The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 521 Military Training

Based on the natal stars in the void, look for the direction of the star alliance and home to ensure that you will not be completely lost in the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the void.

Learn to observe and calculate the operation of various spectra in the void star sea, so as to be able to lock the position of stars in the void star sea. After all, the Star Master explores and develops in the outer sea of ​​stars, as long as he is looking for life stars and spiritual vein stars. Only on the life stars and spiritual vein stars can there be various spiritual resources, spiritual stones and spiritual vein resources. Even for cultivation inheritance, etc., resources needed by the Star Alliance, monks from various Taoist traditions, and Star Lords.

In the void star sea, one of the necessary conditions for the birth of life stars and spiritual vein stars is that there must be stars nearby.

Only when there are stars nearby that provide enough solar essence for the stars can spiritual veins and life be born in the stars, thus evolving from a death star to a life star and a spiritual vein star.

The natal stars of the Star Lords in the Star Alliance have evolved from Death Stars into Life Stars and Spiritual Vein Stars. This process is imitated. With the power of the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array", around the Star Lords' natal stars Evolve the sun, lunar, stars and other environments to ensure the birth and reproduction of life stars and spiritual stars.

Therefore, if you want to find life stars and spiritual vein stars, the first thing you need to look for is stars. There are countless stars in the void star sea. Star owners who want to expand and explore only need to lock on one star, and then search among the galaxies around the star. Exploring and patrolling in the sky is far easier to gain than wandering around like a headless fly in the void star sea to search for and explore the stars of life and the stars of spiritual veins.

Therefore, the military training content of Liang Ji and other new star masters naturally includes the analysis and research of the void spectrum, as well as the locking of star positions.

Also, encounter various void storms, energy storms, stellar explosions, comet attacks, void wormholes, unknown crises, etc. in the void star sea. The Covenant Alliance has spanned the void star sea for hundreds of thousands of years and opened up thirty-three star fields. , every year, a large number of star masters and monks enter the outer star sea to explore, and accumulate countless experiences and knowledge of exploring and advancing in the void star sea, but they dare not say that they have fully understood the void star sea and know all the crises in the star sea. , wonders, strange scenes, etc.

Even every few hundred years, there will always be Star Lords and monks exploring the outer star sea. They will encounter and discover new wonders, strange scenes, and dangerous places in the void star sea, and then report it to the Star Alliance, adding new stars. Alliance's 'database'.

As Liang Ji and others are Star Master recruits who are about to explore the outer star sea, military training is naturally indispensable for them to be taught about the dangers, traps, wonders, and strange sights in the void. Military training instructors will also teach them how to discover, avoid, and avoid dangers. Open and deal with these void traps, dangers, etc.

In addition, star masters and monks who expand and explore, after passing through the dangerous void star sea, are lucky enough to find unexplored life stars and spiritual vein stars, how to enter them, how to explore them, and even how to occupy them , how to colonize, how to fight against the resistance and fighting of the indigenous people in the stars, etc.?

Also, among the newly discovered life stars and spiritual vein stars, how to find, explore, and mine useful resources and spiritual stones, which resources, inheritance, etc. are worth fighting for...and so on!

Regarding the development, exploration, and development of life stars and spiritual stars, there are special courses in each star palace of the Star Alliance. Liang Ji has already learned many related courses on the official website of Kunlun Star Palace in the past ten years. I have read many related books and knowledge.

Knowledge including various dangers, wonders, phenomena, etc. in the Void Star Sea are also courses taught in the Star Palace. Star Palace students can directly access the database of the Star Alliance Star Network to learn about these relevant knowledge. Liang Ji has already been there. I have studied and understood Kunlun Star Palace.

However, these are just talks on paper. Now that they have joined the external expansion corps, military training for officers requires them to put into practice the content and knowledge they have learned on paper.

It can be said that three months of military training is not a long time. It would be too late to learn these contents and knowledge from scratch. Those who choose to join the Outer Expansion Corps, whether they are new mid-level star masters like Liang Ji who join the army or want to High-level immortals who are looking for breakthrough opportunities and ways forward in the outer lands have already spent a lot of time learning these knowledge and contents before coming to the outer lands and joining the legion.

Needless to say, Liang Ji and other star palace newcomers have courses on these related contents in the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance.

There are other Star Lords who came from academies and palaces and are able to practice to the middle level and are eligible to leave the Star Alliance and join the Outer Expansion Legion. They must have a certain status in the Star Alliance and are qualified to visit the Star Alliance. Use some special databases in the Star Network to learn and understand this information and knowledge.

The rest of the Taoist monks who are qualified to leave the scope of the Star Alliance, come to the outside world, and join the Star Alliance's external expansion legion are all immortals who have reached the third level and high levels of cultivation, such as human immortals, ghost immortals, gods, etc.

Only when they have reached the level of third-level immortals and have no way forward in the Star Alliance, will these immortals choose to join the external expansion army and come to the endless vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance to find a breakthrough. Hope, the way forward.

Even if they want to continue to explore the path of "Earth Immortal", they can only leave the scope of the Star Alliance, find life stars and spiritual vein stars in the outer star sea, and refine them into "Earth Immortal Blessed Land". Take the path of the Earthly Immortal.

Otherwise, within the scope of the Star Alliance, even the indigenous stars are protected by the Star Alliance, and they cannot refine them into the 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land' to try to follow the path of the Earth Immortal.

Therefore, leaving the Star Alliance and exploring the outer sea of ​​stars can be said to be a popular choice for many monks in the Star Alliance who practice other Taoist traditions and have reached the level of third-grade immortals.

And these monks who can practice to the level of third-level immortals, even if they reach high-level star masters in the Star Alliance, they will not be worse than Liang Ji and other star masters who have just entered the middle level, and they can also land on the star. View and learn these external domain information and knowledge in some "databases" on the Internet.

It can be said that during these three months of military training, the main task of Gao Peng and other military training officers was to enable Liang Ji and other star masters and high-level immortals who joined the army to thoroughly practice and master the knowledge they learned.

Finally, the Star Alliance is not the only super-level civilization in this vast sea of ​​​​stars. Super-level civilizations such as the God Realm and the Spirit World also have strength no less than that of the Star Alliance. If you encounter monks from these other super-level civilizations while exploring the outside world, , enemies, how to deal with them, how to compete, etc.? These are the contents that need to be mastered in military training.

The military training lasted for three months. The time was short, but the content of the military training was very rich. Liang Ji and others completed the military training in a busy manner.

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