The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 510 The Fall of the High Evil God

The nine major star palaces in the Star Alliance have always had their own strengths. Among them, the Kunlun Star Palace is best at dealing with the super-level civilization of the outer domain, the "God Realm".

Therefore, now in the Manggu Star Territory, the projections of the temples are coming and the gods are invading. The Kunlun Mountain of the Kunlun Star Palace will come to suppress the light of the evil god, and sacrifice the "God List" to fight with the power of the evil god. Liang Ji was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

What's more, if it weren't for the timely arrival of Kunlun Mountain and the help of the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods', he might not be able to protect his own star at this time.

Liang Ji felt fortunate at this time that he had his back against a big tree so he could enjoy the shade.

This time the Manggu Star Territory War and the invasion of the 'God Realm' still don't know how much damage it will cause in this star territory, and how many star masters will fall in this war.

If he hadn't been protected by the 'Kunlun Star Palace', he might have fallen into the explosion of the evil god's light just now.

With thoughts spinning in his mind, Liang Ji did not withdraw his mind and consciousness. Instead, he continued to pay attention to the war situation deep in the starry sky and in the Kunlun Mountain through the connection with the 'Feng Shen Bang'.

This is much more accurate and clear than his analysis based on the 'disaster of fish in the pond' he suffered.

Moreover, Liang Ji could clearly sense that on the 'Kunlun Mountain' and the golden 'God List', not only his mind and consciousness were attached to him, but also other star masters were also paying attention to them through the 'Kunlun Mountain' and the 'God List'. With this war.

Obviously, in the Manggu Star Territory at this time, there are many Kunlun Star Palace Star Lords participating in this battle, especially among the many teams of the Star Alliance's "Security Department", there are many middle-level people from the Kunlun Star Palace. Although the Star Master's cultivation level and level are higher than Liang Ji's, it is difficult for him to intervene in this high-level battle. He can't even see the situation clearly. He can only pay attention to the situation through the 'Kunlun Mountain' and 'God List'.

At this time, Liang Ji noticed that the center of the battlefield was located, and he was quite familiar with it. It was the Manggu City in the center of the black hole in the Manggu Star Territory.

I don't know when the projection of the 'Paths of Gods' came from everywhere, twisted into the evil god's domain, and then abandoned and destroyed in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' where the stars came to Manggu City. The 'Plums of Gods' were originally illusory and real. ', but at this time, there was no illusion at all suppressed above Manggu City. It was a complete physical palace, as if the true body of the super-level artifacts of the God Realm, the 'Paths of Gods', had descended here.

The Manggu City, under the suppression of the 'Palace of Gods', looked much miserable, with more than half of the city in ruins.

Among these ruins lies a body of an evil god as big as a star. It has obviously fallen for a long time. The bright light of the evil god is constantly erupting from the body of the fallen evil god, impacting every corner of Manggu City. at.

The remaining nearly half of Mang Ancient City, with Mang Ancient Academy as the center, based on formations and restrictions, and the power of the "Zhoutian Star Formation", has just regained stability and temporarily resisted the light of these evil gods. The impact, and the suppression of the 'Path of Gods'.

But at this time, there is suppression by the 'Paths of Gods' on this ancient city, and a steady stream of evil gods' light is constantly attacking and attacking; there is also a suppressed black hole below waiting for the opportunity to explode, and a large number of void demon beasts and void demon groups are constantly coming from the black hole. Rushing out of the area, the power of various natural disasters and destruction continued to impact and attack Manggu City.

Under such an attack from above and below, even with the help of the 'Star Map', Manggu City was already in danger and on the verge of collapse.

Liang Ji looked at the scene and quickly deduced in his mind that during the previous battle, an invading high-level evil god was successfully killed here in Manggu City. The light of the evil god that erupted like the sun and covered the entire starry sky should be that high-level evil god. The vision caused by the fall of the evil god.

However, at this time, with the arrival of the Kunlun Mountain, the phenomenon of the light of the evil god that erupted after the death of the high evil god has been suppressed; and the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' sacrificed on the mountain even broke out with the light of the gods' edicts, attacking the temples. Contain less than half of the power of the temples.

At the same time, the power of the 'Celestial Star Array' covering the entire Manggu Star Territory also moved in. The bright stars fell down from the 'Star Diagram', and half of them fell into the black hole, suppressing the power of the black hole in the Manggu Star Territory. The disaster of the Void Monster Clan that broke out and impacted; half of them fell on the 'Paths of Gods', constantly clashing and colliding with the light of the evil god, and attacking the 'Paths of Gods'.

Under the attacks of the 'Kunlun Mountain', 'God List', and the 'Star Map', the light and offensive power of the evil gods that erupted from the 'Palace of Gods' were gradually suppressed; the Manggu Black Hole was also suppressed again.

Manggu City, which was originally in danger, has regained stability and order.

Seeing this, the 'Holy Temples', which were surrounded in the middle and were attacked by the Holy Mountain, the List of Gods, and the Star Map, broke out several times, trying to break through the siege and launch another counterattack.

Through the golden 'God List', Liang Ji could even see the openings of the temples in the 'Paths of Gods'. In each temple, there is a figure of a god who is shining brightly and completely condensed by the divine light. It is both a blessing and a blessing. The attacks of the 'Paths of Gods' were urged to become more and more powerful, and at the same time, more attacks continued to be issued from the 'Paths of Gods'.

These figures of gods condensed by divine light are obviously the high-level evil gods of the 'God Realm' who followed the projection and descended from the 'Holy Temples' to initiate the invasion. They had previously fought with the high-level Star Lords of the Star Alliance in the starry sky. Shi Qiu has returned to the 'Pathedes of Gods', assisting the 'Pathemes of Gods', and also relying on the power of the 'Pathemes of Gods' to fight.

Likewise, many of the high-level Star Lords from the Star Alliance are stationed at the Kunlun Mountain, assisting the God List and the Star Map, and using the power of these three to help fight.

Moreover, this is the home ground of the Star Alliance. At this point in the battle, the Star Alliance has mobilized more high-level Star Lords to assist in the battle. Especially on the Kunlun Mountain, there are already some high-level Star Lord instructors from the Kunlun Star Palace. Joining the battle at this time, no matter the number, , or the combat power has already surpassed the 'God Realm'.

Under such a siege, the 'Palace of Gods' and the high-level evil gods seated in them have been suppressed again. Just like the light of the evil god that burst out with the sun's rays and covered a large swath of the starry sky, it has also been defeated and dispersed.

Liang Ji's soul is above the natal star. When he looks up, he can see that the starry sky has returned to normal, and all the light of the evil god has dispersed.

Seeing that the situation is improving, but with the siege of the ‘Holy Mountain’, ‘God List’, and ‘Star Map’, it will obviously take a lot of time to completely break through the ‘Palace of Gods’ and achieve victory.

At this time, they saw the center of Manggu City, which had regained its stability under the suppression of the 'Palace of Gods'. Suddenly, bright starlight burst out from the Manggu Academy, and a starlight giant figure emerged from it, holding a hand in his hand. The giant starlight ax struck directly at the suppressed 'Paths of Gods' in the sky.

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