The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 524 The Third Member

Hearing Liang Ji's inquiry, everyone couldn't help but look at the immortal Wu Shan. His choice will undoubtedly determine the key to the formation of this exploration team.

"My granddaughter was severely injured, and now there is only a remnant soul left. Only by being bound to the natal star of Fellow Daoist Liang, and being nourished by the origin of the stars and the power of the law of the great road, can she recover and have the hope of embarking on the path of practice again. !”

Renxian Wu Shan didn’t hesitate on his face and said directly:

"So, naturally I am bound to Fellow Daoist Liang!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the other party and said: "Senior Wu, please think about it. If your granddaughter really chooses to be bound to the younger generation's natal star and become a god stationed in the stars, her life, death, and future will all fall into the younger generation's hands." It’s under control!”

"This junior wants to explain this in advance."

Human Immortal Wu Shan still nodded directly and said: "I believe in niece Yujiao, so I also believe in the Taoist friends recommended by niece Yujiao!"

"And, more importantly, my granddaughter's situation cannot be delayed any longer."

When Liang Ji heard this, he looked at Senior Sister Bian Yujiao who was acting as the intermediary.

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao raised her wine glass and toasted him, saying: "In fact, I watched Uncle Wu's granddaughter grow up. If it weren't for the fact that my birth star is really unable to provide a godly position, otherwise We have already taken action.”

"This time, please leave it to me, junior."

Seeing this, Liang Ji quickly considered the gains and losses in his mind. Seeing what the immortal Wu Shan had done for his granddaughter, he obviously attached great importance to this last bloodline. If he could be sealed in the natal star and bound to him, it would also be beneficial to their future relationship with him. Wu Shan built the team's trust.

Moreover, this matter also has the guarantee of Senior Sister Bian Yujiao. When the time comes, coupled with some guarantee measures from the Star Alliance and the Expansion Corps, it will be enough to ensure the trust between the immortal Wu Shan and them, and this is exactly what he and Liang Ji Nowadays, it is most necessary to form a team.

All he needs to pay is a divine position in the natal star, and in addition, he will take more care of Senior Wu Shan's granddaughter in the future.

No matter what the calculation is, it is more in line with his interests.

At the moment, Liang Ji picked up his wine glass and toasted to Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and Human Immortal Wu Shan respectively, and said: "Senior Sister, thanks to Senior Wu for not giving up, I will naturally agree."

"Moreover, please rest assured, Senior Sister and Senior Wu. After Senior Wu, your granddaughter enters the natal star of the junior to become a god, the junior will definitely give her the best care."

"Thank you, junior!"

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Liang!"

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and Immortal Wu Shan toasted to him and thanked him.

After reaching an agreement, a banquet was held for the guests to enjoy themselves. After the banquet, Senior Wu Shan anxiously took out the remaining soul of his granddaughter and handed it over to Liang Ji for canonization as soon as possible.

Liang Ji looked at the remnant soul, which was stored in a ball of light condensed by starlight. There were also various spiritual fluids, spiritual lights, etc. that had the power to warm the soul. The remnant soul seemed to be an illusion and a real phantom. , looks like a girl of about twenty years old, there are even cracks scattered on the ghost shadow, and it looks like it may be completely broken at any time.

"Why is it hurt so badly?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but look solemn when he saw this. With the other party's appearance, he even doubted whether it could really be repaired and restored by conferring the power of the stars and the power of the avenue to nourish it.

The human immortal Wu Shan looked at the remnant soul of his granddaughter in the starlight ball. A trace of sadness finally appeared on his vicissitudes of life and perseverance. After hearing Liang Ji's words, he pondered for a moment and then said:

"Fellow Daoist Liang, I won't hide it from you. My granddaughter was so seriously injured that there was only a trace of her soul left. It was really the result of being severely injured."

"The other party is also a fourth-level star master, born in Bixiao Academy, and from a star master family. Among his elders is a sixth-level star master!"

Human Immortal Wu Shan said with a calm face and no hint of hatred, but the calmer he was, the more uneasy he felt.

