The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 505: Star Map Confronts the Pantheon of Gods: The Disaster of Chiyu

In the vast starry sky, the star map was spinning, and countless starlights gathered like swords and struck down from the void, directly piercing into the Chishan Star where the light of the evil god shrouded and exploded.

The sound is loud, but the elephant is invisible.

The sword of starlight condensed from the 'Star Map' blasted into the Chishan Star, colliding with the light of the evil god and the projected 'Paths of Gods' on the Chishan Star. Only endless light of destruction erupted in an instant. Liang Ji listened on the starship. There was no roar of collision, nor could one see the collision and explosion of endless light of destruction.

Even if he activated the star technique of the 'Episode of the Star Spirit', it would be difficult to see clearly what was happening in the burst of light.

His cultivation level is still not enough, even the power of star magic is limited, and the burst of light contains the starlight condensed by the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array", the divine light erupted by the projection of the divine treasure "Palace of Gods", and The rays of light that destroyed the Chishan Star, each of these rays of light were far beyond Liang Ji's cultivation and endurance limit, so he could not see clearly what was happening in the collision and explosion of light even with his Star Movement Eye Technique.

At this time, Liang Ji and others could only retreat through the formations on the starship, resisting the remaining power of the star map's attack to destroy Chishan Star, while observing the situation in the endless light of destruction.

The starship sent by the Covenant's "Security Department" has complete formations and restrictions, including speed, defense, offense, and detection. At this time, it is time to fully activate and operate the detection formation to spy on the situation in the endless light. .

This time, Liang Ji finally saw the situation clearly.

Chishan Star has been completely destroyed, and only some star fragments are left in the endless light. They are also burning and turning into light at a rapid speed, and then they are swallowed up by the 'gods of temples' projected and descending in the void.

The Chishan God Lord who walked on the path of the evil god and led the projection of the "Palace of Gods" has disappeared at this time. I don't know whether he was destroyed together with the Chishan Star, or whether he was swallowed by the projection and the "Palace of Gods" and turned into a continuation. To receive the resources to lead the power of the 'Paths of Gods'?

It can be seen that under the bombardment of the star map condensed with starlight like a sword, the projected and descending 'Paths of Gods' were not destroyed along with the Chishan Star. Instead, the somewhat illusory 'Paths of Gods' became more real and condensed. In fact, the erupting light of the evil god was even more majestic and terrifying, constantly colliding and clashing with the starlight.

"It seems that the Chishan Star was not destroyed by the Star Map attack, but was directly destroyed and swallowed by the 'Pathedes of Gods', and turned into material for the attack and arrival of the 'Palace of Gods'!"

In the starship, Yang Yun was also looking at the situation in the light of destruction through the exploration formation and made some inferences.

This coincides with what Liang Ji saw and thought.

In the void, the manifested 'Celestial Star Array' seemed to be irritated. The stars in the sky rotated faster and faster, and the gathered starlight became more shining and powerful, blasting towards the 'circle of stars' shrouded in the light of the evil god. Pantheon'.

The starlight and the light of the evil god are constantly strengthening and becoming more brilliant, and the power of collision and confrontation continues to increase, and soon exceeds the level that the starship detection formation can withstand and detect.

Soon, only a piece of light could be seen in the exploration array. The increasingly intense and shining light of destruction made it difficult to see clearly what was going on in the light.

Click! Click and wipe...

Even soon, there was a sound of shattering. It was the exploration formation of the starship that could no longer withstand the impact of those destructive rays of light, and there was a phenomenon of fragmentation.

"Warning! The endurance of the starship's protective formation has reached its limit. Please give the order to continue retreating!"

The weapon spirit in the starship was projected and manifested in front of Yang Yun, issuing a dangerous alarm and requesting to continue retreating away from the void area where the star map and the temples collided.

"Fall back!"

Yang Yun quickly ordered the starship to speed up its evacuation.

It was difficult for Liang Ji to clearly see the confrontation between the star map and the temples at the original Chishan Star. He stood on the starship and turned to look at the void in all directions.

There were rotating stars emerging in his eyes, and he had already activated the starry eye technique of the 'Pupillary of the Star Spirit'.

Although due to his lack of cultivation, it was difficult for Liang Ji's Star Technique to see clearly the situation in the light of destruction where high-level or even super-level powers were clashing, there was still no problem in seeing some distant situations in the surrounding void.

After all, the purpose of this pupil technique and star technique is to allow the star master to better explore the surrounding void and search for life stars and resources in the void star sea. Naturally, he is very good at observing distant places in the void.

At this time, Liang Ji could see that in the depths of the void in all directions, where the light of the evil god surged up, there were star maps rotating and condensed bright starlight falling from the sky, blasting into the surging light of the evil god.

In all directions, in places where the evil god's light surges, bright lights burst out from time to time. This is caused by the collision and confrontation between starlight and the evil god's light.

Obviously, the situation here on Chishan Star is not unique. At this time, everywhere in the Manggu Star Territory that has taken the path of evil gods and twisted into the stars of the "Earthly Immortal Blessed Land" of the divine domain, is probably in a similar situation.

The arrival of the projection of the 'Temple of Gods' undoubtedly represents the official invasion of the super-level civilization of the outer domain, the 'God Realm'. The Star Alliance has become much more decisive. It no longer thinks about saving and cleaning up the stars of the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' that have been twisted into the God Realm. Directly choose the star map to attack and destroy it, so as not to become more base points and channels for the invasion of the 'God Realm'.

I just don’t know what the situation is like in those places where the star map and the pantheon of gods collide, and what is the outcome?

I am afraid that only the top Star Lords and forces in the Star Alliance can intervene in this kind of super-level collision and confrontation. Star Lords like Liang Ji, who have just advanced to the fourth level, have no chance to intervene in such a battle or confrontation. room.

On the contrary, he needs to worry about his own safety and avoid disaster!


At this moment, a dragon's roar sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Liang Ji's expression suddenly changed. He was indeed afraid of something coming. This dragon roar was a warning sound coming from the dragon soul entwined in his natal star.

His mind and consciousness quickly transferred to his natal star. After the thunder emperor's clone who had descended from the gods before led his family to withdraw from the natal star, Liang Ji had not yet recovered the power of his mind and soul.

Therefore, he just changed his mind and came to the clone of the God-descended Thunder Emperor and saw the situation in the natal star.

There are no changes in the natal stars, but when you look up into the void, you can see the sun and moon in the sky, and the stars in the sky, and the raging light of the evil god is constantly colliding and fighting with these sun, moon and stars. There are broken starlight, disintegrating evil god's light, colliding light of destruction, etc., like meteor light showering into the surrounding void, some of which are falling towards his natal stars.

There is no doubt that his natal star is also located in the Manggu Star Territory. In the confrontation between the "Zhoutian Star Array" and the "Palace of Gods", he encountered a disaster.

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