The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 509 The arrival of Kunlun Mountain

In the star sea of ​​the Manggu Star Territory, the star map collided with the temples, and high-level star masters and high-level evil gods were constantly fighting and fighting.

These are not battlefields that Liang Ji can participate in and come into contact with today. He can't even see the situation clearly in the starry sky battlefield. He can only protect his own stars from the disaster of Chiyu with all his strength. At the same time, he can observe and analyze the "disaster of Chiyu" that scatters. The situation in the meteor shower determines the outcome of the battlefield in the starry sky.

If the falling meteor light rain contains more light of the evil god, it means that the power of invasion from the divine realm has the upper hand, and the power of the evil god overwhelms the power of starlight and spreads throughout the star field; but if it contains the power of starlight, More, it is undoubtedly said that the Star Alliance has the upper hand and has suppressed the power of the invading evil gods, so that more starlight can be shed throughout the star field to declare the power of the Star Alliance and protect the star field.

Based on this analysis, Liang Ji had a basic understanding of the battle situation in the starry sky.

Before he sacrificed the list of gods, perhaps due to the sudden invasion of the 'God Realm', dozens of stars in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' were destroyed and became the base points and channels for the projection and arrival of the temples, making the Star Alliance unable to cope with it. Divine Realm' initially had the upper hand.

Therefore, in the rain of starlight, the power of the evil god contained more, and it fell into his natal star and caused a lot of damage, even eroding the origin and distorting the power of the law of the avenue.

For this reason, Liang Ji was worried that the original power of his natal stars alone would be difficult to withstand the power of these invading evil gods, so he decided to refine the list of gods in advance and ennoble ghosts and gods in order to strengthen the resistance of his natal stars against the invading power of evil gods.

But now, after he completed the first time to become a god, he analyzed the meteor light rain scattered among the stars, and found that the power of the evil god had been suppressed, and the power of starlight contained became more.

This undoubtedly shows that the Star Alliance has the upper hand in the battle in the starry sky outside.

After all, the Manggu Star Territory has been occupied and controlled by the Star Alliance for tens of thousands of years. It has always been shrouded in the "Zhoutian Star Array", and the Star Alliance has taken advantage of the geographical advantages.

Even if the 'God Realm' raid had the upper hand for a while, it would still be difficult to withstand the geographical advantages accumulated by the Star Alliance for thousands of years of rule.

Therefore, even if some high-level evil gods in the God Realm joined the battle, the power of the evil gods no longer had the upper hand in the shower of meteor light that fell on the stars.

And this is undoubtedly good news for Liang Ji. The Star Alliance has the upper hand. Not only does he not have to worry about the safety of his natal stars after the God Realm occupies the Manggu Star Territory, but also because of the "Pond Fish Disaster" meteor light shower that scatters on the stars. With more starlight power and less evil god power, the impact and damage caused to his natal star has also become much smaller.

In this way, after he completed his first apotheosis and improved his defense a lot, the damage and threats he suffered from the 'disaster of fish' became much smaller, which made Liang Ji feel more at ease.

However, this peace of mind did not last long. Just when Liang Ji thought that this invasion of the 'God Realm' was just an anticlimactic operation, a bright evil light suddenly erupted deep in the starry sky, like a sudden appearance in the night sky. The sun's endless and mighty divine light swept across the entire starry sky, covering the stars and covering the sky.

Even Liang Ji's natal star was swept and engulfed by this terrifying evil god's light that was like the sun.


Liang Ji exclaimed, and then he sensed that everything in his natal stars, including the spiritual veins of the stars, the origin of the stars, the laws of the great road, etc., were distorted and changed in the terrifying light of the evil god, and were about to be twisted into slaves of the gods.

He exerted all his strength to activate the 'Dao Fruit', circulate the power of the origin of the stars and the laws of the great avenue, activate the formations on the stars, activate the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' in the origin of the stars, and even the natal treasure, the holy tower, and the bloodline of the dependents. , battle formations, the power of faith and all the other forces, in order to resist the erosion and distortion of this terrifying evil god's light.

However, everything was in vain. The evil god's light that erupted deep in the starry sky this time was too high level and too powerful, causing absolute suppression of his natal star.

The first ones to lose control were the many wild beasts and birds growing on his natal star, followed by some ferocious beasts and spiritual beasts, and then the dwindling number of zero-level dependents, who began to be invaded by the terrifying light of the evil god. Dyeing, twisting, becoming a god slave, launching turmoil and attacks on the stars.

Next, the family members, elemental spiritual veins, star spiritual veins, and even Liang Ji's own soul all felt that they were beginning to twist and change in the light of the evil god, and were about to be completely deified and controlled.

Just when Liang Ji was considering whether his soul should return to his original body and give up his natal star in order to give it a try; suddenly, Liang Ji felt that the 'God List' contained in the origin of the star and that had been recently completed seemed to be beating. After a while, a divine light burst out from it and shot into the void.

In the void, there was also a powerful divine light that penetrated the endless evil god's light, and instantly connected and connected with the divine light that erupted from the 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

The next moment, there seemed to be bright and majestic power pouring into the 'Feng Shen Bang' in the origin of the stars. The 'Feng Shen Bang' immediately flew out from the origin of the stars, spread out rapidly on the stars, and turned into a huge canopy, covering the entire sky. The natal star is guarding it, resisting the onslaught of the evil god's light.

Without the impact and distortion of the light of these evil gods, Liang Ji quickly regained control of the origin of the stars and the power of the law of the great road, activated the 'Tao Fruit', and the power of running stars quickly suppressed the power of the evil gods that invaded the stars. Clean up.

Among the stars, the familiars, spiritual beasts, beasts and birds that had been twisted and deified into slaves of gods quickly returned to normal.

Liang Ji breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then he turned his attention to the 'Fengshen List', wondering why the 'Fengshen List' had such a change.

After all, this ‘Bang of Gods’ was made by him and connected to the origin of his natal star. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Liang Ji’s second natal treasure.

Therefore, Liang Ji's mind and consciousness are completely consistent with the 'Fengshen List' and can check the situation of the 'Fengshen List'.

In an instant, a ray of Liang Ji's mind and consciousness followed the divine light erupting from the 'Feng Shen Bang', as if passing through the endless surging evil god's light, reaching the depths of the vast starry sky.

"This is..." Liang Ji's mind and consciousness couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the situation deep in the starry sky. A group of mountains appeared in the starry sky in front of him, suppressed by the vast eruption of the evil god's light, and for these mountains , but he is too familiar with it. It is the "Kunlun Sacred Mountain" in the Kunlun Star Palace where he is located!

However, unlike the 'Kunlun Mountain' that Liang Ji saw when he was studying in the Kunlun Star Palace, there is a huge golden list unfolding on the 'Kunlun Mountain' that descends on the sea of ​​​​stars to suppress the light of the evil god. It is connected to the mountain and blooms. Endless divine light.

It is a huge ‘list of gods’!

And the divine light that erupted from the ‘Conferred Gods List’ that he sacrificed was connected to the huge ‘Conferred Gods List’ divine light that emerged on the sacred mountain.

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