The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 518 Expansion Army Iron Wall Star

The Covenant's Third Expansion Army is based in a star system. Although it is not under the Star Alliance's "Celestial Star Array", there are high-level star masters who pick up the stars and the moon, and refine the void into reality to lay out the starry sky. This galaxy has already been arranged into a large array.

Liang Ji and others entered the galaxy in a starship and immediately felt the protection of the surrounding formations. It was as if they were returning from darkness to light, re-landing from the water, and the long-lost sense of security returned.

Here, there are even top formation masters, talisman masters, and weapon masters. Based on the formations arranged in the galaxy, an internal 'star network' was built. After Liang Ji and others entered the galaxy, they verified their identities. The third The legion then opened the internal "star network" of the galaxy to them, so that their "star directory" could connect to and log in to this internal "star network".

Many news, information, tasks, arrangements, etc. of the Third Legion are released in this internal 'star network' and delivered to the Star Masters, monks, etc. of each team in the Legion.

"Next, we will undergo three months of military training to familiarize ourselves with the external environment and various military orders, tasks, military regulations, etc. in the Third Army."

Outside the star system, on the island where the starship was parked, after Liang Ji settled in the new military camp, the 'starship' logged into the intranet and soon received the message from the Third Army and checked the arrangements.

Regarding the following military training, Liang Ji was not surprised or had any objection. Before leaving the Star Alliance and the starship sailing in the void outside the territory for a long time, he had clearly felt that deep inside and outside the Star Alliance, Different feelings of the domain.

Although he has checked a lot of information about Outland in the Kunlun Star Palace, there is always a big gap between the real practice and the information. Military training for Outland by the Legion is undoubtedly very necessary.

Ding dong!

At this time, a message alert came from the ‘Star Directory’.

Liang Ji opened it and checked, but it was a message from Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

When Senior Bian Yujiao joined the army, she was also a member of the Third Legion. Now that the opponent has advanced to the fifth level Star Master, he is still serving in the Third Legion and serves as a mid-level officer.

Long before Liang Ji chose to join the army and come to explore and develop in the outside world, he had contacted his seniors and seniors. The third legion was the advice given to him by senior Bian Yujiao.

Now that he has come to the Third Legion, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao received the news and immediately sent a message inviting him to the gathering of stars of life inside the galaxy.

Of course, Liang Ji didn't mean to refuse. It was always good to learn more about the Third Army and the situation in the outside world through his senior.

Moreover, if you contact your senior sister more often, you can get more care in this legion and in the outside world.

However, Liang Ji did not go to the appointment alone. Instead, he contacted Peng Yue and asked if he wanted to go together. Peng Yue quickly replied in agreement. She was also willing to get to know more seniors in the outer realm and the pioneering legion.

Moreover, in the communication, Peng Yue also mentioned that there are also many seniors and seniors from the Vientiane Star Palace in the Third Army, but they are not directly related to her, and it will take some time to contact them. ,communication.

The two of them were prepared and applied through the internal star network to leave the station and go to the life star inside the information. They quickly received a reply of approval.

According to the military regulations that Liang Ji checked in advance, they can apply to leave the station and enter the galaxy to visit and tour before the three-month military training. After the military training starts later, they are basically not allowed to apply to leave the team without special reasons. .

Leaving the sky island in a starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue entered the galaxy. Although entering this galaxy gave them a feeling of returning to light and safety, Liang Ji could still clearly see the difference between this place and the Star Alliance. difference.

When a starship enters a galaxy or sails in the void of the galaxy, it will always receive starlight from the void on a regular basis. These starlights are the detection and detection starlight of the galaxy array, which is emitted into the starship to detect and detect stars. The condition of the ship and conduct safety verification.

It can be clearly seen that as a legion station, the security and protection arrangements here are far superior to those in the Covenant. It makes no difference to say that there is one post every three steps or one sentry every five steps.

Fortunately, there were no problems along the way, and the starship successfully resisted the life stars in the galaxy. According to the introduction in the Legion's internal star network, this was originally a sixth-order star, but after the transformation, layout, and improvement of the Third Legion, Now it has been upgraded to a seventh-level star. It is the main location for the administration and logistics of the legion. It is also the main place for rest and entertainment for many star masters and monks in the legion after performing tasks.

This star in the Legion was named the 'Iron Wall Star', which means that this star, this galaxy, and the headquarters of the Third Legion will be as indestructible as a copper wall.

After another series of identity verifications, Liang Ji and Peng Yue got off the starship, exited the airport, and entered the 'Iron Wall Star'.

Outside the airport, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao is already waiting.

"Sister Bian."

Liang Ji was the first to see him and say hello.

"Xuedi Liang, I'm glad to see you here. I knew that you would choose to join the army, serve in the outer world, explore and develop the outer starry sky. Instead of developing within the Star Alliance like Xuedi Qi did."

"The hierarchy and order within the Star Alliance have long been fixed, so there are not as many development opportunities as there are in the outside world."

When Bian Yujiao saw Liang Ji, she also smiled and said hello.

Liang Ji listened to Senior Bian's words and couldn't agree with them. He smiled and responded a few times, then introduced Peng Yue at the side and said: "This is Peng Yue, a student of Wanxiang Xing Palace. He is my good friend. We were classmates in high school. classmate."

"I've met senior sister."

Peng Yue also bowed to Senior Sister Bian Yujiao.

"Hello." Bian Yujiao responded with a smile and said, "Are you guys planning to explore the outside world together?"

"I have this plan." Liang Ji nodded and said: "I have read some experiences of seniors and senior sisters on the Star Palace official website. When exploring and developing in the outer star sea, it seems that I am looking for a few more Star Palaces. It would be better if more students form a team and use more methods.”

"Well, not bad." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao nodded as she led them onto the speed car: "The nine star palaces of the Star Alliance each have their own inheritance and their own strengths, and we are exploring and developing in the outer starry sky. We may encounter various situations, and it’s always good to have more different inheritances and coping methods in the team.”

"I'm also going to introduce you to some teammates and partners."

"Haha, then we need more seniors." Liang Ji thanked him with a smile. As he spoke, he changed the subject again and asked: "Speaking of which, seniors, how are your family's affairs? Have everything been settled? "

Senior Bian Yujiao's family is in the Manggu Star Territory, and the ancestor of the family is also an immortal who refined the stars into the "Blessed Land of Earth Immortals" and tried to open up the path of Earth Immortals. In this war in the Manggu Star Territory, these The 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land', as well as many stars and families in the Manggu Star Territory have undoubtedly been greatly affected.

Senior Bian Yujiao's family also suffered a big impact.

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