The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 517 The Starry Sky in Outer Lands Military Service

In the vast void, a starship was sailing in it. Liang Ji stood on top of the starship and looked forward with the star magic of the 'Star Spirit Eyes' running in his eyes. What he saw was still mainly darkness and emptiness. Only in the In the very distance, at the end of your vision, you can see some stars and rainbow lights shining.

Looking back, there is a sea of ​​​​stars behind him, in which the shining stars and flowing starlight are much more intense, like densely packed lights.

At the edge of the sea of ​​stars densely covered with lights, there is a tall mountain range surrounding it, like a city wall guarding thousands of lights.

Liang Ji felt like he had left a city with thousands of lights and entered a dark wilderness. He had an insecurity of losing support and warmth, as if there were many vicious enemies lurking in the darkness and void around him. Danger was staring at him, as if ready to attack him at any moment.


He took a deep breath and let it out again, calming down his mood.

"Is this the Outland? It really feels very different from the feeling in the Star Alliance."

At this time, Peng Yue walked out of the starship, came to the deck, looked around and said to Liang Ji.

At this time, more than half a year had passed since Peng Yue advanced to the fourth-level star master. Liang Ji and the other party had settled their respective affairs and went home to see each other before choosing to leave the Star Alliance and come to the outer star sea.

In fact, in the past half year, Liang Ji has not found any news or clues about the fourth-order void mirage demon in the Star Alliance. He has been unable to hunt for more demon pills. The improvement of his natal stars and the development of his family have stalled. .

On the contrary, he posted a reward in the Kunlun Star Palace official website forum. The seniors and seniors found more news and clues about the void mirage in the outer star sea.

After all, the void mirage demon is different from the low-level void demon clan. It not only needs the power of swallowing stars to grow, but also likes the power of stars full of vitality, so it often attacks the living stars with star spiritual veins.

Within the Star Alliance, all life stars are under the protection of the "Celestial Star Array", and are stationed and guarded by Star Alliance troops, who regularly patrol and clear out dangers in the void.

Therefore, even if a void mirage is discovered in the void within the scope of the Star Alliance, it will be killed and cleared by the local garrison immediately, and it will not be Liang Ji's turn to hunt it down.

Only in the vast void outside the Star Alliance, without the protection of the "Star Map" and the regular inspection and cleaning by the garrison, can more traces of the survival and movement of the void mirage be discovered.

Even if Liang Ji wanted to continue to advance and practice on his road to star master, he had to choose to leave the scope of the Star Alliance as soon as possible and come to the outer star sea to act.

"It is indeed different." Liang Ji responded with some emotion at this time. He had previously participated in the actions of Yang Yun's team in the Manggu Star Territory, and had tried many times to operate in the chaotic void in order to adapt and simulate in advance. Actions beyond the Covenant.

But now, having really left the scope of the Star Alliance and come to the void outside the Star Alliance, Liang Ji has just discovered that the gap between his previous attempts and adaptations in the Manggu Star Territory and now is still not small.

"In the Star Alliance, there is the guardian of the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Array". We in the Star Alliance may have become accustomed to the existence and protection of the "Star Chart", and we usually don't feel anything about it."

"But now, after leaving the scope of the Star Alliance and the protection of the 'Sky Star Array', I can truly appreciate the difference."

Liang Ji said in a deep voice:

“It’s like going from the shore into the water, surrounded by insecurity.”

While the two were talking, more figures walked out of the starship one after another, looking at the dark void around them with different expressions, and many comments sounded around.

These people, like Liang Ji and Peng Yue, chose to serve outside the Star Alliance and explore the outer star sea.

There are even several starships traveling around this starship, carrying monks who served and explored the star fields outside the former Alien Star Alliance.

Within the Star Alliance, there are military forces that are specifically stationed outside the Star Alliance to explore the outer star seas, and even carry out pioneering missions. They are basically the top star master monks in the Star Alliance, as well as high-level monks from various Taoist monks. Immortal.

These monks who practice, explore, and develop in the star fields outside the Star Alliance are the real top and most powerful force of the Star Alliance. Their combat power, level, wealth, etc. are far superior to the various levels of armies and stars stationed within the Star Alliance. Lord, monk, etc.

It is the true essence of the Covenant.

These armies stationed outside the Star Alliance have a dedicated recruitment department within the Star Alliance. Every year, they recruit powerful enough Star Lords, monks and other forces from within the Star Alliance to join the army, serve in foreign lands, and participate in exploration and development missions. .

Liang Ji and Peng Yue were both born in the nine major star palaces of the Star Alliance. They both advanced to the fourth-level star master realm in practice and have met the requirements to join the army and serve in these foreign armies.

Therefore, both Liang Ji and Peng Yue chose to sign up for the army, perform military service, and join the foreign legion to start their first step in exploring and developing in the outer star sea.

And this is usually the first choice for many mid-level star masters among the nine star palaces who are interested in exploring and developing outer lands.

It can be said that Liang Ji's seniors and seniors, such as Chen Zhao and Bian Yujiao, all came from this path. Naturally, he also accepted the experiences of his seniors and seniors.

The starship sailed in the dark void for an unknown amount of time. Starlight began to flicker in the void ahead. As it gradually approached, a defensive line of galaxies appeared in front of it. Stars shone in the void, bringing light to the surrounding darkness.

After Liang Ji and others interrupted their voyage in the dark void, they suddenly saw the light of this galaxy and stars, which made people feel heartbeat, as if their body, mind, and soul had become warmer.

At this time, several void islands flew out in the void ahead, and starships and starships flew out from them to greet them, forming an array to block the front. The starlight flowed between these starships, starships, and islands, forming a large The formation lay across the front.

Starlight shot out from the formation, shooting towards the starship on which Liang Ji and others were riding.

At this time, formations and restrictions were also operating on the starship that everyone was riding on. Starlight shot out and incoming starlight intersected and connected, conveying information and identifying identities, and they were quickly recognized.

"The Third Expansion Army of the Star Alliance welcomes all newcomers!"

After verifying the identity of the starship and the people on it, a voice came from the starships blocking the way and was transmitted through the starlight array to the starship where Liang Ji and others were riding, expressing their welcome to Liang Ji and other newcomers in the service.

The star system in the void ahead is obviously the location of the army that Liang Ji and the others will serve next, the Third Expansion Army of the Star Alliance.

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