The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 501 The star body collapses and the star map is fully opened

In the Chishan Star, in the collision of star magic and divine light, the door of the rising 'temple' was completely opened.

Endless divine light and immeasurable terrifying divine power erupted from it. These divine lights and divine powers permeated the Chishan Star, drowning the 'Golden Imperial Order' divine light and star map starlight, and continued to twist and deify the Chishan Star into the realm of the evil god. The power continues to rise.

On the frozen plateau, Liang Ji's starlight projection body looked up at the changes in the sky, watching the endless divine light and immeasurable divine power burst out from the open divine door of the temple. In the open divine door, He clearly saw the figures of countless evil gods, as well as the figures of the 'Paths of Gods' that he had glimpsed on the wilderness star.

"not good!"

However, before he could see it clearly, Liang Ji's starlight projection body screamed in surprise, and the starlight around him began to collapse and disappear.

He clearly sensed that the connection with the 'Celestial Star Array' in the void was rapidly weakened and cut off.

"It is the power of the 'God Realm' that is completely distorting and blocking the Chishan Star, cutting off the connection between the Chishan Star and the star map!"

Liang Ji's expression changed suddenly, and he understood.

Liang Ji's starlight projection body, which had begun to disintegrate, quickly turned his hand and raised the starlight projection of the 'Star Map', desperately activating the power in it, hoping to strengthen the connection with the 'Star Map'.

However, after the 'Temple' opened its divine door, Liang Ji's efforts were undoubtedly in vain under the continuous surge and impact of the 'God Realm''s power.

Within a moment, his starlight projection body could no longer hold on. Under the impact and blockade of endless divine light and immeasurable divine power, it completely collapsed and disappeared.

"The evil god is powerful, start the sacrificial ceremony quickly to welcome the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Before the starlight projection body disappeared, Liang Ji quickly passed down an oracle to the remaining family members in Chishan Star.

At the same time, in the void outside Chishan Star, Liang Ji's face was solemn on the starship.

"not good!"

"My astral projection body is gone!"

"Be careful, Chishan Star is blocked!"

At the same time, there were screams of surprise on the starship. It was Yang Yun and others' projected bodies in Chishan Star that were also blocked by the divine light and divine power that erupted in the 'temple', cutting off the connection with the star map.

Not only that, Liang Ji knew very clearly through the makeshift star network on the battlefield that among the starships participating in the battle around him, the star masters of all parties who entered the Chishan Star to fight basically encountered similar situations.

In particular, many of the low-level and mid-level star masters who entered it have basically cut off their connection with the Chishan Star. Those who can still stay in the Chishan Star and continue to fight are basically the high-level star masters who participated in the war this time.

Their strength is obviously not something that a 'temple' can block or cut off in a short time the divine light and power that erupts from the 'God Realm'.

"No, look at Chishan Star!"

At this time, an exclamation came from the starship.

Liang Ji turned to look in the direction of the Chishan Star and saw that the 'Golden Imperial' light that had already had the upper hand in the Chishan Star had now been completely swallowed up and destroyed by the evil god's light. Now only the 'Golden Imperial' was left on the 'Fengshen List' ' and the constant support of the 'Star Network' barely supported it, but it was like duckweed in the wind, disappearing and appearing under the impact of the increasingly stronger evil god's light, threatening to overturn and destroy at any time.

Even in the void, the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' with divine light falling down, the 'Star Net' with falling starlight, and the great void formation blocking the Chishan Star were all under the influence of the evil gods surging from the Chishan Star and getting stronger and stronger. The constant impact of light and terrifying divine power also made it appear to be on the verge of collapse.

What's even more troublesome is that Liang Ji can clearly see that there is a steady stream of divine light erupting from the Chishan Star, shooting into the void star sea, and spreading towards the void and vast Manggu Star Field in all directions. .

Just like he was running his 'Star Pupil' to look into the void of the surrounding star field, he could see the light of the evil god emerging from the void star sea in all directions, surging like waves to all parts of the star field.

At this time, Chishan Star has also become a part of it. The evil god's light rushing into the void is rushing towards the surging waves of divine light from all directions, trying to merge together.

Obviously, in the Manggu Star Territory, dozens of "Earth Immortal Blessed Lands" that have embarked on the path of evil gods and have been twisted and deified are erupting with the light of evil gods. They want to connect and become one through the light of these evil gods. It turned into a complete 'Evil God Formation' that took root and shrouded the ancient star field.

"Activate the star map at full strength and block the void around Chishan Star!"

"All Star Lords, attack Chishan Star with all your strength and clear out the evil gods and temples in Chishan Star."

"Monitor the spread of the evil god's light in the surrounding void at all times. If you find that they are connected together, directly launch the 'Star Map' attack to destroy the Chishan Star!"

Orders from the commander came from the high-level starship commanding the battle here on Chishan Star.

In the void, more starlight came, converging into stars embedded in the void. The starlights merged and connected, forming a larger and brighter star map, covering it in all directions.

This huge 'star map' is boundless and seems to cover the entire Manggu Star Territory. Countless starlights are hanging down to attack the evil gods' lights that are surging in the void, trying to connect and intersect. They eliminate and destroy.

Obviously, in the face of the numerous changes in the Manggu Star Territory, with dozens of 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Lands' turning into the Evil God Realm, the Star Alliance has also taken serious action, and they will not hesitate to destroy the 'Zhoutian Star Formation' that covers the entire Manggu Star Territory. The maps are all activated and operating, sealing off the entire Manggu Star Territory to suppress the evil god.

There is even an order as a last resort to directly destroy the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' like Chishan Star that has embarked on the path of evil gods.

I am no longer obsessed with saving and preserving these ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’ stars.

After all, the Manggu Star Territory is a place developed and ruled by the Star Alliance for nearly ten thousand years. It has long been controlled by the "Zhoutian Star Array". Once the Star Alliance lets go, it will no longer worry about losses or even the survival of the Earthly Immortal Blessed Land. , the power it can use and the effect it can exert are undoubtedly huge!

Liang Ji only knew a thing or two about the battle situation in the entire Manggu Star Territory from the internal star network, and then focused more on the battlefield of Chishan Star.

With his current cultivation level and strength, he cannot intervene or get involved in the entire Manggu Starfield battlefield. He only needs to concentrate on the battle on Chishan Star in front of him.

At this time, he had already sensed that the family members he had left in Chishan Star had held a sacrificial ceremony in Chishan Star in accordance with the oracle he had previously issued, calling for the coming and salvation of the 'Emperor of Heaven'.

At that moment, Liang Ji did not hesitate or delay anymore. He spoke to Captain Yang Yun and returned to his residence in the starship. He turned on the formation, banned and blocked the protection, while his mind, consciousness, and a ray of soul power were It turned into a starlight and responded to the call of the sacrificial ceremony.

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