The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 526 Dark Void First Action

In the starship, in the main control cabin, Liang Ji and Peng Yue sat on both sides. Each had a light curtain of starlight hanging down in front of them. Various spectra appeared on the light curtain, all of which were starships. The formation above restricts the void light detected and captured in the surrounding void.

Now, the starship has been sailing in the void star sea for nearly half a month. Apart from holding several banquets and getting to know each other with the three high-level immortals in the team, Liang Ji and Peng Yue spent most of their time on this starship. In the cabin, he analyzed the information in the surrounding void based on the formations and restrictions on the starship, looking for clues such as life stars and spiritual vein stars.

At this time, Liang Ji stretched out his hand and touched the starlight screen. A spectrum in the light screen immediately enlarged. As he operated, the spectrum became larger and clearer. Soon, three bright spots appeared in it. Blooming, as if three radiant suns are manifesting and blooming in it.

"This is the spectrum of starlight from the Sanyang Galaxy!"

Sitting opposite him, Peng Yue, who was also watching the changes in the spectrum on the starlight screen, immediately recognized the spectrum and said in a deep voice.

Liang Ji also nodded slightly.

The 'Three Suns Galaxy' is a galaxy that has been explored by the Covenant Alliance for a long time. There are three stars orbiting each other in the center of the entire galaxy.

The heat and light released by the three stars shine through the entire galaxy, making the entire galaxy like a big furnace, constantly being burned and roasted by the blazing sun's light and heat.

Affected by this, the entire Sanyang Galaxy only has a spiritual star in the outer area of ​​the galaxy, and there are many indigenous alien races who eat fire and live on heat.

However, this spiritual vein star has already been captured by the senior star master. After extensive development, it has now been sold to a third-level immortal senior from the immortal lineage and sacrificed into an 'Earth Immortal Blessed Land'.

"The Sanyang Galaxy and its surrounding void star sea have been explored many times by the senior star masters of the Star Alliance. It should be difficult to find any useful resources, let alone discover new spiritual stars."

Liang Ji looked at the information about the 'Three Yang Galaxy' manifested in the starlight curtain, and couldn't help but sigh:

"It seems that we need to change the starship's navigation direction and stay away from this void star sea that has been explored."

This seventh-tier starship, which was applied for from the Third Expansion Army, cost Liang Ji and Peng Yue a lot of merit points, and even made them have to bear a large sum of money in their respective star palaces for it. loan; however, the function and effect of this starship undoubtedly made him very satisfied.

The formations, restrictions, and weapon spirits on the starship can not only assist them in exploring and observing the spectrum, information, etc. in the surrounding void, but even the database of the starship formation center also stores a lot of information about the Star Alliance in the void star sea. The previous star masters have explored information about various galaxies and new seas in the void, and even formed star maps for reference.

Just like this 'Three Yang Galaxy', there is detailed information in the database at the core of the starship formation for Liang Ji and the two to refer to and compare.

"Well, I want to change the direction. I didn't expect that we took the starship to teleport from the Iron Wall Galaxy. We had already chosen the farthest teleportation distance, and then turned into starlight and sailed in this void star sea for nearly a month, but we only reached ' Near the Sanyang Galaxy, many senior star masters in the Star Alliance have already clearly explored the scope of the void..."

Peng Yue also sighed while reaching out and pointing at the light screen made of stars in front of him. A map of the surrounding void and starry sea suddenly appeared on it. With the 'Three Yang Galaxy' as the center, the surrounding void and galaxy maps were clearly marked. These are all the materials and information left behind by the previous star masters when they explored this void, and were thus compiled into such a detailed and clear 'starry sky map'.

And this also shows that this Void Star Sea area has already been explored and developed by the senior star masters in the Star Alliance. It is very possible that they want to explore and develop any resources and spiritual stars in this Void Star Sea. Slim.

"Just choose this direction."

At this time, Peng Yueyi pointed on the star map manifested by the light screen and selected the next direction of the starship.

This direction is not chosen randomly, but the suggestion given by the weapon spirit in the starship after based on the detailed exploration information of the surrounding void stored in the core database of the formation, and measuring and analyzing the spectral information captured in the surrounding void. Among the alliance's senior outer expansion star masters, the direction that has been explored least frequently and is most likely to be fruitful.

Liang Ji also saw the analysis and suggestions of the weapon spirit in the starlight light curtain, and naturally had no objection. The two of them then made a secret and shot a starlight into the light curtain, and immediately activated the starship weapon spirit and changed the direction of travel.

In the void star sea, the starship that was turning into fleeting stars turned around in the air, just like starlight refracting in the void, flying forward in a new direction.

In the vast void, there is always darkness and emptiness in all directions. When Liang Ji and other explorers sail in starships, it often takes months to find anything, and it is even more likely that they will not find anything for years.

Whether it was their military training in the Outer Expansion Legion or the courses they studied in the Star Palace, they all told them that when exploring and expanding into the Outer Star Sea, the biggest challenges and problems were never void traps, void monsters, Chaos storms, super-civilized enemies, etc., but endless emptiness and loneliness.

Star masters and high-level immortal monks who work outside often see only empty darkness and endless void for months or years, making people get lost in it, sink into it, and transform into it.

Therefore, since the starship entered the depths of the void star sea, except for occasional banquets and replenishment of spiritual energy consumption, the three high-level immortals, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling, have basically entered deep trance in the starship. , sleeping their minds and consciousness, so as not to face the endless void for a long time without the control of the guide, causing them to sink into the void and die of Taoism.

These are the bloody lessons left by countless senior exploration teams in the Star Alliance, and no one dares to violate them easily.

Only Liang Ji and Peng Yue, as star master monks, have their natal stars as guideposts to restrain them, so that they can keep swimming in the void star sea and face the darkness of the void for a long time. With the natal stars to restrain them, they will not sink into it easily. , Taoism and death.

This is another major reason why the Star Alliance must focus on the Star Lord when forming an exploration team. In this endless void star sea, without the Star Lord sitting in and presiding over, even many third-level high-level immortals will only sink into it and get lost. Among them, there is no way to escape death.

Even though Liang Ji and Peng Yue are bound by their natal stars and are not afraid of being lost and sinking in the dark void around them, facing the dark void for a long time will have a considerable impact on their minds and consciousness.

So later on, Liang Ji and Peng Yue took turns taking charge of the starship and exploring the void, while the other one sunk more of his mind and consciousness into the natal stars, developed the natal stars, cultivated the dependents, and used the natal stars to The power restores mind and consciousness.

On this day, it was Peng Yue's turn to preside over the starship and explore the void, while Liang Ji was in retreat in the starship cabin, and his mind and consciousness entered the natal stars to practice and gain enlightenment.

Suddenly, he sensed a warning from the outside world, and his mind and consciousness returned from the natal stars. He found that the formation and restrictions in the retreat cabin had been touched. At that moment, a magic formula penetrated into the cabin formation, and the starlight hung down from the top of the cabin and condensed into a curtain of light. In front of him, Peng Yue's face appeared. He looked at Liang Ji and said with a smile: "Liang Ji, the bait star array is working, and the fish has taken the bait!"

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