The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 525 The team is formed

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the void, a starship is sailing in it. The formations and restrictions on the starship are operating, and the entire starship seems to turn into a starlight and fly through the void.

There are seven floors on the starship. At this time, a banquet is being held in the top hall of the seventh floor.

During the banquet, there were half-dragons dragging dragon tails, prison ox family members, shuangniu family members, suanni family members and other dragon-veined family members, as well as four-tailed snake people family members with four tails, etc. As waiters, they held trays with dishes on them. All kinds of spiritual fruits, spiritual meals, and spiritual brews were continuously delivered to tables at various banquet locations.

These families are undoubtedly the family members of Liang Ji and Pengyue's natal stars. The Dragon Vein Family is Liang Ji's family, while the Four-tailed Snake Family is Pengyue's family. Peng Yue originally chose the inheritance of the 'Nine-tailed Snake', but now After advancing to the fourth level of Star Master, his Ice Soul Snake People's Familia have also been promoted to the Four-Tailed Snake People's Families.

Since the immortal Wu Shan joined Liang Ji and Peng Yue's team, their process of forming an exploration team has been much faster. With Wu Shan as a guarantor, coupled with introductions from senior Bian Yujiao and Peng Yue’s senior Guan from the Vientiane Star Palace, they quickly found another Qi practitioner who had cultivated the third-level realm and the Nine-turn Golden Pill, and another who had cultivated the third-level The ghost cultivators of ghosts and immortals.

In this way, two fourth-level star masters Liang Ji and Peng Yue plus three high-level third-level immortals are enough to form a team that can survive and explore in the outer star sea.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue came forward to register and form a team in the Third Expansion Legion. The five of them signed a contract under the witness of the Star Alliance's "Zhoutian Star Formation". This was also for all members of the team. A guarantee.

If a star master or a high-level immortal appears in the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the outer domain to harm another party, the punishment of the Star Alliance's "Celestial Star Array" will be triggered, unless the perpetrator will never approach the "Celestial Star Array" again in the future. Within the range, otherwise they will be directly captured and killed by the 'Star Map'.

This is also a method developed by the Star Alliance and the external expansion corps to ensure the internal safety of each exploration team, and the effect is still very good.

It was also at this time that Liang Ji learned that although the Iron Wall Galaxy, the base of the Third Expansion Corps, was outside the Star Alliance and far away from the coverage of the 'Celestial Star Array', it could still be contacted by the 'Star Map'. Star Chart's Power.

The Iron Wall Galaxy is obviously not just the headquarters of the Expansion Corps, but also the acropolis and camp of the Guardian Star Alliance.

After forming the team, Liang Ji and others wanted to go deep into the void star sea to explore and find opportunities. They also needed a starship. Starships that could sail in the star sea were at least seventh level.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue joined forces and even borrowed a lot of merit from the Kunlun Star Palace and the Vientiane Star Palace as collateral. They just applied for a seventh-level starship from the Third Legion of External Extension to serve as their team. A vehicle for sailing and exploring in the void star sea.

At this time, Liang Ji and his team had already teleported through the formation of the Iron Wall Galaxy on the starship, far away from the Covenant and the surroundings of the Iron Wall Galaxy, and entered the real void star sea, starting their first formal exploration. , looking for opportunities.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue each summoned their family members to serve as crew members on the starship. On the one hand, they took care of various affairs and work on the starship, and stationed various formations and restricted nodes on the starship.

After all, a seventh-level starship is an immortal weapon. Although it is not as good as a real seventh-level star, it is no worse than an ordinary mid-level star. Moreover, although there are starship weapon spirits that govern the formations and restrictions throughout the starship, But there are still many details and affairs that require sufficient manpower to preside over and handle.

Only the Star Master can summon enough Familia manpower to garrison and handle all details and affairs of the starship.

On the other hand, these dependents can also serve as waiters on the starship, providing services to team members such as Liang Ji, Peng Yue, and Wu Shan.

At this time, the starship conducted its first exploration operation, and the team members gathered and cooperated for the first time. Liang Ji and Peng Yue held a banquet in the hall on the top floor of the starship as a formal gathering of the team members. Knowing and familiar with each other, these family members are the waiters of spiritual meals, spiritual fruits, and spiritual brews.

"Senior Wu Shan, Senior Chu Yue, Senior Wu Ling." At the banquet, Liang Ji held up a glass of spiritual wine and toasted to the three senior immortals sitting on both sides, and said with a smile: "These spiritual meals, spiritual fruits, and spiritual brews are all Although the products produced by Peng Yue and I from the natal stars are only low-level and inferior spiritual objects, they can still be used to replenish spiritual energy and make up for the daily consumption of the void in the void."

"Please don't be dissatisfied with the three seniors. When we explore enough resources in the star sea later, we will definitely exchange for more high-level, precious spiritual resources produced by the ninth-level main star for the three seniors to practice."

With that said, Liang Ji raised his wine glass and drank it first as a gesture of respect.

Peng Yue on the side also raised the spirit brew, toasted to the three immortals, and said with a smile: "The vast sea of ​​stars and the endless void contain countless resources and treasures. The next step is for everyone to work together in this void. Opportunity to make a fortune in the sea of ​​stars!”

There were three immortals sitting on both sides of the banquet. Wu Shan was a third-grade human immortal, Chu Yue was a nine-turn golden elixir refiner, and Wu Ling was a third-grade ghost immortal. Among them, Wu Shan is an old man who has been exploring and operating in the outer starry sky and sea for a long time, while Chu Yue and Wu Ling, like Liang Ji and Peng Yue, have just come out of the Star Alliance and joined the Outer Expansion Army. Newcomer.

After all, with the status and cultivation of Liangjie and Peng Yue, two newcomers to the fourth-level star masters, how could their newly formed exploration team recruit senior experts with rich experience in exploring the outer star sea if it weren't for Wu Shan's special circumstances? Where is the old man, the Immortal?

Even Chu Yue and Wu Ling, the two new high-level immortals who joined the Outreach Legion, were only willing to join their team after seeing that their team had the experienced immortal Wu Shan in charge and had personal connections as a guarantee. Let’s make a preliminary attempt at cooperation.

Even if the two of them feel dissatisfied with the cooperative exploration and action in the void star sea later, they may leave the team after the exploration is over.

Of course, if Liang Ji and Peng Yue were dissatisfied with their performance in the exploration operation, they could also terminate their contracts and kick them out of the team afterwards.

The members of the exploration team are chosen by each other, but if one party is satisfied, the contract can be terminated.

When Liang Ji and Peng Yue formed a team and recruited high-level immortals, they had seen many high-level immortals who had terminated their contracts with the original exploration team. Some had terminated their contracts on their own initiative, and some had been kicked out of the original team.

Of course, there are more or less problems with such high-level immortals or teams whose contracts have been terminated, and it will be more difficult to re-form the team in the future.

At the banquet, three high-level immortals, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling, also raised their spirits and responded with smiles. They each expressed their modest words and praises, thanking Liang Ji and Peng Yue for their hospitality, and wishing for the future. Exploration pays off.

Although they were all third-grade high-level immortals, and what they had in their hands were only spiritual brews brewed by low-grade, inferior spiritual creatures, they did not express any disdain. The atmosphere of the entire banquet was very festive and lively.

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he saw it. At least the internal atmosphere and relationship of the newly formed team satisfied him.

Next, it depends on their actions and gains in this void star sea.

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