level and above star masters who invaded Chishan Star had similar goals to him. Almost everyone had a map of Chishan Star. At this time, they also commanded their family members to drive airships, spaceships, and stars. The boats and others headed towards areas where the spiritual stars might pass through.

Liang Ji must act quickly, otherwise he will not be able to capture those fifth-level or even sixth-level star masters.

"This is it!"

Soon, Liang Ji selected an area, which was a chaotic area in the northwest of Chishan Star. According to the original map of Chishan Star, it was originally a swamp area, but the terrain was complicated and filled with a lot of poisonous gas. The north was surrounded by Covered in ice, but with volcanoes erupting from time to time in the south, the power of the elements is quite complex and chaotic.

But for Liang Ji, such a chaotic area is just right for his family members to move and occupy without having to worry about too many star masters competing with him.

In the Chishan Star, Liang Ji's oracle was issued, and the family members immediately drove the "Wanxiang Mountain" flying boats to fly quickly towards the northwest direction of the star.

At this time, Liang Ji's starlight projection body could still see that on the Chishan Star, starlight portals opened one after another, and a large number of third-order family members formed various battle formations and fought out of them, killing cities and cities above the stars. Checkpoints and defensive places, fight and fight with those crazy and pious slaves of the gods.

He knew that this was a larger number of third-order star masters from various forces such as the Chishan Planet's alien star alliance army, security department action team, etc., who began to attack Chishan Planet.

Liang Ji and the others, the middle-level star masters, cleared the sky of Chishan Star, drove all the divine slaves on Chishan Star back to various cities and defensive areas, and occupied a large area of ​​land on Chishan Star. Naturally, these third-level star masters It is also possible to open the Starlight Gate directly on the Chishan Star and send a larger number of third-order dependents into the Chishan Star to attack cities, seize land, and kill divine slaves.

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