The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 502: Soul God Descends, Thunder Emperor’s Clone

In the Chishan Star, the flying boats driven by Liang Ji's family members have descended from mid-air to the ground and gathered in the chaotic swamp they first occupied.

At this time, in the sky, the infinite light of evil gods and endless divine power were rushing in all directions. Liang Ji's men were only fourth-order flying boats, and it was impossible to withstand the impact of these divine lights and divine powers.

After Liang Ji's starlight projection body collapsed, in just a few moments, dozens of 'Wanxiang Mountain' airships were destroyed by these surging divine lights. Even the dependents sitting in them were swallowed up by these evil gods' lights and twisted into gods. Servant, he turned to launch a frenzied attack on other members of the clan and Feizhou.

Under this situation, the Thunder Emperor, who led the battle of the Familia, could only order all the flying boats to land on the ground to avoid being impacted by the evil god's light in the air.

Even, in order to protect himself, the Thunder Emperor had to give orders to abandon the frozen plateau that had been conquered, and all the flying boats and dependents retreated to the chaotic swamp they had conquered first.

This was the first place to be conquered. The array of condensed starlight penetrated the deepest into the divine veins of the stars. The blooming starlight infected and twisted the divine veins the most. Liang Ji's family members had the most comprehensive layout here in the Chaos Swamp. Therefore, today's family members are the most comprehensive. The best place to save your life.

But even so, as the divine gates of the 'temple' opened in the sky continued to erupt with stronger and more evil gods' light and terrifying divine power, the layout of the Chaos Swamp was still being continuously destroyed, and even the Star God was nailed to the ground. The starlight array disk in the veins was constantly impacted and was already crumbling, looking like it might break at any time.

Under the increasingly terrifying impact of the evil god's light and mighty power, even if Liang Ji's family members hid in the chaotic swamp, they could not withstand all the impacts. From time to time, some family members would be swallowed up by the evil god's light, and then... He directly twisted and transformed into a god slave, and then launched a suicide attack on the family team.

It is obvious that after the door of the 'temple' is opened, directly connected to the power of the temples of the 'god realm', and the connection between the star map and the Chishan star is cut off and blocked, whether it is the Chishan God Lord or the evil god of the 'god realm', The offensive plan for the Star Lords, Familia and other people still remaining in Chishan Star has shifted from killing to twisting and deifying the divine slaves.

And this can be regarded as a common method of the super-level civilization of the outer world, the "God Realm". It twists, deifies, and turns all enemies into slaves of gods, which not only destroys the enemies, but also enhances one's own strength.

Faced with such a critical situation, the Thunder Emperor could only follow the oracle and quickly organize his family members to hold a sacrificial ceremony in the chaotic swamp, calling for the "Emperor of Heaven" to come and save them.

"I sincerely invite the Emperor of Heaven to come and save your people!"

When Emperor Lei led all the family members to bow down again and raised their voices to pray.

Suddenly, a nine-color divine light burst out from the body of the Thunder Emperor, who bowed down, and a huge figure emerged from the Thunder Emperor's body, surrounded by a nine-color halo, majestic, sacred, and powerful!

The Thunder Emperor also stood up at this time, turned to the family members participating in the sacrifice, raised his hand and waved, and the tall figure that appeared behind him also waved his hand, and a large rain of nine-color light fell down and disappeared into the bodies of the family members.

Immediately, the blood of these families exploded rapidly. Their golden bodies were indestructible, blessed by green laws, quick recovery, unyielding fighting spirit, infinite magic power, absolute freedom, the power of heaven and earth, debilitating radiation, and absolute will. The power of nine kinds of merits and virtues appeared in time. Thousands of years later, it reappeared and blessed these dependents.

"Dragon King!"

Among the Familia clan, those who studied the history of the Familia clan immediately recognized the power of the previous ‘tyrant Dragon King’!

"No! It's the Emperor of Heaven!"

"It's the Emperor of Heaven who sent a messenger to save us!"

"The Tyrant Dragon Emperor is also the messenger of the Emperor of Heaven!"

