The high-level star masters who came for support with the help of the 'star map' teleportation, although their cultivation, avenues and starlight axes were incompatible with each other. Each of them could only deliver one blow with the axe, but with their successive attacks, they also attacked everyone. The temple' caused a lot of damage and threats.

In particular, the 'Star Map', the Kunlun Mountains, and the golden 'God List' were surrounding and suppressing them, leaving the 'Holy Temples' with no extra strength to counter or defend against the slashes and attacks of the Starlight Giant Axe.

At this time, another starlight giant figure stood up in Manggu Academy, took the starlight giant ax and chopped it down.

Liang Ji recognized at a glance that this person was the first high-level star master to take action, and he was also the high-level star master in Manggu Academy. He was most likely the principal of Manggu Academy.

Obviously, after the help and relief of several other high-level star masters, the high-level star master and starlight giant of Manggu Academy has recovered and can regain control of the starlight giant ax to launch an attack.

And this starlight giant ax in his hand is indeed different from others, that is, the burst of bright starlight and destructive edge are much more powerful than other high-level star masters and starlight giants when they take action.

Three more axes struck in succession, not only cutting through a temple in the 'Paths of Gods', but there was also a high-level evil god sitting in the temple. He was also unable to escape and was killed on the spot by the starlight giant axe.

So far, in Manggu City alone, the Starlight Giant Ax has killed three invading high-level evil gods.

Previously, other high-level star masters attacked with starlight giant axes, smashing through empty temples and failing to catch an evil god; but at this time, as soon as the high-level star master of Manggu Academy took action, the starlight giant ax directly found the evil god. Sitting in the temple, destroy the temple and kill the evil god.

Obviously, in the hands of the high-level star masters of Manggu Academy, this starlight giant ax not only has far more power than other high-level star masters, but also has other mysteries, and can lock the high-level evil gods in the temple.

As for the 'Holy Temples', they saw that not only did the projections and descending temples not destroy many, but even the attacking high-level evil gods sacrificed three of them within a period of time. If this continues, they will only suffer more losses and more casualties. big.

Therefore, they must break the situation as soon as possible.

At this moment, as the three axes of the high-ranking star masters of Manggu Academy exhausted their energy, the starlight giants dispersed, and the other high-ranking star masters took over and took charge of the giant starlight axes.

Suddenly, there were lines of divine light rising into the sky from the 'Paths of Gods'. These evil gods' lights were extremely majestic and rich. In just a moment, they turned into rich evil gods' flames, covering and burning nearly half of the 'Paths of Gods' area.

Under the burning and eruption of these evil gods' fires, the falling starlight of the star map, the suppressed divine light of the Kunlun Mountain, and the divine light of the divine edict erupting from the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' were all quickly blocked, burned, and destroyed.

Obviously, the projection and arrival of the 'Paths of Gods' came directly at the expense of the power of the natural temples, erupting with power that far exceeded the limit, and finally broke through the attack and suppression of the 'Star Map', the Sacred Mountain, and the List of Gods.

Taking this opportunity, a large piece of sacred fire from the burning 'Path of Gods' fell down, like rain of fire, all over Manggu City.

Nearly half of Manggu City has been reduced to ruins. If it is burned by these divine fires again, it is estimated that even the ruins will not be left. However, the protective formations of these ruins have long been destroyed in the war, making it even more difficult to withstand. The attack and burning of divine fire.

Seeing this, a large amount of starlight suddenly erupted in Manggu Academy, spreading towards the surrounding ruins of the city to protect these ruins.

After all, Manggu City can be said to be the foundation of Manggu Academy. It is impossible for Manggu Academy to watch these areas in the city destroyed by the evil god's fire.


Seeing this, a roar suddenly rang out from the "Palace of Gods" that erupted and burned in the sky. Most of the divine fire burning on it suddenly gathered together at this time, turning into a giant beast burning with divine fire and instantly pounced down, heading straight towards the Manggu Academy. middle.


In the Manggu Academy, the high-level Star Lord and Starlight Giant who had just received the Starlight Giant Ax immediately took action, and the Starlight Giant Ax directly slashed at the charging Divine Fire Beast.

The giant ax collided with the giant beast. In the loud roar, a large piece of divine fire was chopped into pieces and scattered. However, the attack of the starlight giant ax was also blocked. The high-level star master could not continue after one blow. The body of the starlight giant collapsed, and the starlight giant collapsed. The ax fell straight down.

Although the giant divine fire beast was chopped into large pieces of divine fire, it still maintained most of its body and continued to pounce on Manggu Academy.

The sounds of collisions, roars and explosions, the roars of giant beasts, the sounds of shattering formation restrictions, and the sounds of the city and the ground cracking all sounded one after another.

The attack of the 'Holy Temples', which burned the temple and damaged three thousand people, was so powerful that it could not be blocked by the Starlight Giant Axe, nor could it be completely blocked by the formation restriction centered on the Manggu Academy.

Under this blow, nearly half of the remaining city of Manggu City was severely damaged again. Large areas were turned into ruins, the fire of the evil god burned on the earth, and even the entire Manggu City and the surrounding earth began to shake and crack. stand up.

The entire Manggu City suffered heavy losses and was even on the verge of collapse again.

Under Manggu City, the suppressed Manggu Star Territory Black Hole, and the Void Monster Clan that had been suppressed by the 'Star Map' seemed to have seen it, and launched an attack again.

A large number of void monsters and the force of natural disasters swept across a large area, impacting Manggu City like cascading waves.

At this point, Manggu Academy was completely unable to launch an attack on the 'Holy Temples'. It was even difficult to stabilize Manggu City with all its strength, so it had to resort to external forces.

The 'star map' spread out in the starry sky had to turn its power at this time and drop more starlight into the black hole in Manggu City and under Manggu City to help suppress the black hole and stabilize Manggu City.

As a result, most of the power of the 'Star Map' to attack the temples has been reduced, and its power has been greatly reduced.

The 'Holy Temples' that had already broken through the siege completely escaped at this time, directly shooting out a large piece of divine light to open a 'God Gate' in the void, and then crashed into the 'God Gate' to use the 'God Gate' Break out of the scope of the Star Alliance and return to the outer realm of 'God Realm'.

This 'Palace of Gods' directly destroyed dozens of stars in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' and swallowed up the source of the stars in the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'. Several explosions caused countless casualties and destruction in the Manggu Star Territory, and even more It destroyed almost half of Manggu City and almost caused a black hole to explode.

It can be said that the entire Manggu Star Territory was turned into a mess, with countless casualties and destruction. Now that they are about to escape like this, the Star Alliance naturally does not agree.

The Kunlun Mountain, the golden ‘Gods List’, and even the ‘star map’ spread out in the starry sky all erupted together, shooting out divine light and starlight towards the ‘divine gate’ and towards the escaping ‘temples’.

It's just that the 'Holy Temples' did not hesitate to ignite divine fires and burned nearly half of the temples themselves. The divine fires that broke out were quite powerful. Although they were severely damaged by the attacks from the Star Map, the Sacred Mountain, and the List of Gods, they still managed to escape through the 'God Gates' And go.

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