The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 511 Manggu Academy Starlight Giant Ax

In the Manggu Academy, the starlight giant rose up with a starlight giant axe, and struck the 'gods of the gods' with one axe.

Amidst the roaring sound, the giant ax opened a crack in the 'Temple of Gods'. The bright starlight and destructive edge blasted into the broken temple, splitting nearly half of a temple into ruins.

"God's grace!"

A deep roar came from the split temple, and a divine light giant burst out of it, the evil god's light all over his body burst out to fight against the starlight giant axe.

He is a high-level evil god who sits in the temple.

With the help of the broken temple, it barely resisted the attack of the starlight axe.


In the Manggu Academy, the Starlight Giant also gave a deep shout, and quickly pulled up the Starlight Giant Ax and slashed it down again.

In the broken temple, the divine light giant transformed by the high evil god seemed to be very afraid of the attack of the starlight giant axe. The moment the giant ax was raised, he turned into a ray of divine light and fled towards the intact temple on the side. , apparently wanting to continue hiding in the temple and use the power of the 'Palace of Temples' to resist the attack of this starlight giant axe.

At this time, the Kunlun Mountains, the Golden God List, and the Star Map that were besieging the 'Paths of Gods' all erupted. The starlight, divine light, etc. that attacked the 'Paths of Gods' surged, and they immediately contained and resisted the 'Paths of Gods'. live.

The fleeing high-level evil god was immediately blocked from entering other temples.

At this time, the giant starlight ax slashed down again. The high-level evil god had no choice but to turn around and fight. At the same time, it also destructively activated and activated the temple that had been slashed and nearly half of it was reduced to ruins. The evil god's light that erupted in it turned into He used the divine fire to help the evil god resist the starlight axe, while burning the ruins of the temple.

Amidst the loud roar, the erupting and burning temple was completely destroyed, and the starlight giant ax once again slashed at the divine light giant condensed by the high evil god.

The high evil god resisted with all his strength and even sacrificed a spear-like artifact. However, under the attack of the starlight giant axe, the spear artifact was cut into two pieces. The giant ax cut through the body of the high evil god made of divine light. The light shattered and scattered.


After destroying the temple with one blow and injuring the evil god with the second blow, the starlight giant emerging from the Manggu Academy still showed no intention of relaxing. The third ax struck again with a faster, more decisive and powerful force.

This time, the high evil god was helpless and could only resist with all his strength. However, under the starlight giant ax that was slashed with all his strength, all defenses were broken in just a moment, and the giant ax directly cut into the body of the high evil god. middle.


Liang Ji seemed to hear a cracking sound coming from the body of the divine light giant. The divine light giant let out a shrill scream, and then he saw the majestic and brilliant light of the evil god, like the sun exploding, from the body of the high evil god. It burst out and struck in all directions.

Such a scene is almost exactly the same as the scene where Liang Ji saw the evil god's light in the starry sky bursting out like the sun, covering the starry sky, and almost causing him to fall into it.

This also further verified his speculation that the previous sudden burst of evil god's light was the anomaly caused by the death of the corpse of the high evil god in the ruins of Manggu City.

At this time, Liang Ji could see this process more clearly and understandably through the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

The shattering sound coming from the body of the high evil god was the sound of the 'divine crystal' in his body being chopped apart by the giant starlight axe. That was why the high evil god was killed on the spot. The 'divine crystal' was the foundation and life of the evil god.

Similarly, when the 'divine crystal' of the high-level evil god was chopped into pieces, the majestic and terrifying power of the evil god contained in it also burst out in an instant and impacted in all directions, causing such a movement like the explosion of the sun, covering the starry sky.

But this time, before the majestic and brilliant evil god's light could rush to all directions, the surrounding 'Kunlun Mountain' and the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' all erupted and suppressed them, immediately suppressing the evil god's light that was erupting like the sun. Suppress and resist.

We did not let the light of these evil gods cause a second impact or damage to this star field.

The Kunlun Star Palace is responsible for contending and fighting with the 'God Realm' all year round. The foundation of its inheritance is also the 'God List' which is specifically aimed at gods. It is only a piece of cake to suppress and resist the light of these evil gods.

Liang Ji could even see that in the process of suppressing the evil god's light, the Kunlun Mountain and the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' were simultaneously devouring and absorbing the erupting evil god's light.

When the erupting evil god's light was completely suppressed and swallowed up, dozens of bright and broken crystal blocks flew out from the fallen high evil god's body, and were directly swallowed by the golden 'God List' on the body.

Liang Ji recognized at a glance that those broken crystal blocks were the chopped 'divine crystals' in the body of the high evil god!

After the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' swallowed up these broken 'divine crystals', the divine light shining on it only fluctuated slightly, and then quickly fell silent without many obvious changes.

When Liang Ji saw this, he understood that the golden 'God List' that had been dedicated to the Kunlun Star Palace for so many years had probably swallowed up countless high-level 'god crystals' and had a very profound foundation. Now this one is broken into pieces. Jing' can't even have much impact on the golden 'God List'.

At this time, the Starlight Giant stood up in the Manggu Academy. After slashing through the temple with three axes and killing a high-level evil god, it seemed that it had reached its limit. The Starlight Giant directly took the giant ax back to the Manggu Academy.

But at this time, several more starlights fell from the "star map" in the sky and fell into the Manggu Academy.

Liang Ji could clearly see through the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' that those starlights were the figures of the Star Lord monks.


Not long after the figures of the Star Master monks fell into the Manggu Academy, another starlight giant figure stood up from the academy holding a starlight giant axe, holding the giant ax high and slashing towards the 'Holy Temples' again.

It can be clearly seen that the starlight giant who stood up this time is not the same person as the person who just took action. First, other high-level star masters supported the Manggu Academy through the 'Star Map'.

boom! Click and wipe...

The starlight giant ax cut through the divine light and once again split a temple. However, there was no evil god sitting in this temple, and it was not known whether it was evacuated in advance.

Without the evil god sitting in charge, the temple's resistance was greatly reduced, and nearly half of it was cut through by the starlight giant axe.

However, this time the Starlight Giant who took action only needed one ax to cut through the temple, but it was unable to sustain itself, and the Starlight Giant's body dispersed directly.

At this time, another starlight giant stood up in the Manggu Academy, directly took the starlight giant ax and chopped it down again.

It was still just the power of an ax that destroyed a temple, and then a new starlight giant took over and continued to attack the 'temples'.

At this time, Liang Ji observed through the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods', and his eyesight was much sharper due to its influence. He soon saw that the starlight, running avenues, power, etc. of these starlight giants were at odds with the starlight giant axe. , which is why it can only exert the power of one blow.

As for the Starlight Giant who took action for the first time, its starlight and the movement of the power of the avenue were very consistent with the Starlight Giant Axe, so it could hit three axes in a row.

He has already seen at this time that this starlight giant ax is probably the top inheritance and method of Manggu Academy, just like the 'God List' of Kunlun Star Palace, the 'World Tree' of Creation Star Palace, and the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' of Wanxiang Star Palace. ', Although the level, power, etc. are not as good as those of these star palace inheritances, the power of this starlight giant ax is still very impressive in Manggu City and Manggu Academy.

It can even cut through temples and kill high-level evil gods.

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