The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 523 Immortal Taoism

Liang Ji and Peng Yue wanted to form a new exploration team to explore the depths of the void star sea, but the difficulty of finding people was beyond their expectations.

It is really difficult to find teammates that both parties are satisfied with and trust.

But Liang Ji must also find teammates, otherwise there will be no high-level immortals to guard them. With just two fourth-level star masters in the void star sea, it is often difficult to deal with them. If they encounter high-level enemies or dangers, their side There must also be high-level combat power to resist and suppress.

Just when Liang Ji and Liang Ji were about to give up and consider whether to join the old team of Senior Sister Bian and others first, things took a turn for the better. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao sent a message and recommended a candidate for them.

At the moment, Liang Ji and Peng Yue entered the Iron Wall Star again and came to the 'Yujing Tower' owned by senior Bian Yujiao.

Here I saw a man with a strong body and a breath as thick as the earth. However, there was a lot of vicissitudes of life on his face and eyes, but his specific age could not be seen.

"Junior, junior, let me introduce to you. This is Senior Wu Shan, a third-grade human-immortal cultivator."

Bian Yujiao introduced them to each other.

"I've met Senior Wu!"

Liang Ji and Liang Ji should greet each other first. Although they are Star Master monks, and the other party is only a human-immortal cultivator. In the Star Alliance, the Star Master cultivator is far more noble and higher-level than the human-immortal Dao cultivator. However, the other party's cultivation level is far superior to them after all. He has cultivated to the high-level, third-level human immortal realm. Even if they only look at this realm and cultivation level, the two of them still need to give each other enough respect.

"Senior Wu, these are my two juniors and juniors that I mentioned to you."

"This Liang Ji is my direct disciple. He comes from a mentor in Kunlun Star Palace. There is absolutely no problem in becoming a god among the natal stars."

"And this junior fellow student Peng Yue comes from the Vientiane Star Palace and has many methods and strong strength."

Bian Yujiao introduced Liang Ji and Peng Yue to Wu Shan.

"I met two fellow Taoists."

Although Wu Shan is a high-level third-level human immortal, he still respects Liang Ji and the two junior middle-level star masters and gave him a big gift in return.

I don’t know if the other party has been in the void star sea in the outer domain for a long time and knows the importance of the star master monk.

However, Liang Ji could feel that Wu Shan, the third-level human immortal, mostly focused his eyes on him, as if he was sizing up and considering him.

Thinking of Senior Sister Bian's introduction just now, which specifically introduced his ability to become a god, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

Next, without talking about business directly, both parties entered the banquet under the guidance of Senior Sister Bian.

At the banquet, Senior Sister Bian introduced the situation of Wu Shan, a third-level immortal, to Liang Ji in detail. It was said that he was still related to Senior Sister Bian Yujiao's family, and the relationship and interests between the two parties were quite close.

"Speaking of which, when I left the Star Alliance, first entered the outer realm, and joined the exploration team, Senior Wu took great care of and supported me."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao talked about the relationship between the two parties, which also showed that the immortal Wu Shan was also an old man exploring the outside world.

"If something unexpected happened, I would really be reluctant to let Senior Wu leave our team."

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, knowing that the important point was coming.

Since the immortal Wu Shan was an old man who cooperated with Senior Sister Bian Yujiao in the past, and now Senior Sister Bian Yujiao is still exploring the outer stars, it stands to reason that they should continue to cooperate.

But now, this immortal Wu Shan intends to leave Senior Sister Bian's team, and Senior Sister Bian wants to introduce him to Liang Ji and his new team. There must be some change or reason.

"Fellow Daoist Liang." At this time, before Senior Sister Bian Yujiao could say more or explain, Immortal Wu Shan looked at Liang Ji first and said bluntly: "I heard from Deputy Yujiao that you have advanced to the fourth level Star Master not long ago. I want to ask Fellow Daoist Liang, have you ever worshiped the 'God List', or have you made gods among the stars of your birth?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the other party, then at Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, and then said truthfully: "I have indeed preliminarily refined the list of gods, and performed a god ceremony in the natal star and underworld."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, the eyes of Wu Shan, the human immortal across from him, became brighter and he asked directly: "I wonder, Fellow Daoist Liang, may there be another god in the list of gods now?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the other party thoughtfully, feeling somewhat clear in his heart.

Sure enough, the human immortal Wu Shan did not hide anything, and said directly: "I have a granddaughter, who is my only bloodline now, but an accident occurred during practice, and now only the remnant soul is left."

"I would like to implore fellow Taoists to consecrate a divine place for my granddaughter's remnant soul in the natal stars, so that she can recover and start her spiritual practice again."

Liang Ji looked thoughtful when he heard this, but he felt somewhat clear in his heart. However, he did not directly agree, but looked at senior Bian Yujiao.

Bian Yujiao obviously understood what he meant, and said with a wry smile: "Sister, I have advanced to the fifth level of Star Master. The seventh-level white imperial throne and the sixth-level red imperial throne that can be sealed in the underworld have already been sealed, and there are no new ones. But he was granted the title of god by imperial decree, so he couldn’t help Uncle Wu.”

"And among the people I know who have just entered the fourth level of the Kunlun Star Palace and have just begun to entrust the ghosts and gods of the underworld, only junior disciple you are the most worthy of my trust."

"It just so happens that you are also troubled about finding high-level immortal teammates, so I will introduce you to Uncle Wu."

"Thank you, senior, for your trust." Upon hearing this, Liang Ji raised his glass to toast senior Bian Yujiao to express his gratitude.

"Thank you also, Senior Wu for your trust." Then he toasted to the immortal Wu Shan.

After the drink, Liang Ji looked at the human immortal Wu Shan and muttered: "Senior Wu, I don't have much problem consecrating a god here."

"I just don't know, does the senior only want the incense belief of a god, or does it allow your granddaughter to enter the junior's natal star and be bound to the junior's natal star?"

This is something that must be asked clearly. The practice of the immortal Taoism in the Star Alliance cannot spread the faith within the Star Alliance. It can only cooperate with the star masters to spread the faith among the stars and dependents of each star master. Obtain the power of incense faith for the monks of the immortal Taoism to practice.

Therefore, there are two paths involved. One is that the immortal Taoist monks cooperate with the star master, and only occupy a god position among the stars of the star master's birth star to obtain the power of incense belief, and then the immortal Taoist monks pay the star Adequate remuneration for a master monk.

Immortal Taoist monks on this path often occupy the divine position in the natal stars of more than one star master monk. Instead, they cast a wide net and occupy the divine positions in the natal stars of multiple star masters, and can also obtain more incense and faith power. .

This is essentially a transaction. The relationship between the immortal Taoist monks who obtain the divine status and the star master monks who provide the divine status is limited and not bound together. If something happens to one party, the impact on the other party will be limited.

The other way is that the monks of the immortal Taoist lineage are completely bound to the star lord's natal star. The immortal Taoist monks not only occupy the divine position, but also directly enter the star lord's natal star, and are directly connected with the origin and avenue of the natal star. , integrated into one.

In this case, the immortal Taoist monks who entered the Star Lord's natal star can be said to have completely fallen into the Star Lord's control and become a vassal. However, they can follow the Star Lord to improve and even ascend. It can be said that they lose both. One glory and all glory!

Which path of immortal Taoism the human immortal Wu Shan chooses for his granddaughter will undoubtedly determine Liang Ji's attitude and degree of appointment.

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