Above Liang Ji's natal star, the star map is rotating, the moon is shining in the sky, and large areas of moonlight are falling like rain, falling into the stars to nourish all things and increase the origin of the stars.

His soul sits high on the natal treasure "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower". His mind and consciousness are in harmony with the natal stars, and he can directly face and sense the spiritual veins and origin of the stars.

Among the boiling and growing source of stars, a black 'Bang of Gods' spread out, with a cluster of golden flames burning slowly on it. Using the source of stars as firewood, the black 'Bang of Gods' was burned and tempered.

At this time, in the state of 'God and Dao combined', Liang Ji could clearly sense that the black 'Apotheosis of the Gods' was very slowly improved and strengthened under the tempering of golden flames, and the connection and connection with the origin of the stars were getting closer and closer. Go deep.

There is no doubt that this black 'Fengshen Bang' is the 'Fengshen Bang·Ghost Edition' made by Liang Ji, and the golden flame burning on it is the Kunlun Mountain that was connected to his 'Fengshen Bang' after the previous battle. The 'trophies' passed on to the golden 'God List' before disconnection.

At that time, the projected and descending 'Paths of Gods' burned a large area of ​​evil god flames, breaking through the limit to explode and escape. The Kunlun Mountain and the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' both tried to block it, but the 'Plans of Temples' blasted out evil god flames to resist.

In the end, the 'Passion of Gods' escaped through the Divine Gate, but the evil god flames it blasted were suppressed by the Kunlun Mountain and refined by the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods'.

This golden flame that was passed on and burned quietly on Liang Ji's "Feng Shen Bang" was the trophy obtained after the golden "Feng Shen Bang" refined the evil god's flame. He did not expect that after the battle, the golden "Feng Shen Bang" turned out to be He was given a golden fire trophy to share.

The 'Palace of Gods' is an important treasure of the super-level civilization of the outer domain, the 'God Realm'. Its level and power are comparable to the innate spiritual treasure 'Zhoutian Star Array', otherwise it would be difficult to compete with the 'Star Map'.

Although the 'Paths of Gods' invaded this time are only projections and descending bodies, not their true bodies, they were also formed by devouring dozens of 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' stars. They can be compared with the 'Star Map' of the Manggu Star Region and the Kunlun Mountain. , the existence of the golden 'Feng Shen Bang' that briefly resisted, its power and high level can be imagined.

From this, it can be imagined that the level of the golden flames that burned in the 'Palace of Gods' and was refined by the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods' is far higher than that of Liang Ji's own cultivation. Of the same order as the stars.

If it hadn't been refined by the golden 'Bang of Gods' and now completely controlled by the 'Bang of Gods' that he had refined, otherwise Liang Ji would never have dared to leave this golden flame in the origin of his natal star.

Otherwise, once the golden flame gets out of control, his entire natal star will be burned to ashes and destroyed, and he himself will also disappear and die.

But now, this golden flame is controlled by the ‘Bang of Gods’ and can have many benefits if it remains in the origin of the stars.

Slowly refining and improving the 'God List' like this now is only the most basic benefit. In addition, the golden flame burning in the source of the stars can also slowly refine and strengthen his natal stars, making them stronger and stronger. Able to withstand more and stronger attacks.

Moreover, such a high-level flame left in the stars can also be used as a powerful trump card and life-saving means at critical moments. If a strong enemy attacks the natal stars and Liang Ji is defeated by his family, he can also use it. 'Feng Shen Bang' controls this cluster of golden flames to directly attack and burn enemies.

Just like before, when the evil god's light erupted like the sun, covering the starry sky, eroding, distorting, and destroying his entire natal star, this cluster of golden flames could resist and burn away the corroding, distorted evil god's light.

It can be said that this cluster of golden flames is his biggest gain and trophy from participating in the Manggu Star Territory War.

After all, his own cultivation and combat power were limited. He was not even a sideline in the whole battle, but more concerned about saving his life. Naturally, his gains and spoils were also limited.

Among the natal stars, Liang Ji's soul carefully sensed the status of the golden flames on the origin of the stars and the list of gods. After confirming that he was completely under control, he just ended the sense of "the union of gods and Tao", opened his eyes, and his face showed Happy.

"With this cluster of golden flames, it will be more safe and secure to explore the outer star sea later."

As the thoughts in his mind turned, Liang Ji turned his eyes to the stars. At this time, the 'Moonlight Rain' rewarded by the Star Alliance had ended. He could clearly see the destruction and damage caused by the 'Pond Fish Disaster' on various places on his natal stars. As well as the impact and distortion of the evil god's light, most of them have been repaired by the boiling and growth of the star's origin brought about by the 'Moonlight Rain'.

As for the injured Familia among the stars, they had already recovered from the "Rain of Starlight" rewarded by the Star Alliance before the "Rain of Moonlight".

The Rain of Starlight and the Rain of Moonlight are part of the rewards given by the Star Alliance to the Star Master monks who participated in the war after the Manggu Star Territory War. They are both a reward and a comfort.

After all, this time in the Manggu Star Territory War and the invasion of the God Realm's 'Paths of Gods', although the Star Alliance won the final victory in the end, the damage and losses caused were huge, far exceeding the previous black hole explosion in the Yinghai Sea. battle.

Not to mention, the dozens of 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land' stars that followed the path of the Evil God and were twisted into the Evil God's realm, became victims of the projection and arrival of the 'Palace of Gods', and were all destroyed at the beginning of the war; The collision between the 'Star Map' and the 'Holy Temples', the disaster caused by the conflict; and the impact of the evil god's light like the sun's explosion on the surrounding star field after the death of the high evil god!

Like Liang Ji, there are many Star Lords whose natal stars have suffered from the disaster of Chiyu and the impact of the evil god's light. Even with the timely suppression and rescue of the Kunlun Mountain and the golden 'Apotheosis of the Gods', it is still inevitable that the natal stars of low-level Star Lords are fighting. Destroyed in the aftermath, the Star Master also disappeared and died.

Although the war has just ended and the Star Alliance is still investigating various places in the Manggu Star Territory, as far as Liang Ji knows, the results of the investigation are already very bad.

At this time, Liang Ji felt something in his heart, and his soul left the natal star and returned to his body.

He opened his eyes and looked. Sure enough, the formations and restrictions in the retreat had been touched, and someone from the outside was looking for him.

At that moment, Liang Ji ended the retreat, closed the formations and restrictions, and walked out of the retreat. He was still on the starship of the Star Alliance's "Security Department", performing missions with Yang Yun and others.

However, the mission this time is no longer to eliminate enemies and foreign invaders, but to inspect all parts of the Manggu Star Territory, check the damage and losses caused by this war in the Manggu Star Territory, and clean up the battlefield.

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