The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 530 Double Star Galaxy

The starship turned into starlight and flew away in the void. This time, it had a clear goal. Liang Ji and the two set the starship's flight speed at full speed, advancing faster than before.

But even so, it still took the starship more than two months to reach the vicinity of the 'Chaos Vortex'. After arriving nearby, the starship stopped and did not dare to get too close to the 'Chaos Vortex'.

The 'Chaos Vortex' is formed by the power of many chaotic elements in the void, gathered together in one place. With the name of Chaos, you can know the chaos in it, and with the shape of a vortex, you can know the danger in it. It can swallow anything. Something close to something.

It was the seventh-level starship they were riding on. Before they could detect the size, depth, level and other dangers of the 'chaotic vortex' ahead, if they got too close rashly, they might not be swallowed directly into the vortex and be swallowed up. Chaos crushes and shatters.

At that time, the five people on the starship, Liang Ji and Peng Yue, may still have hope to be reborn among their natal stars through the star magic 'Star Immortality' and escape with their lives, but even if Wu Shan, Chu Yue and Wu Ling A third-level high-level human immortal might not be able to escape death.

After all, to be honest, the seventh-level starship is also an immortal weapon, and its strength and combat power may not be much weaker than those of three third-level immortals.

At this time, Peng Yue had arrived in the main control cabin of the starship, took over the formations and restrictions on the starship, and carefully operated the formations to capture and detect all the information in the 'chaotic vortex' ahead, and use her in The courses and knowledge learned in the Vientiane Star Palace are used to analyze the information and harvest, and judge the size, depth, and level of the 'chaotic vortex' ahead, so as to determine the next disposal plan.

Among the five people in the team, only Peng Yue is good at these and can make accurate judgments. These are also internal courses for each of the nine star palaces of the Star Alliance. The star master monk's place.

"Fortunately, this 'Chaos Vortex' should have been formed not long ago, no more than ten years ago!"

Soon, Peng Yue came to a conclusion, with a happy look on his face and said:

"The 'Chaos Vortex' has just formed, so this vortex is not too big or deep. The power of various elements swallowed in it is limited, and the devouring power is also limited. For our starship, the danger is also limited."

"The starship can come closer."

While speaking, Peng Yue ordered the starship to continue flying forward and approach the 'Chaos Vortex'. Liang Ji also believed in her judgment and did not stop it.

He was just worried and asked: "This 'Chaos Vortex' has just been formed, and the resources inside are limited. Can the resources you need be mined?"

Peng Yue nodded, shook his head, and said: "The 'Chaos Vortex' has just been formed, and the resources inside are naturally limited, but for me, it has another layer of benefits."

"Because of its new life, it is still in the stage of evolution and perfection. If I can observe and study it here for a long time, and even guide and control it, it will be of great benefit to me in building a 'melting pot of all laws'!"

"You must know that the inheritance of our Vientiane Star Palace's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' is said to have been developed by the senior Star Lord Saint after studying a 'chaotic whirlpool' that swallowed up the entire star field. Finally, it interacted with the spiritual world. During the battle, our Vientiane Star Palace lineage slowly developed!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji somewhat understood what the other party meant. She wanted to stay here and study the evolution and growth of this 'chaotic vortex'.

But as a result, their starships may have to stay nearby for at least several years, or even more than ten years.

Although it is said that exploration teams often explore and develop in the outer star sea for more than ten years, or even if there is no harvest, they may explore for decades or hundreds of years.

But if it is only because of Peng Yue that he stays here for several years or more than ten years, even if Liang Ji is willing, Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling may not be willing.

After all, the practice of the three immortals has reached the end, and their lifespan is limited. They came to this outer star sea to find further opportunities. What they want to find and explore are the stars of life and the stars of spiritual veins, not in this void. He was delayed in the chaotic whirlpool for several years or more than ten years.

Peng Yue obviously knew this, so after he finished speaking, he did not continue to say more. Instead, he reached out and touched the starlight screen. The screen flowed on the light screen, showing the twin star galaxy on the other side, and said in a deep voice:

"The formation of this 'chaotic vortex' should be related to changes in the nearby binary star galaxy."

"According to the knowledge I learned in the Vientiane Star Palace, the most likely possibility is that these opposing and rotating twin stars have been out of balance in the past period of time, causing the power of the stars to conflict and leak out, triggering chaos in the surrounding void. force, thereby forming a new 'chaotic vortex' here."

"If this is the case, we may be able to find something in this binary star galaxy."

"Even if you can't find life stars and spiritual vein stars, you can at least harvest a lot of resources and treasures from the stars after the star power explodes."

Liang Ji's eyes brightened when he heard Peng Yue's words.

In the void star sea, every star, whether it is a death star or a life star, contains star power and can also produce some resources and treasures, but among the thousands of stars, there is no star with the strongest star power!

The star power of stars and the treasure resources they contain are far beyond ordinary stars and even spiritual stars. However, because of the power of stars and the horror of star power burning on them, there are few who can mine stars. star power, resources, etc.

At least high-level star masters and eighth- and ninth-level void monsters have the ability to enter stars to collect star power and resources.

But if a star explodes and releases some star power and resources in the galaxy, the mid-level star masters and void monsters can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

Obviously, Liang Ji and the others encountered an opportunity.

In the twin-star galaxy ahead, there should have been a star explosion a few years ago, which must have given birth to many treasures in the galaxy. However, a few years can be said to be extremely short in this vast void, and there should be no other star masters, monks, etc. If they find this place, they should be the first to discover what's going on here, and they might be able to make a lot of money.

Even for third-level immortals such as Wu Shan and Chu Yue, the resources and spiritual objects born from the explosion of stars are extremely precious.

After all, although third-level immortals are also high-level monks, they are not as good as high-level star masters. They cannot enter stars to collect resources and treasures. They can only harvest some unique star resources and treasures when such stars explode.

"However, the explosion of star power may attract many kinds of void monsters. As we explore this twin-star galaxy, we will probably have to fight."

Liang Ji said in a deep voice.

The Void Demon Clan chases starlight and devours star power to grow. Stellar star power is undoubtedly what all Void Demon Clan want most. The explosion of stars here may not have alarmed or attracted star masters, monks, etc., but it must have alarmed and attracted a large number of people. The void monster.

The void monsters that chase starlight and devour star power are much more sensitive to changes in starlight and the explosion of stars than Star Lord monks and others.

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