The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 496 Exploring the Spiritual Veins of the Stars

On Chishan Star, starlight portals opened one after another. Teams of family members formed various battle formations and fought out, fighting towards various cities, checkpoints, and defensive places on the starry earth. The sounds of battles, explosions, and killing cries enveloped Chishan. Everywhere on the starry earth.

In the sky, there are also airships, spaceships, starships, etc., forming various formations, flying in all directions, carrying the oracles of intermediate star masters, looking for and attacking the spiritual veins above the stars. land.

It can be seen that in this battle, the Star Alliance has completely gained the upper hand, and is even gradually winning the victory on Chishan Planet.

It is simply wishful thinking for the Lord Chishan God to use the power of one star of Chishan Star to fight against the entire Star Alliance!

But similarly, the senior leaders in the Star Alliance can also infer that the Lord Chishan definitely did not choose his own death when he chose to explode at this time. After all, he chose to embark on the path of the evil god in order to escape death and the end of his life, so how could he end up on his own death path.

Therefore, if God Lord Chishan chooses to break out at this time, he must have other conspiracies and calculations.

You must know that in the Manggu Star Territory now, the source of unrest is not just the Chishan Star, but also the more ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Lands’, as well as the peeks of cult organizations and enemies from outside the realm!

These sources of chaos, potential explosion points, may erupt at any time.

The incident on Chishan Star is likely to be the prelude to this outbreak!

Therefore, on the one hand, the Star Alliance is increasing and strengthening the monitoring of other "Earth Immortal Blessed Lands" in the Manggu Star Territory. On the other hand, it is also constantly issuing orders, hoping to suppress the Chishan Star as soon as possible, clean up the Chishan God Lord, and regain Chishan. star.

For this reason, Liang Ji could see that the Star Alliance's "security department"'s reward for capturing the star spiritual veins in Chishan had been increased several times!

He believes that similar rewards in the military have definitely increased a lot.

This undoubtedly increased the motivation of Liang Ji and others to take action.

Under his oracle, the gods appeared one after another on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats driven by the family members, urging the flying, advancing formations and restrictions of the flying boats to the extreme, and increasing the forward speed to Extreme.

Finally, soon after a large mountain range, Liang Ji's flying boat team arrived at the chaotic area he selected.

Fortunately, no fifth-level or sixth-level star master chose this place before him. He was the first star master monk to arrive here. Without hesitation, he immediately ordered his family members to drive the flying boat into the chaotic land to explore the star spiritual veins.

As for those fifth- and sixth-level star masters, according to Liang Ji's judgment, most of them went straight to the tall and stretching mountains or rivers on Chishan Star.

After all, the Star Alliance has already studied the stars very profoundly. They know very well that on such stars, the mountains, water veins, earth veins, etc. are the best carriers of the star spiritual veins.

Especially for stars like Chishan Star, it can be seen from the name of the star that the mountain range on this star is the largest and longest, and even occupies most of the star. It is also where the star's spiritual veins, especially the main body of the spiritual veins, are most likely to be located. place.

Naturally, it is also the target that those fifth-level and sixth-level star masters choose to investigate immediately.

This is one of the reasons why Liang Ji chose this chaotic swampland to avoid those mountains and rivers.

boom! boom! Rumble...

The sound of roaring explosions came from the south. Liang Ji's starlight projection body turned to look south. He could see large fires in the distant sky, and various fireworks-like explosions constantly erupting in the sky.

He immediately knew that a fifth-level or even sixth-level star master had rushed to the volcanic area to the south in advance to explore the star spiritual veins and launch an attack.

After all, compared to the chaotic swamp land he chose, the volcanic area to the south not only has vast mountains, but also has a large number of volcanoes. It is very consistent with the name, landform, and even origin of Chishan Star. Naturally, it is more likely to be The place where the star spiritual veins and even the main veins pass through.

Naturally, it will also attract more powerful Star Lords to investigate.

On the other hand, the large frozen land in the north is quite inconsistent with the name, landform, origin, etc. of Chishan Star. There has been no movement yet. I am afraid that no star owner has gone to investigate it yet.

Perhaps, after he explores this chaotic swamp, if there is no movement in the northern ice field, he can go and check it out!

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji's family members drove their flying boats to launch an attack into the chaotic swamp.

This time, the flying boat that charged forward was no longer the 'Biuan flying boat' led by the Thunder Emperor, but a flying boat driven and controlled by the Pulao family members.

But when I saw that on the 'Pulao flying boats', one by one, the 'gods' in the image of Pulao appeared, urging the formations and restrictions on the flying boats, and suddenly there was a large blue light from the flying boats. Shoot out, into the chaotic swamp below.

Wherever the green light passed, the poisonous gas and fog that filled the chaotic land were swept away, revealing the original appearance of the swamp shrouded in poisonous fog.

In the center of this chaotic swamp, there is also a city. At this time, the city gate has been closed and the city defense formation has been opened.

However, this city in the swamp, the city defense formation is connected to the chaotic swamp, and its more effective effect is to gather the poisonous mist in the swamp to increase the power of defense and attack.

At this time, as the 'Pulao Flying Boat' swept away the poisonous mist, the power of the city's protective formation in the center of the swamp continued to weaken, and the poisonous mist gathered around the city continued to weaken and become thinner.

Seeing this, the Twisted God Slaves in the city couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately moved the city's formation to launch an attack.

Immediately, the poisonous mist that remained in this chaotic swamp was controlled and controlled by the formation, and gathered above the city, condensing and transforming into a giant poisonous lizard.

The poisonous lizard opened its mouth and inhaled, and large areas of poisonous water, swamp sludge, and poisonous insects living in the surrounding chaotic swamp were sucked up. Then, when it spit out, these poisonous water, sludge, poisonous insects, etc. rushed into the air. Flying boat.


The Thunder Emperor battleship sitting in the center of the flying boat gave an order, and the flying boats surrounding the 'Wanxiang Mountain' launched attacks one after another.

Thunders and thunderbolts, flames like the sea, golden light filling the sky, and huge waves like the waves all blasted out, destroying and smashing the poisonous gas, poisonous water, silt, poisonous insects, etc. that hit the air.

At the same time, Qi Niu Fei Zhou, Ba Xia Fei Zhou, Jiao Tu Fei Zhou, etc. all launched attacks on the swamp below and the city in the center of the swamp.

Thousands of trees sprouted and took root in the swamp. The roots spread and swallowed up, sealing the swamp. The power of ice also sealed the swamp, and countless poisonous insects were frozen into powder and died.

Ba Xia Feizhou moved a series of illusory and real mountains and headed directly towards the city in the middle of the swamp to suppress them.

The great formation in the city was running desperately, and the poison condensed and manifested in the sky directly blocked the suppressed mountains. The terrifying poison corroded and destroyed the mountains, but the poisonous lizards were also suppressed and continued to collapse, turning into poisonous gas and dissipating.

At this time, Liang Ji also saw clearly that the divine slaves in the city were many indigenous alien races that looked like lizard men. Unlike the indigenous alien races on the Chishan planet who mainly controlled the power of fire, the indigenous alien races and divine slaves in these swamps had the power of fire. The powers of poison, water, and earth are considered unusual among the Chishan stars.

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