The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 504 ‘The Temples’ Arrive and Star Lord Retreats

In the sky of Chishan Star, the divine light erupting from the 'Temple' condensed into an illusory and real 'Plum of Temples', and erupted into a more terrifying evil god's light that was far beyond what Chishan Star could withstand, covering the entire Chishan Star.

The first one to be affected was the Lord Chishan who had already refined the Chishan Star into the Evil God Realm.

After all, the other party had already integrated the 'temple' with the star spiritual veins, allowing him to corrode and twist the star spiritual veins into the star divine veins in a short period of time, thereby embarking on the path of the evil god and becoming the Lord of Chishan God.

It is also because of this that the later 'temple' can rise from under the earth, which originally rose from the divine veins of the stars.

At this time, the 'temple' was swallowed up by the illusory and real temples. The light of the evil god that erupted from the temples was naturally the first to affect the star divine veins of Chishan Star. It also directly affected the distortion and infection of the star divine veins, thus becoming The Chishan God Lord of the God Lord.

In the sky, majestic starlight burst out, tearing apart the evil god's light that was surging in all directions and swallowing everything. This was the method of several high-level star master starlight giants fighting against the Lord Chishan.

Therefore, Liang Ji saw the situation of the Chishan God Lord in the sky at this time.

The Lord of Chishan was originally the Lord of Red Flames, and he practiced the way of fire. This was also the main reason why he refined Chishan Star into the ‘Earth Immortal Blessed Land’, which was more consistent with his own path.

Even after he embarked on the path of the evil god and twisted Chishan Star into the realm of the evil god, the light of the evil god on his body was also red-gold, and red was still the main color, indicating that he was twisted into the evil god, and the power of the evil god he controlled was still based on Fire is the main element.

But at this time, the evil god's light shrouded in Chishan God's body changed drastically. The golden color of the red-gold divine light increased greatly, and even turned away. It suppressed, eroded, and distorted the red divine light, and eroded and twisted away from the body of Chishan God's body.

In just a short moment, the red-gold God Lord Chishan had been twisted and eroded into a piece of gold, turning into the body of the golden evil god.

Even Liang Ji could clearly see that as the golden divine light eroded and distorted, the struggle of the Lord Chishan became smaller and smaller, the anger on his face became weaker and weaker, and gradually became expressionless and the divine light was dull.

It looks like he twisted and deified a group of indigenous aliens and human monks in the Chishan Star into divine slaves!

The Chishan God Lord was also distorted and transformed into a God Slave, a special God Slave by the powerful evil light of the 'Palace of Gods' that projected and exploded at this time.

Liang Ji and others were stunned by such a shocking change.

For the sake of future and longevity, God Lord Chishan embarked on the path of the evil god, and was even the first to break out into conflicts and battles with the Star Alliance. Unexpectedly, he was directly abandoned by the 'God Realm' and refined into a divine slave.

This is probably also a plan arranged by the 'God Realm' a long time ago. The Red Flame God Lord was deceived by the other party, but I don't know if he regretted it before he was refined into a divine slave.

But at this time, it was obviously not the time for Liang Ji and others to lament this.

The Lord of Chishan God was refined into a divine slave, and the star divine veins of Chishan Star were completely refined and controlled by the projected and descending 'Paths of Gods'. The majestic and terrifying light of the evil god was still rushing out from the 'Paths of Gods'. It comes out and pours into the Chishan Star, distorting and transforming the Chishan Star.

Today's Chishan Star is rapidly twisting and expanding, turning into a base point and path for the 'God Realm' to invade the Star Alliance and the Manggu Star Territory. This is far more powerful than the 'God Gate' opened by the evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon' before. Strong, solid invasion paths.

As the Chishan Star distorts and expands, the 'Paths of Gods' projected and descended from it are also rapidly solidifying and strengthening, which makes the light of the evil god erupting from the 'Paths of Gods' even more majestic and powerful.

If this continues, Chishan Star is no longer suitable for the survival and fighting of the Star Lord and the Star Lord's dependents.

At this time, Liang Ji could only use the power of the 'spirit' and the element of order that he had mastered to protect his family members and the flying boat.

But even so, under the impact of the increasingly strong evil god's light, flying boats were still shot down, and some dependents were twisted and deified into divine slaves.

"The Chishan Star has changed!"

"All Star Masters evacuate Chishan Star immediately!"

"In three minutes, the star map will directly destroy Chishan Star!"

In the void outside Chishan Star, Liang Ji was on the starship and received the latest order from the commander of this battle.

The changes in the Chishan Star and the arrival of the projection of the 'Palace of Gods' made the Covenant directly make the final choice to absolutely destroy the Chishan Star directly.

Although the Star Alliance has always wanted to try its best to acquire the Pearl Chishan Star, this is not only a statement for the monks within the Star Alliance who continue to follow the path of "Earth Immortal", but also wants to try their best to ensure the order and security of the Manggu Star Territory.

But under the current situation, the Star Alliance has to make the final choice. Even if the Chishan Star is destroyed, it cannot be allowed to become the base point and fixed channel for the 'God Realm' to invade the Star Alliance.

Immediately, many star masters in Chishan Star evacuated one after another. Many people even gave up their family members directly and stopped opening the starlight portal to take them back to their natal stars.

After all, the situation in Chishan Star is too bad at this time. The surging and ever-increasing light of evil gods is still impacting everywhere and engulfing everything. Many star owners are worried about opening the starlight portal, but instead let the light of evil gods rush into them. Among the natal stars, it endangers itself.

For the Star Lord monks, although the warriors of the Familia are precious, they can be re-cultivated if they are lost, and the natal star is their lifeblood. If the natal star is destroyed, it will directly endanger the life of the Star Lord.

Liang Ji didn't want to give up his family members and the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat directly. After all, he had just advanced to the fourth-level star master not long ago, and now these fourth-level family members and the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat were almost all the four-level stars in his natal star. The family is in ruins.

Naturally, he didn't want to give up easily.

Moreover, Liang Ji was still somewhat confident about retreating.

He was the first to seize the power of the Chaotic Swamp and managed it for the longest time. The formations and restrictions he arranged were still in effect. Liang Ji directly pushed the power of the 'spirit' and the power of order elements under his control to the extreme, and interacted with the surroundings. The formations and restrictions were connected, and then ten more 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats were sent out, led by the Thunder Emperor battleship, to integrate into the surrounding formations.

At this point, at the expense of abandoning the ten 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats headed by the Thunder Emperor Battleship, and using the power of the 'spirits' and the power of the order elements to explode in a flammable way, in order to keep these remaining families and flying boats, Liang Ji even gave up and burned the power of mind and soul that God descended from.

In this way, a forbidden area was temporarily opened in the chaotic swamp, and the surging light of the evil god was temporarily blocked.

Afterwards, he quickly opened a starlight portal in the chaotic swamp, and the remaining family members and the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boat quickly retreated to their natal stars through the starlight portal.

Three minutes passed in an instant, and Liang Ji's family members and flying boats had just withdrawn, when a bright starlight shot down from the "Celestial Star Formation" spread out in the void and covering the entire Manggu Star Territory, as sharp as a spear. The sword blasted directly into the Chishan Star, which was engulfed, twisted, and deified by the evil god's light.

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