"But Fellow Daoist Liang, don't worry. This lawsuit has been decided by the Star Alliance. The responsibility lies entirely with the other party. The Star Alliance has also sentenced the other party to punishment and compensation."

"Now, the ferocious beast has been suppressed by the Star Alliance in the Star Tomb, and will guard the Star Tomb for a hundred years!"

"So, it won't have any impact on Fellow Daoist Liang."

"Moreover, if there is any cause and effect or entanglement in the future, I, Wu Shan, will take over everything and will never involve Fellow Daoist Liang."

When Liang Ji heard this, he didn't expect that there was such involvement and cause and effect behind it. Although the immortal Wu Shan promised to take over all the causes and effects and would not involve him, no one can be sure of what will happen in the future. Sometimes the causes and effects are not something he can stop if he wants to.

However, Liang Ji only hesitated for a moment and then said with a smile: "Senior Wu, you are too polite. Since you can rest assured to hand over your granddaughter to me and bind her to me, then as the star master, I naturally have the responsibility to take care of and protect her. When there is any cause and effect or conflict, I will naturally stand with you."

Since he has decided to accept the granddaughter of the Immortal Wu Shan, and the Immortal Wu Shan is indeed the talent he and Peng Yue urgently need, Liang Ji will naturally have no hesitation or retreat.

He was just a fourth-level star lord who was born in a school, and was punished to guard the star tomb for a hundred years. Even if there was no delay of these hundred years, Liang Ji, who was born in a star palace, was not afraid of competition and conflicts between star lords of the same level.

Even though the opponent has a sixth-level Star Lord elder behind him, he was born in the Kunlun Star Palace and has an equally extraordinary background. His mentor is already approaching the eighth-level Star Lord realm, and he is no more afraid of the opponent than his background Liang Ji.

Therefore, even if the cause and effect and conflict really involve him in the end, Liang Ji is not afraid. On the contrary, it is more important for him to form an exploration team now, with high-level immortals who have enough trust and are bound to be one.

Liang Ji naturally agreed without hesitation and expressed his attitude to advance and retreat with them.

Sure enough, after hearing Liang Ji's statement, the expression on the face of Renxian Wu Shan became much closer.

At the same time, Liang Ji also understood that the other party chose him. Of course, his relationship with senior Bian Yujiao was one of them, and his cultivation level and suitability for becoming a god were also one of them. But on the other hand, he was probably also attracted by his background of Kunlun Star Palace. , enough to fight against the Star Lord who has conflicts and conflicts, as well as the Star Lord's elders, and to protect his granddaughter.

There is obviously more consideration in this transaction.

However, Liang Ji didn't care. The more the other party needed to rely on him, the more beneficial it would be to him when they formed a team to explore the void in the outer realm.

At that moment, Liang Ji was directly in the secret room specially packed in the Yujing Tower, using the power of the golden elixir and the natal star 'Dao Fruit' to open the starlight portal, and then his soul directly entered with the remnant soul of the granddaughter of the human immortal Wu Shan. Among the natal stars, go straight to the underworld of Huangquan in the Jiuquan underworld, and summon the "Gods List" to confer the gods.

Liang Ji had long seen that the remnant soul of the other party's granddaughter belonged to water, and was more suitable for being enshrined as a god in the underworld.

" the order of the Emperor of Heaven, I conferred the title of seventh-grade white edict ghost official..."

As Liang Ji's order to confer the gods fell, the ceiling fell from the underworld and golden lotuses swelled from the ground. The seventh-grade "White Edict" flew down from the "Deification of Gods List" and fell into the weak and cracked remnant soul. The original power of light and stars poured into it, immediately repairing and restoring the cracks scattered on its remnant soul, and the illusory and real remnant soul became more real and stable.

Seeing this, Liang Ji felt relieved. It seemed that the original power of this imperial edict and his natal star could still repair and nourish the remnant soul.

In this way, he had completely bound the immortal Wu Shan and his granddaughter, and the exploration team he formed with Peng Yue finally had a third member.

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