The dependents shouted loudly, calling out the name of the Emperor of Heaven with devout faith and fanaticism on their faces, thanking the Emperor for his blessings and salvation.

Immediately, the rest of the family members also looked fanatically toward the possessed Thunder Emperor who had descended upon the ‘Emissary of the Heavenly Emperor’. They kept bowing down, calling out the Emperor’s name, and expressing gratitude to the Emperor.

The piety and fanaticism of these dependents are very similar to those of the divine slaves in the Evil God Realm, but they are not as crazy and completely lose themselves as the divine slaves.

Liang Ji was not surprised by this. In the Star Lord's natal star, the cultivation of the clan's incense, belief, and religion was originally integrated into the inheritance of the 'immortal Taoism', and there were many studies and references in the 'immortal Taoism'. The inheritance of the divine ways of the super-level civilization of the outer domain, the 'God Realm'.

If this were not the case, most of the evil cultivators in the ‘Pantheon’, the cult organization in the Star Alliance, would not be the result of cultivators from the ‘Fairy Tradition’ taking the evil path. It was these monks of the 'Fairy Tradition' who studied the inheritance of evil gods in the 'God Realm' too deeply and could not extricate themselves. They finally embarked on the path of evil gods and became evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon'.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the fanatical and devout beliefs of these dependents are somewhat similar to those of the slaves of the evil gods.

However, the Star Lord did not completely distort and control the consciousness and soul of the Familia like the Evil God, causing the Familia to completely lose themselves like the God Slaves.

"My people, take my blessing and go to the battlefield to fight the enemy. You will be invincible!"

At this time, the Thunder Emperor merged with the huge figure of the ninefold divine light manifested behind him, and spoke loudly, his voice was magnificent, sacred, and powerful, like an oracle.

In fact, it was Liang Ji's consciousness and soul power that controlled the Thunder Emperor's body at this time. He had already 'divined' into the Thunder Emperor's body and turned it into his own avatar, the body of the divine holy spirit, so he could The shadow of his soul manifests behind his back, and he controls and uses the power of nine levels of merit.

This is the power that Liang Ji mastered after he advanced to the fourth level of Star Master and condensed it into a golden elixir. Using the star magic seeds of 'Immortal Stars' as a guide, the gods descended into the Familia and refined the Familia into his own clone.

This can be regarded as a conventional and downgraded use of the astrology "Stars are Immortal".

It is also a common method used by many fourth-level and above star masters who have mastered the star technique "Star Immortality", which can greatly enhance the combat power of the family members and reverse the situation on the battlefield.

After receiving the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven and hearing Liang Ji's order, the devout and fanatical warriors of the clan immediately roared and set up a new 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat to kill the surging evil god's light and divine light all around. The divine slaves who came rushed to kill them.

These Familia warriors sit in the flying boat, using the power of their own blood to activate the flying boat gods, forming a battle formation that is connected to the flying boat formations and restrictions. Behind the images of the various clan gods manifested on the flying boat, a nine-fold light of merit appears. Under the urging of these gods and battle formations, each spaceship was covered with nine colors of light and the power of nine levels of merit.

With the blessing of these nine layers of merit, the battle strength of the family members and the flying boat are constantly rising and becoming stronger.

"The flying boats form an formation, and all the strength belongs to me!"

The clone of the Thunder Emperor controlled by Liang Ji also flew into the group of Zhongfei boats on the Thunder Emperor battleship, and gave the order again.

The formations and forbidden auras on the flying boats rose into the sky one after another, intertwined and connected into one, forming a large formation of flying boats, with the Thunder King battleship as the center.

The power of the families and the flying boats all converged on the Thunder Emperor's battleship as the formation moved. The image of the 'Bi'an Spirit' manifested on the battleship changed rapidly, directly turning into the figure of the Thunder Emperor, and then turned into a piece of nine. The image of a huge figure shrouded in the light of sexual merit and virtue, and whose face cannot be seen clearly.

There is no doubt that this is the image of Liang Ji’s mind and soul!

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