The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 515 Encounter

The stars flickered in the void, and a starship main ship led a dozen sixth-order starships to arrive and blockaded the fallen star lord that had just been cleaned up.

"Damn, these troops are coming faster and faster!"

On the starship where Liang Ji and others were, some members of the team couldn't help but cursed when they saw this.

According to regulations, after these Star Alliance troops arrive and take over the star, Liang Ji and the others must stop mining and searching. The remaining resources, spiritual veins and spiritual stones in the star will belong to the Star Alliance, and part of them will be taken out. Leave it to the family of the fallen star master.

Even though they were yelling and cursing, Liang Ji and other team members did not delay. They each opened the starlight portal and recalled the family members who were searching and mining in the stars to their natal stars.

A wisp of consciousness from Liang Ji entered his natal star, and he briefly checked the resource spiritual seeds and the number of mined spiritual stones collected by the family members. He roughly estimated that there should be no less than 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

This number is quite objective for a first- and second-level low-level star master, but for Liang Ji, who is now a fourth-level star master, it can only be said to be a small gain.

After all, after advancing to Intermediate Star Master, Liang Ji will spend mid-grade spiritual stones when purchasing spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, inheritance and other resources. Two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones can be converted into only two thousand medium-grade spiritual stones.

"Go! Go! Speed ​​up and find the next battlefield."

In the starship, a team member raised his voice.

Now in the Manggu Star Territory, there is more than one of their teams performing the task of cleaning up the battlefield, but the battlefields that need to be cleared are limited. They must speed up to clear more battlefields and search for more resources. Spiritual stone.

For Liang Ji, two to three hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones is just a drop in the bucket, but for the common third-level star masters in the team, two to three hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones is already a small gain.

If he cleans a few more battlefields and accumulates millions of low-grade spiritual stones, it will be enough for an ordinary third-level star master to improve his natal star and his family.

In the next few months, Liang Ji and others rode starships and wandered in the void of the Manggu Star Territory, looking for the stars that were shrouded in the light of the evil god and twisted into the divine realm. Among them were the lives of the fallen star masters. Stars, and also a large number of Death Stars.

Whether it is the Life Star or the Death Star, as long as it is corroded and distorted by the light of the evil god, it is the existence that Liang Ji and others need to clean up.

They cannot leave an evil god's domain in the Manggu Star Territory, otherwise it will become an unstable factor that affects and threatens the security and stability of the Manggu Star Territory.

However, the resources that can be mined by cleaning up the Death Star are undoubtedly much less than those of the Life Star, and there are no spiritual veins or spiritual stones to mine. The most that can be mined is to kill the evil god and harvest some divine crystals.

Two months later, the starship where Liang Ji and others were on discovered another star that had been eroded by the evil god's light and twisted into a divine realm. They immediately rushed over. According to the exploration of the starship formation, this time it was another fallen star. The Lord's life star, and it is a fourth-level star.

Liang Ji and Yang Yun are very interested in this star. After all, they are both fourth-level star masters. The resources and spiritual stones that can be collected on the life stars of the same level are more in line with their needs.

However, when their starship flew near the Star God Realm, they found that there was also a starship sailing in the void on the opposite side, arriving near the Star God Realm almost at the same time as them.

On the starships on both sides, they immediately connected to the star network to report their identities.

What surprised Liang Ji was that on the opposite starship was the team led by senior Qi Changge.

After senior Qi Changge advanced to the fourth level Star Master, he chose to officially join the Star Alliance's "Security Department". Now he has passed the test and can serve as the captain in the Star Alliance's "Security Department" and lead an intern team to perform tasks alone. Obviously, he also participated After completing this mission to clean up the battlefield, they now collided with Liang Ji and others.

Both sides were acquaintances, so they naturally had no intention of conflict over this Star God Realm, and directly chose to cooperate to clean up this Star Domain.

In the fourth-level Star God Realm, there are many divine slaves formed by the fourth-level family members who were corroded and twisted by divine light, and there are also many fourth-level evil gods, the 'Star God Lord' who was born after the star spiritual veins were twisted and deified into divine veins. His strength has reached the peak of the fourth level, and he can even break through the fourth level explosion without sacrificing the source of the stars.

Liang Ji, Yang Yun, Qi Changge and other fourth-order star masters sent fourth-order family members to drive fourth-order flying boats, leading a group of third-order star master members and third-order family members to fight and fight in the Star God Realm, far more than before. It is much more difficult to clean up those second and third level star god realms.

Fortunately, the two teams worked together and sent out enough fourth-order dependents and flying boats to suppress the fourth-order evil god in the stars and resist the star god who broke through the limit.

However, when he saw that all the divine slaves and evil gods in the stars were almost completely eliminated, the Lord of the Stars was also suppressed and about to be killed.

In the Star God Realm, a 'Shenmen' formed by the gathering of divine light suddenly appeared. A group of monks from the Immortal Tradition came out of the 'Shenmen' and started fighting with Liang Ji and others' family members and Feizhou.

"Pantheon, Evil God Monk!"

Liang Ji and others were always on the starship, paying attention to the battles in the Star God Realm. When they saw these monks from the Immortal Tradition, they recognized their origins at a glance.

The lowest level of these immortal Taoist cultivators is the sixth level, the higher ones are the fifth level, and even the team leader has the fourth level. Their cultivation level and strength far exceed that of Liang Ji and others' Familia and Feizhou combat power.

When they entered the Star God Realm, they completely ignored the carrying capacity of the star's origin, and used fifth-grade and fourth-grade combat power that exceeded the limit of the star. They impacted, backfired, and destroyed the star's origin and the laws of the Dao, causing a large number of chaos in the Star God Realm. Killings, and natural disasters.

The Star Realm, which had already been reduced to the Death Star, was quickly heading towards destruction.

However, these middle-level evil gods of the Pantheon who entered the Star God Realm were completely ignored. They rushed all the way to the Star God Lord who was being surrounded and killed by Liang Ji and others' clans and Feizhou. Obviously, their purpose was to rescue the Lord who was being besieged and killed. Lord of the Stars.

Although this evil god was only born from a fourth-level star, and the highest level is only a sixth-level one, he is still a god who twisted the spiritual veins of stars and is still quite useful in the cult organization 'Pantheon'.

The fourth-level divine light opened the way, and the fifth-level incense Taoist soldiers swept around. Liang Ji and others' fourth-level family members and Feizhou could not resist the attack of these newly joined evil god monks. The encirclement was quickly opened. They had been suppressed and were about to be killed. The Lord of the Stars seized the opportunity and rushed out, joining the evil monks from the 'Pantheon' and rushing towards the opened 'God Gate', trying to escape.

Outside the Star God Realm, two seventh-level starships have been activated at this time, and the starlight circulation formations and restrictions are all in operation. Together, a beam of starlight is shot into the Star God Realm, and one shot is directed at the 'Shen Gate', One shot aimed at a group of evil god monks and the Lord of the Stars.

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