The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 531 Drawing Star Maps and Cleaning Up the Galaxy

Peng Yue controlled the starship and sailed around the 'chaotic vortex' in the void. Not only did he make preliminary calculations, but he also used the starship to set up a basic formation around it and lay down marks to show that this 'chaotic vortex' had already host.

If other exploratory teams from the Covenant discover this place, they will know that it belongs to the owner and will not make any further plans.

Afterwards, the starship did not stay in the 'Chaos Vortex' for long and sailed towards the twin star system not far away. At the same time, Liang Ji summoned Wu Shan, Chu Yue, and Wu Ling to explain their previous findings and speculations.

Since they are an exploration team, they have discovered something in the starry sky, so naturally they have to inform the entire team to explore and develop resources together.

The resources born under the explosion of stars are very precious resources for third-level immortals, and Wu Shan and others also need them.

What's more, as Liang Ji speculated, the star power of the star explosion must have attracted many void monsters into the twin-star galaxy. It is impossible to say that there will be high-level void monsters among them. By then, Wu Shan and other three immortals will be needed. Just take action.

The target was clear, and the starship turned into starlight and flew through the void. The speed was not far different from the speed of light, and soon arrived at the twin star system.

At this time, the detection array and analysis array on the starship became more and more clear for the detection of the double star galaxy. In the main control cabin of the starship, pictures were displayed on the light screen condensed by starlight. Spectral analysis charts, resource detection charts, void monster detection charts, and even partially surveyed binary star galaxy star charts.

There is no double-star galaxy star map in the starship's formation database, indicating that this was the first time discovered by Liang Ji and his exploration team. No Covenant exploration team had come here before.

After Liang Ji and the others have thoroughly explored the entire binary star galaxy and exploited its resources, they will map the entire galaxy and form a complete star map. After they return to the Expansion Corps station, they will map the mapped binary star galaxy, etc. After reporting, the star map, galaxy, etc. of this binary star system will be stored in the Covenant database, and will also be stored in the database of the starships used by each exploration team.

Even according to the regulations of the Star Alliance, Liang Ji and his team, as the discoverers of this double star galaxy, will have certain rights. When other teams in the Star Alliance come to mine resources in this double star galaxy, they will turn over certain resources. , spirit stones, etc., some belong to the Star Alliance, some belong to the Pioneer Legion, and some belong to Liang Ji and his team.

In the Star Alliance, various encouragement plans for the external expansion legions and exploration teams are very complete. As long as they successfully explore and develop a galaxy, or even master a life star or a spiritual star, the exploration team can often earn a lot of money. earned a lot.

"Sure enough, there are many void monsters!"

The galaxy is very huge. Even if you sail with a seventh-level starship, it will take at least a month to fly around the galaxy.

During the exploration process, Liang Ji and others found out based on the exploration information from the detection array on the starship that there were many void monsters gathered in this galaxy. They were entrenching the stars everywhere and devouring the remaining stars. Power.

"Fortunately, no high-level void monsters were found!"

"In this way, we can go in directly and wipe out all these void monsters!"

Liang Ji analyzed the information detected by the starship formation and made a quick judgment.

"Unfortunately, no information about life stars and spiritual vein stars was found."

Opposite me, Peng Yue said with some pity.

When the exploration team explores the outer void, the primary goal is of course to find life stars and spiritual vein stars. Therefore, on every starship that explores the outer star sea, an indispensable formation is to detect life stars, The formation of spiritual veins and stars.

At this time, Liang Ji and his starships explored the double star galaxy, but found no traces of life or spiritual veins, indicating that the chance of finding life stars and spiritual vein stars in this double star galaxy was very low.

“Let’s eliminate the void monsters first.”

Although Liang Ji is a little regretful, the most important thing at the moment is to capture this galaxy first. Even if there are no life stars and spiritual vein stars, there are still enough resources in an entire galaxy, especially a galaxy that has just experienced a stellar explosion. , treasures for them to develop.

At the moment, he used the power of the golden elixir and the natal stars to open the starlight portal in the void. The family members rode out of the natal stars in the 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, directly into the galaxy in front of them, and killed those entrenched galaxies. Void monsters everywhere.

Not far away from the void, there is also a starlight portal opened, and flying boats emitting four colors of light fly out from it. These flying boats are quite similar to Liang Ji's 'Wanxiang Mountain' flying boats, but what is suppressed on the flying boats is not the 'Holy Mountain'. ', but a series of 'melting furnaces'. Powerful and majestic elemental power is rolling and surging in these 'melting furnaces', which are faintly visible even in the void.

On these 'furnace' flying boats, you can also see some snake-people with four tails sitting everywhere, controlling the flying boats, and also killing towards the twin-star galaxy.

There is no doubt that this starlight portal was opened by Peng Yue, and the 'Melting Furnace' flying boat and the four-tailed snake people that came out of it were all her dependents and flying boats.

The two families and flying boats rushed into the galaxy and quickly found the void monsters entrenched in it. Various powers of wind, thunder, water and fire were blasted from the spaceships, killing the void monsters in the galaxy.

Although these void monsters were numerous in number, most of them were only low-level. Facing the fourth-level flying boats driven by the fourth-level dependents, they had no resistance at all, and they were basically just massacred.

"Haha, let's do it too."

On the starship, Wu Shan gave a long laugh and took the lead to rush out of the starship. His body glowed with yellow light like the earth and mountains, and he broke through the void with force and flew away, entering the twin star system.

Chu Yue and the Five Spirits Ghost Immortal also rushed out from the starship and rushed into the galaxy. The Five Spirits Ghost Immortal still merged into the void silently. It was difficult for outsiders to find his traces without taking action to kill the enemy. But Chu Yue sacrificed a flying shuttle, and her body transformed into a qi that merged with the flying shuttle and escaped into the void, like starlight crisscrossing the galaxy.

The three of them are all high-level third-level immortals. In this galaxy, they mainly kill fifth-level and sixth-level void monsters. The suppression and combat power gap between them make them equally easy to kill.

Without the interference of the fifth-level and sixth-level void monsters, Liang Ji and Peng Yue's family members, the remaining low-level void monsters and the fourth-level void monsters massacred by Feizhou had no difficulty.

The exploration team's process of clearing out the entire binary star system was very smooth and rapid.

It can also be seen from this that the Star Alliance requires the exploration team to be composed of Star Master monks and third-level immortals.

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