The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 532 Seventh-level mirage, stars of life

In the twin-star galaxy, there are long golden snakes entwined on a Death Star. The leading ones are six to seven hundred feet in size, and they are all fourth-order void demonic snakes.

These long golden snakes continue to swallow the starlight released from the Death Star. The Death Star is completely condensed from metal. After the star exploded, it was burned, roasted and cracked by the power of the star. Now, not only is a large amount of Venusian power blooming in the Death Star, , there is also the power of stars entrenched in it, which is the most favorite resource and food of this Void Golden Snake.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, a roar came, and dozens of airships suppressed by the 'furnace' came to attack. The people who controlled the airships were Peng Yue's four-tailed snake people. The four tails on the backs of these snakes were white, red, cyan and gold. Among them, the white, red, and cyan tails have been fully grown and are the thickest and longest, while the golden snake tail is quite small, obviously it was born not long ago.

Pengyue's family members practice the 'Nine-tailed Snake' inheritance. It can be seen that after the two tails of ice soul and fierce flames, the third level of Pengyue family members should choose the demon elixir of the void demon snake with green wood attributes, which makes the snake people of the family behind. After the Ice Tail and the Fire Tail, the Wood Tail grew, and now after advancing to the fourth level, the Golden Demon Snake Demon Pill was refined to grow a Golden Tail.

The golden void snakes in front of him, entrenched on the metal stars and devouring the power of starlight, were exactly the prey Peng Yue needed.

The formations and restrictions on the 'melting furnace' spaceships were operated to the extreme. White, red, green, and gold auras continued to circulate from all over the spacecraft, and merged into the 'furnace' in the center of the spaceship. The large formation in the 'furnace' was rotating and refining, turning into streams of four-color divine light that blasted out from it and struck the golden snakes in the void.

The golden snakes in the void that were shot by the four-color divine light were pierced, dissociated, and killed on the spot.

Even the leading fourth-level Void Golden Snake of six to seven hundred feet could not resist the decomposition of the four-color divine light emitted by several flying boats. They were killed on the spot one after another. Their bodies were dissociated and the demon pills flew out. They were killed by the four-tailed snake family members on the flying boats. Take it.

Soon, the group of Void Golden Snakes entrenched on the Metal Death Star was wiped out, and Peng Yue's family members drove the 'Furnace' spaceship to the next battlefield.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue drove the starship, following closely behind the spaceships that were annihilating the Void Monster Clan. They immediately controlled the starship formation, and a beam of starlight shot out from the starship and sank into the captured metal Death Star.

The next moment, all kinds of information about the metal Death Star was clearly detected and appeared on the light screen in the main control cabin of the starship, including the size of the Death Star, the main components of the metal, the spiritual gold resources contained in it, and the power of the star. The distribution of forces, the resources generated, etc.

After this information is sorted out by the starship's instrument spirit, it is added to the "Double Star Galaxy" star map that is being mapped and improved, and will become part of the star map content.

The more complete and comprehensive the content of the 'star map' that Liang Ji and the others submit to the Star Alliance later, the more merits and subsequent shares they can get from the Star Alliance.

After all, the content of the 'Star Map' is complete, with detailed internal resource distribution and other information. When monks and forces in the Star Alliance need some specific resources and spiritual objects, they can come directly to mine them, which will be much more convenient.

And now they are taking advantage of the opportunity to clear out the void monsters in the galaxy to explore these resources. Later, their team can also choose the required resources to directly mine according to their own needs.

"Let's go to the next battlefield!"

"Liang Ji, your family has also captured a meteorite belt. There should be a lot of good things there."

The starship has already investigated the situation of the metal Death Star ahead. Peng Yue said with a smile that the resources explored in the double star galaxy this time have discovered several precious resources. As long as they are mined, even if no life stars are found, they can still find them on this trip. Making a lot of money naturally makes people happy.

What's more, her family members had just hunted down several fourth-level Void Golden Snakes, and the demon pill was just enough to satisfy her subsequent cultivation and growth of her natal star, which was a great blessing.

Liang Ji had no objection. The two of them controlled the direction of the starship and quickly caught up with the battlefield cleared by his family's flying boat on the other side. This was a meteorite belt. The entrenched void monsters had just been wiped out by his family's flying boat. Shizheng can control the starship to explore the resources, information, etc. in the meteorite belt.



At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the void in the distance, followed closely by a roar. The sound waves vibrated and were fierce, impacting, and even triggered the seventh-order formation on the starship. Spontaneously rise up to protect the starship.

"This is..." Liang Ji and the others have not yet seen the battle in the distance, but just from the reaction of the starship, they understand: "This is an encounter with a seventh-level void monster!"

In this twin-star galaxy, there is actually a seventh-level high-level void demon beast still entrenched. When the starship flew around the galaxy and explored it, it was not discovered!

Liang Ji and the two men quickly stretched out their hands and clicked on the light curtain in the main control cabin, and activated the starship's detection array at full power. The situation on the seventh-level void monster battlefield in the distant void suddenly appeared on the light curtain.

The first thing that appeared above the light curtain was a large fog, covering the entire battlefield. Only the fog could be seen rolling violently, and there seemed to be huge monsters rushing left and right in it, but it was difficult to see the specific battlefield conditions in the fog.

" this a natural disaster of fog?" Liang Ji couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw the fog manifested in the light screen, but then he quickly reacted: "No, this is not a natural disaster of fog, but a more powerful and high-level disaster than the natural disaster of fog. The power is the power of laws mastered by truly high-level void monsters!"

"So, the seventh-level void monster that is fighting among them is actually a void mirage!"

"The void mirage always likes to devour the power of starlight that contains vitality. To find a seventh-level void mirage here, doesn't it mean that there are probably life stars there?"

"And the reason why the starship has not detected the information about the life stars before is probably because it was obscured by the power of the fog of law released by this seventh-level void mirage!"

Liang Ji's eyes lit up, he guessed a lot of things in an instant, and immediately ordered:

"Starship weapon spirit, activate the starship speed with all your strength and rush to the battlefield!"

Peng Yue on the opposite side did not stop him. She could naturally think of things that Liang Ji could guess.

What's more, on that battlefield, it was obvious that the high-level immortals in the team were fighting with the seventh-level void mirage, and they seemed to be at a disadvantage. Naturally, they needed to drive the starship to rush to support as soon as possible.

At this time, the battlefield manifested in the light curtain changed again. The figures of Wu Shan and Chu Yue also broke into the battlefield. Apparently they also discovered the changes here and came to support.

And from this point of view, those who are fighting and killing the seventh-order void mirage in the fog at this time should be the five spirits of ghosts and immortals.

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