The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 522 Difficult Team Formation

After the military training ended in March, Liang Ji and other recruits officially joined the Third Expansion Corps stationed in the Iron Wall System.

The recruits who join the Third Expansion Legion mainly have two choices. One is to be stationed here in the Iron Wall Galaxy with the army and protect the headquarters of the Third Legion; the second is to form an exploration team and go to the vast sea of ​​​​stars to explore and find new places. The life stars and spiritual pulse stars.

The purpose of Liang Ji and Peng Yue coming to the outer domain was to explore the star field and find new life and spiritual stars. Naturally, they chose to form an exploration team and explore the endless void.

There are several different options for forming an exploration team.

The first is to join the old exploration team and follow the old star masters and monks who already have rich exploration experience to explore the void star sea. This method is undoubtedly safer and more secure. You can learn a lot of experience first and practice it slowly. As for the content of study and military training, after you have familiar experience, have enough understanding of the outer star sea, and improve your cultivation, you can then form your own exploration team.

Moreover, senior sister Bian Yujiao and senior Wanxiang Xinggong whom Peng Yue was looking for also sent invitations to them after the military training, asking Liang Ji and Peng Yue to join their exploration team and explore together into the void of the outer world.

The second option is to not join the old team, but directly form a new team by yourself, be the leader, and go to the depths of the Void Star Sea to explore and develop.

This plan will undoubtedly involve a lot of risks. Without an old man to lead the team, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to face various dangers in the void, search for life stars, and develop spiritual stars by themselves. However, the team they formed on their own will undoubtedly be free. Many, it is entirely up to them.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue discussed it, and finally decided to try to form their own team first, with the two of them as captains, and then recruit some third-level immortal monks from other Taoist traditions as team members.

In this way, the mid-level combat power has their two star masters, as well as a large number of Familia and Feizhou combat power in the natal star, and the high-level combat power is supported by other Taoist third-level immortals they have recruited, which is completely enough to deal with the Void. Most of the dangers, difficulties and enemies in the middle and native stars.

Moreover, they are more free and can decide on their own future exploration and development actions.

Therefore, after the military training in March, Liang Ji did not rush to join the old exploration team and explore the void star sea. Instead, they tried to find suitable high-level talents in Iron Wall Star and the Third Army. Third-level immortals form a team and go on their own to explore and take risks in the void star sea.

It is a pity that the military training in March, the military training of Liang Ji and other star masters is different from the military training of those third-grade high-level immortals who joined the army, and naturally they are not training together.

Otherwise, they could find manpower among these third-level immortal recruits who joined the army together.

Now, they can only publish news in the internal star network established by the Iron Wall Galaxy and the Third Legion, recruiting third-level immortals to join the team.

After the news was sent out, some third-level immortals contacted the two people one after another. Liang Ji and Peng Yue made an appointment for them to meet in Iron Wall Star for interviews and to get to know each other.

It's a pity that after a month, they interviewed and met many third-level immortals, but not many who were suitable and like-minded.

The exploration team will be on a ship, sailing in the endless void of the star sea, far away from the Covenant Alliance and civilization, as if they are in a dark forest, and anything can happen.

Liang Ji has seen many cases on the Star Palace intranet and the Third Army's LAN.

There are third-level immortals who are hidden demon cultivators, evil god cultivators, or evil cultivators from the 'Ten Thousand Temples'. After forming an exploration team with the mid-level star masters, they set off on a starship and stayed away from the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance and the Expansion Legion. , after going deep into the void star sea, kill the star masters on the starship or the native stars, kill the star master monks in the same team, and then use various evil methods, magic ways, Shinto methods, etc. to try to seize the star master's natal stars. To find opportunities for progress and breakthroughs, etc.

Of course, there are also cases in the Star Network where star master monks have harmed the third-grade immortal monks who formed a team because of dangers, interests, etc.

Therefore, in the external expansion legion, whether it is a star master monk or a third-level immortal monk, etc., forming an exploration team is a very serious and careful matter. Not only Liang Ji and the others have to interview and select these third-level immortals; those third-level immortals also have to Interview and select Liang Ji and other star masters.

There must be sufficient understanding and trust between each other. To prevent them from killing each other in the depths of the void star sea after forming a small team later.

As a result, Liang Ji and Liang Ji were interviewed for a month, but they were unable to find satisfactory immortals to form a team. Either they were not satisfied with the immortals who came to interview, or the immortals who were interviewed were not satisfied with them.

In particular, both of them are newcomers who have just joined the Outer Expansion Legion as fourth-level star masters. Their level, strength, and experience are limited. In the eyes of many third-level immortals, they are far inferior to those with fifth-level or even sixth-level star masters. of the old exploration team.

Therefore, they would rather join the old exploration teams with fifth-level star masters and sixth-level star masters than form a new exploration team with two new fourth-level star masters.

"It seems that we have simplified things."

After another interview with a third-grade immortal and being rejected by the other party, Liang Ji and Peng Yue got together and said with a somewhat ugly expression.

The successive blows made him realize that it would be very difficult for him to form a new exploration team based on the cultivation and status of the two newcomers.

"How about we accept the invitation from Senior Bian or Senior Guan to join their team and accumulate some experience and connections first?"

Liang Ji looked at Peng Yue and said with some compromise.

Peng Yue also looked ugly. He hesitated and said: "Just joining the old team of seniors and sisters, we have to obey orders and have no autonomy at all."

"But we all have our own purposes in coming to the outer realm. You want to find the fourth-order void mirage, and I also have the resources I want to find. If I join the old team, can I encounter the void mirage and the resources I need? Resources, you just have to try your luck.”

"Only when we form our own team can we choose the direction of exploration and purposefully search for the Void Mirage and the resources I need."

Liang Ji was silent when he heard this. What Peng Yue said was the main reason why they refused to join the old team and wanted to form a new team by themselves. They all had their own goals. Only by forming the team themselves could they have the say. Only by having the right to make decisions can they better find their goals.

Liang Ji was a little helpless because he had too few connections. As far as he knew, the exploration team that Senior Bian was in included a third-level immortal from the Bian family. They were safe, new, and convenient, which made him quite envious.

As for his family, both his father's and mother's families still relied on him for support, and there was no one who could provide him with help.

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