The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 497 Star Reacher

Chishan Star, as its name suggests, is dominated by red mountains, many of which contain volcanoes. It is a star with extremely active geothermal activity.

The swampland that Liang Ji attacked at this time was undoubtedly a rare place in Chishan Star. Even the indigenous alien races living there were different from the alien races that generally mastered the power of fire in other places. Instead, they mainly mastered the power of water, poison and other powers.

However, no matter what power they have, these indigenous aliens cannot escape the distortion and deification of the Lord Chishan in the Chishan Star. They have turned into slaves of the gods who have no self, know no pain, and are not afraid of death.

However, most of these divine slaves are second- and third-level natives, and even the poisonous lizards transformed by the large formations in the city that condensed a large amount of poisonous gas in the air only had fourth-level combat power.

With such combat power, facing the suppression and attack of Liang Ji's fourth-order 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, the swampland was blocked by thousands of trees and frozen by ice, making it impossible to resist.

Seeing this, they saw indigenous god slaves coming out of the city one after another and launching suicide attacks.

There were roars and explosions, and second-level or third-level indigenous god slaves soared into the sky, crashed into the airships attacking the city, and exploded in the sky, exploding large amounts of poisonous gas and venom in all directions.

Faced with these self-destructive attacks, even Liang Ji's fourth-order flying boats would inevitably suffer heavy damage, and some were even accidentally bombarded and crashed.

The battlefield was filled with attacks and chaos. In the mid-air, the starlight body projected by Liang Ji had stars flowing in his eyes, and faintly rotating stars emerged. He used the starry technique of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit' to look at the poisonous fog-filled city. middle.

After Liang Ji advanced to the fourth-level star master and the sixth-level golden elixir realm, the starlight projection body formed with the help of the 'Celestial Star Array' also began to undergo transformation. Just like his clone, he could also perform Some star techniques practiced by Liang Ji.

At this time, through the astrology of the 'Star Spirit Pupil', Liang Ji could clearly see that there were two temples built in the center of the city shrouded in poisonous fog. One of the main temples worshiped and believed in the original 'Red Flame God Lord' , the current Divine Lord of Chishan.

Next to the Chishan God's main temple, there is now a much lower and smaller temple, which is like an auxiliary hall. What is enshrined in it is a giant lizard-like monster, which is related to the poisonous gas condensed and manifested in the city at this time. Adult Gila monsters are almost identical.

In front of the two temples, the slaves transformed by the city's poisonous lizards are holding grand and fanatical sacrificial ceremonies. During the sacrifices, the slaves even commit suicide and initiate blood sacrifices, offering their souls to the Lord Chishan, and their flesh and blood It was enshrined to the giant lizard statue in the auxiliary hall.

Such a familiar scene almost instantly reminded Liang Ji of the time when he was on the Red Mountain Star to eradicate the rebellion among the natives for the Red Flame Lord. At the end of the battle, the native aliens also launched a blood sacrifice and summoned a giant flaming bull to fight.

But now, it is almost the same blood sacrifice. This is the indigenous alien race, but they no longer use blood sacrifice to resist the Red Flame God Lord, but use the blood sacrifice to fight for the Red Flame God Lord.

The differences and subtleties among them make people feel how terrifying the power of the evil god is.

At this time, as more than half of the poisonous lizards in the city committed suicide and the blood sacrifice was completed, a divine light flew out from the 'God Lord Hall' dedicated to the Chishan God Lord and flew into the side hall of the giant lizard, sweeping up a large amount of poisonous gas and flesh and blood. From there, it merged directly into the Gila monster appearing above the city.

The next moment, the poisonous lizard, which was originally formed by condensing a large amount of poisonous gas in the city's great formation, turned from virtual to real, from illusion to real, from a dead object to a living thing. The bright divine light burst out from its body, shaping the entire poisonous lizard. The body of the lizard's evil god.

There is also a 'divine crystal' condensed and manifested in the head of this poisonous lizard, completely twisting and transforming this poisonous lizard into an evil god.


The giant lizard was resurrected from death and turned into an evil god. At this time, his eyes were filled with divine light and agility. He raised his head and roared, and bright divine light suddenly burst out from everywhere in this chaotic swamp, covering all directions and converging on it. Inside the body of the poisonous lizard evil god.

The evil lizard god, the god of poison gas and swamps, had already twisted and refined this chaotic swamp land into his divine domain the moment he became a god.

For a moment, Liang Ji's family members' fighting was greatly repelled and suppressed by the surrounding world.

The trees that took root in the swamp, the ice that sealed the swamp, and the green light that swept through the swamp were all suppressed and collapsed in this swamp divine realm.


Above the city, the Gila monster, which had condensed into the evil god, had greatly increased its strength, directly breaking through from the original fourth-level combat power to the fifth-level. At this time, it roared and spat out green light full of poisonous gas, sweeping away the thousands of people attacking in the air. Xiangshan' flying boat.

Even with the suppression of 'gods', spaceships were still swept down and smashed to pieces.

In particular, the 'gods' manifested on the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat seem to have angered the already intelligent Gila monster even more, making his attacks even more crazy and powerful.

Seeing this, Liang Ji didn't waste any time. On top of his body in the starship and his starlight projection on the Chishan star, he pinched the secret at the same time and raised his hand to pluck it forward.

The next moment, in the sky of this chaotic swamp, a large number of stars suddenly fell, gathered, and turned into a giant hand of starlight, directly attacking the divine domain transformed by the chaotic swamp.

Star magic, star-catching hand!

This was the first astrology method that Liang Ji had ever seen. When he saw his high school teacher perform it, he was astonished.

But now, Liang Ji has also advanced to the fourth level of Star Master, and has been exposed to various astrological methods. He has a better and clearer understanding of the astrological methods of this 'Star Picker'.

He discovered that this kind of star-picking hand's astrology method can be used in two ways. One is to rely on the star master's own power to perform it, and the effect is equivalent to the star master's own level and strength. In addition, it can also use the 'Celestial Star Array' With the help of the power of the "Star Map", the starlight giant hand condensed by the falling starlight of the "Star Map" has a level and power that far exceeds the level and strength of the Star Master monk himself.

As for how many levels it can exceed, it all depends on the Star Master monk's own background and how much he can withstand the power of the 'Star Map'.

Therefore, there is almost no upper limit to the strength of this 'Star Reacher'. Even at his strongest, it is easy to reach the stars and the moon.

Liang Ji now realizes that the star technique 'Star Picker' used by his head teacher Du must have borrowed the power of the 'Celestial Star Array'. Otherwise, with the strength of the opponent's fourth-order star master, it would be impossible to do it in the void. Intercept the monster falling towards the student's natal star.

Just like now, if Liang Ji relied on the power of his fourth-level star master to perform the 'Star Picking Hand' star technique, it would be impossible to break the fifth-level evil god's divine domain. However, he also relied on the power of the 'Celestial Star Array'. Using the starlight falling from the star map in the sky to condense the starlight giant hand, the attack immediately broke through the fifth-level evil god's domain that shrouded the chaotic swamp.

In the swamp god's domain, the Gila monster evil god, who was killing everyone and sweeping down spaceships one after another, was implicated and severely injured the moment the god's domain was breached, and he let out a mournful howl.

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