The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 514 The rabbit dies and the fox grieves to clean up the battlefield

"Senior Sister Yang, have you noticed the situation?"

On the starship deck, Liang Ji looked at Captain Yang Yun and asked.

Yang Yun nodded, with a bad look on her face, and said: "The starship exploration formation has been discovered, and according to this, there is a reaction of the power of the evil god not far away."

Sure enough, not long after, Liang Ji saw a large area of ​​evil god's light shining and flowing in the void in the distance.

When the starship approached, he saw that it was a star in the void that had been completely enveloped, twisted, and deified by the evil god's light, turning it into an evil god's realm.

Through the investigation of the exploration formation on the starship, it can be seen that there are a large number of civilized life and civilized phenomena on this star that has been twisted into a divine realm, including many temples, cities and other buildings, as well as a large number of vassal god slaves. Among them, a fanatical and crazy sacrificial ceremony was being held at this time.

But Liang Ji looked at the void environment around the star. There were no stars, and there was no environment suitable for the existence and development of life stars.

"Another distorted and destroyed Star Lord's natal star!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh. Looking around, he understood the origin and situation of the distorted and deified stars in front of him.

Under the impact of the battle between the 'Star Map' and the 'Palace of Gods', and the impact of the evil god's light that exploded like the sun after the death of the high evil god, large areas of the Manggu Star Territory were affected. As a result, monks, stars and There are no longer a few star owners, or even star owners whose natal stars have been distorted and destroyed.

At that time, Liang Ji faced the evil light that erupted when the high-level evil god fell, and his natal stars were almost swallowed, distorted, and destroyed.

Not to mention, there are a large number of other low-level star masters in this Manggu Star Territory.

At this time, Liang Ji followed Captain Yang Yun on a starship to patrol the Manggu Star Territory and clean up the battlefield. They were no longer the first to suffer such disasters as before, being swallowed up by the light of the evil god, distorted, and deified into the star master of the evil god's domain. See you again.

At this time, Liang Ji's complexion was similar to Yang Yun's, both were quite ugly.

They are also Star Lord monks, and when they see the Star Lord's natal star suffering from the misfortune of Chiyu, being distorted and destroyed before them, they can't help but feel the sadness of the rabbit dying and the fox dying.

Especially Liang Ji, who almost died like the star master Xingchen in front of him.

"Prepare to clean up this star and let the fallen star masters rest in peace."

At this time, Captain Yang Yun sighed and ordered in a deep voice.


Liang Ji and other members of the team responded in unison.

Afterwards, everyone opened their starlight gates and summoned the generals of their clans in their natal stars. The stars in the Evil God's Realm that were shrouded and distorted by the light of the Evil God were in front of them, and they wiped out the many God slaves who had been distorted and deified.

This is the third time that Liang Ji has entered the natal star of the fallen Star Lord. The first time was in high school when the natal star of a Star Lord student was invaded and destroyed by the demon cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. He and his classmates entered it for a trial; The second time was to enter the giant shark star where the high-level star master failed and fell.

But this time, it was the Star Lord's natal star that was destroyed by the evil god.

Liang Ji urged the golden elixir and the natal star 'Dao Fruit', and used his own power to open the starlight portal on the natal star. His family members rode the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats through the starlight portal, and the light of the evil god descended. Among the twisted stars.

This is just a low-level star, and the strength of the family members deified as divine slaves on it is only level three. Obviously, its corresponding star master is only a third-level star master with a seventh-level soul refining cultivation level, which is already far away from the mid-level fourth-level star master. Not far away, but in the end, he suffered a disaster in the Manggu Star Territory war where the 'Palace of Gods' invaded, and Tao disappeared and died.

This made Liang Ji even more emotional. Although the Star Master monks had their own stars and were more powerful and had more life-saving means than other Taoist monks, under the unpredictable fate, all living beings were equal in the face of death.

The stars are only at the third level, and even though they have been strengthened by the distortion and deification of the evil god's light, they are still difficult to resist in the face of the attacks from Liang Ji and his family members.

Especially the fourth-order flying boat driven by the fourth-order family members Liang Ji and Yang Yun. Even if it is difficult to fully exert its fourth-order combat power on these third-order stars, it is enough to crush the distorted and deified ones in the stars. There are many low-level divine slaves.

Kill the slaves of the gods, destroy the city, break through the protective formation, destroy the rituals of worshiping the evil gods, and kill the twisted and born evil gods in the stars.

In just a few days, Liang Ji and his family members had almost wiped out all the remaining divine slaves and evil gods on the star.

In the end, only the 'God Lord' of the stars was born who eroded and twisted the spiritual veins of the stars into divine veins.

However, although the God Lord is strong and can control and operate the power of the entire Star God Realm, after all, his level is too low and his cultivation level is limited. In the end, he was surrounded and killed by the fourth-order flying boat driven by two fourth-order family members, Liang Ji and Yang Yun. destroy.

After wiping out all the God slaves and evil gods in the stars, Captain Yang Yun used the "Star Book" on the starship to report the information. Soon after, starlight gathered in the surrounding void and turned into a star map that seemed both illusory and real. 'Shrouded in the stars.

A large piece of starlight hangs down from the 'Star Map' to cover the stars. The starlight invades into the stars, expelling and annihilating the light of the evil god that shrouds and blooms in the stars. Finally, it refines the entire star and straightens and restores the stars that have been distorted into the realm of the evil god. The star divine veins turn back to the star spiritual veins.

The 'Star Map' has been refined, and all remaining evil spirits' light has been cleaned up, eliminating future worries. The 'Star Map' that shrouded the stars turned into starlight and dispersed.

“Next, it’s harvest time.”

Some team members on the starship couldn't help but say something.

Just as he said, Liang Ji and others reopened the starlight portal, summoned the family members to enter the stars that had been cleaned and re-aligned, and began to search for spiritual seeds, spiritual roots and other treasures on the stars, and dig out the spiritual veins of the stars. Spiritual stone.

This is also one of the rewards for Liang Ji and others to clean up the battlefield. The star owners of these stars have long since fallen, and the families on the stars have also been cleaned up. These stars have been turned into Death Stars again and abandoned by the Star Alliance.

As time goes by, the various spiritual resources, star spiritual veins, etc. that were previously planted and cultivated by the Star Master on this star will die and dry up again. It would be a waste of time for the Covenant to destroy these spiritual resources before they are completely scrapped. Objects, spiritual veins, spiritual stones, etc. were mined, some were given to the family of the fallen star master, and some were recovered from the Star Alliance wealth.

Liang Ji and others patrol the star field and clean up the remnants of these battlefields, and they also have the right to mine a series of spiritual resources, spiritual veins and spiritual stones from these stars.

Although they are only low-level stars, the highest spiritual resources among them are only third-level, and the ores mined in the spiritual veins are only low-grade, but for Liang Ji, a little adds up to a lot, and he can also accumulate a lot of resources and spiritual stones by cleaning up the battlefield this time.

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